require 'spec_helper' require 'ms/sequest/srf/pepxml' describe 'an Ms::Ident::Pepxml object from an srf file with modifications' do before do FileUtils.mkdir @out_path unless File.exist?(@out_path) end after do FileUtils.rm_rf @out_path end @srf_file = SEQUEST_DIR + '/opd1_2runs_2mods/sequest331/020.srf' @out_path = TESTFILES + '/tmp' @srf = it 'produces xml with all the expected parts' do tags = %w(msms_pipeline_analysis msms_run_summary sample_enzyme specificity search_summary search_database enzymatic_search_constraint aminoacid_modification parameter spectrum_query search_result search_hit modification_info mod_aminoacid_mass search_score) pepxml = @srf.to_pepxml(:verbose => false) xml_string = pepxml.to_xml tags.each do |tag| xml_string.matches %r{<#{tag}} end end # takes an xml string of attributes (' key="val" key2="val2" ') and a xml # node that is expected to have those attributes def has_attributes(node, string) if node.nil? raise "your xml node is nil!!!" end if node == [] raise "you gave me an empty array instead of a node" end # strips the tail end quote mark, also string.strip! string.chomp!('"') string.split(/"\s+/).each do |str| (key,val) = str.split('=',2) val=val[1..-1] if val[0,1] == '"' if node[key] != val puts "FAILING" puts "EXPECT: #{key} => #{val} ACTUAL => #{val}" puts "NODE KEYS: " p node.keys puts "NODE VALUES: " p node.values end node[key].is val end end it 'gets everything right' do xml_string = @srf.to_pepxml(:verbose => false).to_xml doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(xml_string, nil, nil, Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::DEFAULT_XML | Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOBLANKS) root = doc.root "msms_pipeline_analysis" has_attributes( root, 'schemaLocation=" /tools/bin/TPP/tpp/schema/pepXML_v115.xsd"' ) root['date'].nil?.is false root['summary_xml'].matches "020.xml" {"xmlns" => "" } ) mrs_node = root.child 'msms_run_summary' has_attributes( mrs_node, 'msManufacturer="Thermo" msModel="LCQ Deca XP" msIonization="ESI" msMassAnalyzer="Ion Trap" msDetector="UNKNOWN" raw_data=".mzML"' ) se_node = mrs_node.child 'sample_enzyme' has_attributes se_node, 'name="Trypsin"' specificity_node = se_node.child 'specificity' has_attributes specificity_node, 'cut="KR" no_cut="P" sense="C"' search_summary_node = se_node.next_sibling 'search_summary' has_attributes search_summary_node, 'search_engine="SEQUEST" precursor_mass_type="average" fragment_mass_type="average" search_id="1"' search_summary_node['base_name'].matches %r{sequest/opd1_2runs_2mods/sequest331/020$} # TODO: expand the search summary check! # TODO: finish testing other guys for accurcy end end