module.exports.cli = require('./bin/cmd') module.exports.linter = Linter var deglob = require('deglob') var os = require('os') var path = require('path') var pkgConf = require('pkg-conf') var HOME_OR_TMP = os.homedir() || os.tmpdir() var DEFAULT_PATTERNS = [ '**/*.js', '**/*.jsx' ] var DEFAULT_IGNORE = [ '**/*.min.js', '**/bundle.js', 'coverage/**', 'node_modules/**', 'vendor/**' ] function Linter (opts) { if (!(this instanceof Linter)) return new Linter(opts) if (!opts) opts = {} if (!opts.cmd) throw new Error('opts.cmd option is required') if (!opts.eslint) throw new Error('opts.eslint option is required') this.cmd = opts.cmd this.eslint = opts.eslint this.cwd = opts.cwd || process.cwd() this.customParseOpts = opts.parseOpts var m = opts.version && opts.version.match(/^(\d+)\./) var majorVersion = (m && m[1]) || '0' // Example cache location: .standard-v12-cache/ var cacheLocation = path.join(HOME_OR_TMP, `.${this.cmd}-v${majorVersion}-cache/`) this.eslintConfig = Object.assign({ cache: true, cacheLocation: cacheLocation, envs: [], fix: false, globals: [], ignore: false, plugins: [], useEslintrc: false }, opts.eslintConfig) } /** * Lint text to enforce JavaScript Style. * * @param {string} text file text to lint * @param {Object=} opts options object * @param {boolean=} opts.fix automatically fix problems * @param {Array.=} opts.globals custom global variables to declare * @param {Array.=} opts.plugins custom eslint plugins * @param {Array.=} opts.envs custom eslint environment * @param {string=} opts.parser custom js parser (e.g. babel-eslint) * @param {string=} opts.filename path of file containing the text being linted * @param {boolean=} opts.usePackageJson use options from nearest package.json? (default: true) */ Linter.prototype.lintTextSync = function (text, opts) { opts = this.parseOpts(opts) return new this.eslint.CLIEngine(opts.eslintConfig).executeOnText(text, opts.filename) } Linter.prototype.lintText = function (text, opts, cb) { if (typeof opts === 'function') return this.lintText(text, null, opts) var result try { result = this.lintTextSync(text, opts) } catch (err) { return process.nextTick(cb, err) } process.nextTick(cb, null, result) } /** * Lint files to enforce JavaScript Style. * * @param {Array.} files file globs to lint * @param {Object=} opts options object * @param {Array.=} opts.ignore file globs to ignore (has sane defaults) * @param {string=} opts.cwd current working directory (default: process.cwd()) * @param {boolean=} opts.fix automatically fix problems * @param {Array.=} opts.globals custom global variables to declare * @param {Array.=} opts.plugins custom eslint plugins * @param {Array.=} opts.envs custom eslint environment * @param {string=} opts.parser custom js parser (e.g. babel-eslint) * @param {boolean=} opts.usePackageJson use options from nearest package.json? (default: true) * @param {function(Error, Object)} cb callback */ Linter.prototype.lintFiles = function (files, opts, cb) { var self = this if (typeof opts === 'function') return self.lintFiles(files, null, opts) opts = self.parseOpts(opts) if (typeof files === 'string') files = [ files ] if (files.length === 0) files = DEFAULT_PATTERNS var deglobOpts = { ignore: opts.ignore, cwd: opts.cwd, useGitIgnore: true, usePackageJson: false } deglob(files, deglobOpts, function (err, allFiles) { if (err) return cb(err) var result try { result = new self.eslint.CLIEngine(opts.eslintConfig).executeOnFiles(allFiles) } catch (err) { return cb(err) } if (opts.fix) { self.eslint.CLIEngine.outputFixes(result) } return cb(null, result) }) } Linter.prototype.parseOpts = function (opts) { var self = this if (!opts) opts = {} opts = Object.assign({}, opts) opts.eslintConfig = Object.assign({}, self.eslintConfig) opts.eslintConfig.fix = !!opts.fix if (!opts.cwd) opts.cwd = self.cwd // If no usePackageJson option is given, default to `true` var usePackageJson = opts.usePackageJson != null ? opts.usePackageJson : true var packageOpts = usePackageJson ? pkgConf.sync(self.cmd, { cwd: opts.cwd }) : {} if (!opts.ignore) opts.ignore = [] addIgnore(packageOpts.ignore) if (!packageOpts.noDefaultIgnore) { addIgnore(DEFAULT_IGNORE) } addGlobals(packageOpts.globals || addGlobals(opts.globals || addPlugins(packageOpts.plugins || packageOpts.plugin) addPlugins(opts.plugins || opts.plugin) addEnvs(packageOpts.envs || packageOpts.env) addEnvs(opts.envs || opts.env) setParser(packageOpts.parser || opts.parser) if (self.customParseOpts) { var rootDir if (usePackageJson) { var filePath = pkgConf.filepath(packageOpts) rootDir = filePath ? path.dirname(filePath) : opts.cwd } else { rootDir = opts.cwd } opts = self.customParseOpts(opts, packageOpts, rootDir) } function addIgnore (ignore) { if (!ignore) return opts.ignore = opts.ignore.concat(ignore) } function addGlobals (globals) { if (!globals) return opts.eslintConfig.globals = self.eslintConfig.globals.concat(globals) } function addPlugins (plugins) { if (!plugins) return opts.eslintConfig.plugins = self.eslintConfig.plugins.concat(plugins) } function addEnvs (envs) { if (!envs) return if (!Array.isArray(envs) && typeof envs !== 'string') { // envs can be an object in `package.json` envs = Object.keys(envs).filter(function (env) { return envs[env] }) } opts.eslintConfig.envs = self.eslintConfig.envs.concat(envs) } function setParser (parser) { if (!parser) return opts.eslintConfig.parser = parser } return opts }