# Change Log ## 0.7.1 - Update View -> Reset All to also reset the File Lookup/File Explorer Sash Width and the Navigation Bar (expanding it) - Fix issue with split, reset split, unsplit, and then split again forgetting the reset for the sash width - Ensure closing a single tab moves user back to the previous tab - Add pkg to ignore paths - Update Reset All menu item to reset splits too ## 0.7.0 - Upgrade to glimmer-dsl-swt v4.18.0.0 - Implement sash form for separator between file area and editing area to make resizable - Change shortcut for open project from CMD+SHIFT+P to CMD+O - Unsplit pane Menu Item / Keyboard Shortcut (CMD+SHIFT+U) - Maximize Split Pane Size Menu Item / Keyboard Shortcut (CMD+SHIFT+M) - Reset Split Pane Menu Item / Keyboard Shortcut (CMD+SHIFT+M again while maximized or CMD+SHIFT+P to reset split widths) - Maximize Editor Menu Item / Keyboard Shortcut (CMD+CTRL+M) - Reset Editor Menu Item / Keyboard Shortcut (CMD+CTRL+M again while maximized or CMD+CTRL+R to reset all sizes) - Make CMD R and CMD T shortcuts show the file lookup/file explorer if collapsed (just like CMD + F shows navigation area) - Display Accelerators (keyboard shortcuts) on Mac Menu Items - Show exception dialog on error when invoking Run -> Ruby - Fix issue with creating a new directory in a different project from the main one open - Fix issue with quitting gladiator when multiple projects are open requiring multiple presses of CMD+Q ## 0.6.4 - Ensured Gladiator logo in the about menu has a white background - Fixed issue on failing to configure Mac Quit menu item on Windows (restricted code to Mac only) ## 0.6.3 - Display Gladiator version in window title - Set Gladiator icon on window - Fix issue with wording getting reversed when typing at the end of the file - Fix issue with not being able to add new lines at the end of the file - Fix issue with moving lines down at the end of the file making selection go out of wack - Fix issue with Find keyboard shortcut causing a delay before landing in the Find text field - Fix transient issue of find_next not jumping properly after replacing a term near the end of the line - Fix issue with layout upon split - Fix issue with layout upon opening a new tab - Fix issue with splitting a file showing in both panes and then unsplitting afterwards detaching data-binding - Fix issue with losing changes on exit if I do not focus out on a file ## 0.6.2 - Speed up startup time by not truly opening all files beyond showing their tab (till navigated to) - Made CMD+F and CMD+L expand navigation section if collapsed - Made CMD+R expand file lookup section if collapsed - Made CMD+T expand file explorer section if collapsed - Fix this issue: Type till the end of the line. Hit CMD+SHIFT+ENTER to jump to the previous line while inserting a line. It jumps to the next line instead as if I did CMD+ENTER - Fix issue with closing a project shell with an x mouse click requiring multiple presses for every tab open - Fix issue with inserting new line via CMD+ENTER not maintaining indentation ## 0.6.1 - Fixed issue relating to not recording text selection correctly when done by mouse ## 0.6.0 - Collapsable File Lookup/File Explorer/Navigation Expand Bars - Improve Undo/Redo support by making it work for simple text editing - Clear Undo/Redo history for a file upon closing - Fix issue with the text editor caret dancing uncontrollably - Fix issue with quickly moving multiple lines up or down sometimes splintering and losing multi-line selection ## 0.5.4 - CMD+SHIFT+O now splits the Text Editor without requiring Drag & Drop - Close open files when deleting their parent directory - Make rename refocus on the file renamed in the tree if different from the file being edited - Save/Load Config for the Split Orientation - Right aligned line numbers in Scratchpad and new files - Show a friendly progress message when opening last open files - Use SashForm for container/separator of File Lookup List and File Explorer Tree, making them resizable - Enhance startup performance by only loading content of last open files - Avoid extra writes to open files when no changes occurred - Upgrade to glimmer-dsl-swt gem v4.17.10.1 - Upgrade to clipboard gem v1.3.5 - Fix issue with over-refreshing directories on focus out and back in - Fix glitches with certain single line file operations causing unnecessary text editor scroll jitter - Fix issue with creating directories not allowing save/rename - Fix issue with crashing when closing a file and then trying to delete another file from the tree (might happen if you try to rename closed file) says getData returned nil - Fix issue with line numbers not lining up perfectly with code/text lines in non-ruby files ## 0.5.3 - Upgraded to glimmer-dsl-swt v4.17.8.3, with performance optimizations for `code_text` ## 0.5.2 - Fix issue with file/directory rename not working - Fix issue with not renaming tab text when renaming file - Fix issue with not closing tab when deleting file ## 0.5.1 - Fixed a Windows issue with opening Ruby styled text editors ## 0.5.0 - File Menu to allow Opening a Project - Scratchpad for running any Ruby/Glimmer code for experimentation/debugging/instrumenting - CTRL+A and CTRL+E shortcuts for beginning of line and end of line - Minor performance optimization by not syntax highlighting file line numbers (using standard uniform foreground coloring) - Fix issue with going back to top of file when CMD+Tabbing to another app (losing focus) and then coming back (gaining focus) - Fix tree slow refresh and lost refreshes on directory file changes - Fix scroll jitter on move line up/down - Fix issue with opening the last file open on both sides of split text editor upon launching Gladiator - Fix issue with producing extra space at the end of some lines - Fix issue with CMD+4 not working for jumping to the 4th tab - Fix issue with keyboard shortcuts triggered in multiple projects ## 0.4.1 - Do not enable Ruby syntax highlighting in non-Ruby files ## 0.4.0 - Syntax highlighting - Run menu with current file menu item - View menu with Split Horizontal/Vertical - Change split orientation with CMD+SHIFT+O shortcut - Run current file shortcut CMD+SHIFT+R - Fix issue with line numbers not scrolling perfectly along with open file (off by a few pixels) - Fix select-all with code_text - Fix tab with code_text - Fix caret position after tab with code_text - Fix issue with ENTER key not putting caret parallel to previous line start - Fix issue with jumping to bottom when doing CMD+] or [ for indent - Fix multi-line operations/post-selection with code_text (e.g. comment/uncomment, indent right or left) - Fix issue with jumping one line up or down when doing CMD+] or [ for indent - Fix CMD+ENTER and CMD+SHIFT+ENTER with code_text - Fix Move Line Up or Move Line Down with code_text - Fix jumping across pages of code on Find Next with code_text (it stays in the same page) - Fix issue with jumping back to beginning of file upon very quick indent/outdent ## 0.3.1 - Fixed issue with Find/Replace revisiting the same word after Replace, making it jump to the next one. - Add 'vendor' to ignore paths ## 0.3.0 - Support Ignore Paths ('packges' and 'tmp' by default) to avoid slowing down editor with irrelevant files - Upgrade support to glimmer-dsl-swt up to ## 0.2.4 - Remember split windows on restart - Fix issue with not being able to rename file by hitting ENTER ## 0.2.3 - Improved performance of file lookup list and display of directories (removing current local directory from file prefix) ## 0.2.2 - Upgraded to glimmer-dsl-swt 0.4.0 ## 0.2.1 - Drag and Drop Text Editor Split Screen Support (drag from tree or file lookup list) - Fix issue with not rendering list and tree sometimes upon opening a small file like VERSION ## 0.2.0 - Upgraded to glimmer 0.9.1 / glimmer-dsl-swt 0.1.0 - Fixed unopen-file related bugs ## 0.1.8 - Undo/Redo - Case-sensitive Find (and Replace by extension) - Make CMD+SHIFT+] at the last tab go to the first tab (and vice versa with CMD+SHIFT+[) - Fix Line/Find/Replace actions when no file is open (to avoid crash) - Fix issue with file lookup list expanding all the way down, covering the file tree - Fix issue with hitting home/end with selection keeping selection instead of removing it - Fix issue with crashing if no file was open, no file is found in lookup list, and you attempt to hit enter in keyboard ## 0.1.7 - Relaxed Glimmer version requirement ## 0.1.6 - Support Linux explicitly (sort of) - Make file tree maintain expansion state on refreshes caused by internal & external changes ## 0.1.5 - Remember all open text editor tabs when closing and reopening - Support closing text editor tabs with keyboard shortcuts (closing current tab, closing all tabs other than current one, closing all tabs) - Support prefix new indented line when hitting CMD+SHIFT+ENTER in the middle of a line - Make CMD+T auto-select open file in file tree - Make gladiator command accept directory argument instead of LOCAL_DIR and automatically open directory passed in - Fix rename bug for when focusing out without changing name - Fix bug with opening file with ENTER key from file tree - Fix issue with changes not persisting when done via find/replace on a newly browsed to tab ## 0.1.4 - Fix issue with file explorer tree losing selection on refresh - Fix file explorer opening of files on every selection change instead of just hitting ENTER or mouse click - Fix issue with refreshing the tree on every tab switch after making changes (make it check if change is coming from any of all tabs) - Fix issue with top index not being set from config - Make file explorer tree show file/directory names not paths - Make file explorer tree show current project directory name as the root instead of "." - Make file explorer shortcut auto-reveal open file in file explorer tree - Make hitting ESC button in line number field, file lookup field, find field, or replace field go back to open file to the same caret position as before - Make hitting ESC button in file explorer go back to open file to the same caret position as before and reselect it - Improve file lookup by ignoring dots - Add number command + 2-8 tab shortcuts - Add a new file through File Explorer - Add a new directory through File Explorer - Delete a file or directory through File Explorer - Support auto-indent on hitting ENTER to add a new line - Support insert new indented line when hitting CMD+ENTER in the middle of a line ## 0.1.3 - Fix issue with selection getting out of wack when moving a group of lines up or down - Fix issue with Find not working for more than one occurrence in a line - Fix issue with kill line sometimes jumping to the next line afterwards. Seems to happen if following line is empty - Fix issue with line numbers sometimes getting clipped when openig a new file until resizing window - Support multiple tabs - Support tab keyboard shortcuts for next tab, previous tab, first tab, last tab - Remember window size and location ## 0.1.2 - Fix issue with file name on top being clipped - Fix issue with Find/Replace not working correctly for first line in the file (being off by one character) ## 0.1.1 - Fix issue with tab button killing selection (make it indent instead) - Fix issue with crashing upon permission denied for opening a file - Fix issue with storing .gladiator in running directory instead of LOCAL_DIR when specified - Make entering the file lookup list automatically highlight the first element