if respond_to?(:require_relative, true) require_relative 'common' else require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/common' end describe RestGraph do after do reset_webmock RR.verify end it 'would generate correct url' do TestHelper.normalize_url( RestGraph.new(:access_token => 'awesome').url('path', :query => 'str')). should == 'https://graph.facebook.com/path?access_token=awesome&query=str' end it 'would request to correct server' do stub_request(:get, 'http://nothing.godfat.org/me').with( :headers => {'Accept' => 'text/plain', 'Accept-Language' => 'zh-tw', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip, deflate', # this is by ruby }.merge(RUBY_VERSION <= '1.9.0' ? {} : {'User-Agent' => 'Ruby'})). # this is by ruby to_return(:body => '{"data": []}') RestGraph.new(:graph_server => 'http://nothing.godfat.org/', :lang => 'zh-tw', :accept => 'text/plain').get('me').should == {'data' => []} end it 'would post right' do stub_request(:post, 'https://graph.facebook.com/feed/me'). with(:body => 'message=hi%20there').to_return(:body => 'ok') RestGraph.new(:auto_decode => false). post('feed/me', :message => 'hi there').should == 'ok' end it 'could suppress auto-decode in an api call' do stub_request(:get, 'https://graph.facebook.com/woot'). to_return(:body => 'bad json') rg = RestGraph.new(:auto_decode => true) rg.get('woot', {}, :suppress_decode => true).should == 'bad json' rg.auto_decode.should == true end it 'would call post_request after request' do stub_request(:put, 'https://graph.facebook.com/feed/me'). with(:body => 'message=hi%20there').to_return(:body => '[]') mock.proxy(rg = RestGraph.new).post_request('[]', nil) rg.put('feed/me', :message => 'hi there'). should == [] end it 'would not raise exception when encountering error' do [500, 401, 402, 403].each{ |status| stub_request(:delete, 'https://graph.facebook.com/123').to_return( :body => '[]', :status => status) RestGraph.new.delete('123').should == [] } end it 'would convert query to string' do mock(o = Object.new).to_s{ 'i am mock' } stub_request(:get, "https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=i%20am%20mock"). to_return(:body => 'ok') RestGraph.new(:auto_decode => false).get('search', :q => o).should == 'ok' end end