require 'spec_helper' describe EnumerateIt::Base do it 'creates constants for each enumeration value' do constants = [TestEnumeration::VALUE_1, TestEnumeration::VALUE_2, TestEnumeration::VALUE_3] constants.each_with_index do |constant, idx| expect(constant).to eq((idx + 1).to_s) end end it 'creates constants for camel case values' do expect(TestEnumerationWithCamelCase::IPHONE).to eq('iPhone') end it 'creates constants replacing its dashes with underscores' do expect(TestEnumerationWithDash::PT_BR).to eq('pt-BR') end it 'creates constants for values with spaces' do expect(TestEnumerationWithSpaces::SPA_CES).to eq('spa ces') end describe '.list' do it "creates a method that returns the allowed values in the enumeration's class" do expect(TestEnumeration.list).to eq(%w[1 2 3]) end context 'specifying a default sort mode' do subject { create_enumeration_class_with_sort_mode(sort_mode).list } context 'by value' do let(:sort_mode) { :value } it { eq(%w[0 1 2 3]) } end context 'by name' do let(:sort_mode) { :name } it { eq(%w[2 1 3 0]) } end context 'by translation' do let(:sort_mode) { :translation } it { eq(%w[3 2 0 1]) } end context 'by nothing' do let(:sort_mode) { :none } it { eq(%w[1 2 3 0]) } end end end it 'creates a method that returns the enumeration specification' do expect(TestEnumeration.enumeration).to eq( value_1: ['1', 'Hey, I am 1!'], value_2: ['2', 'Hey, I am 2!'], value_3: ['3', 'Hey, I am 3!'] ) end describe '.length' do it 'returns the length of the enumeration' do expect(TestEnumeration.length).to eq(3) end end describe '.each_translation' do it "yields each enumeration's value translation" do translations = [] TestEnumeration.each_translation do |translation| translations << translation end expect(translations).to eq(['Hey, I am 1!', 'Hey, I am 2!', 'Hey, I am 3!']) end end describe '.translations' do it 'returns all translations' do expect(TestEnumeration.translations).to eq(['Hey, I am 1!', 'Hey, I am 2!', 'Hey, I am 3!']) end end describe '.each_key' do it "yields each enumeration's key" do keys = [] TestEnumeration.each_key do |key| keys << key end expect(keys).to eq(%i[value_1 value_2 value_3]) end end describe '.each_value' do it "yields each enumeration's value" do values = [] TestEnumeration.each_value do |value| values << value end expect(values).to eq(TestEnumeration.list) end end describe '.to_a' do it 'returns an array with the values and human representations' do expect(TestEnumeration.to_a) .to eq([['Hey, I am 1!', '1'], ['Hey, I am 2!', '2'], ['Hey, I am 3!', '3']]) end it 'translates the available values' do I18n.locale = :en expect(TestEnumerationWithoutArray.to_a).to eq([['First Value', '1'], ['Value Two', '2']]) I18n.locale = :pt expect(TestEnumerationWithoutArray.to_a).to eq([['Primeiro Valor', '1'], ['Value Two', '2']]) end it 'can be extended from the enumeration class' do expect(TestEnumerationWithExtendedBehaviour.to_a).to eq([%w[Second 2], %w[First 1]]) end end describe '.to_h' do it 'returns a hash' do expect(TestEnumerationWithoutArray.to_h).to eq(value_one: '1', value_two: '2') end end describe '.to_json' do it 'gives a valid json back' do I18n.locale = :inexsistent expect(TestEnumerationWithoutArray.to_json) .to eq('[{"value":"1","label":"Value One"},{"value":"2","label":"Value Two"}]') end it 'give translated values when available' do I18n.locale = :pt expect(TestEnumerationWithoutArray.to_json) .to eq('[{"value":"1","label":"Primeiro Valor"},{"value":"2","label":"Value Two"}]') end end describe '.t' do it 'translates a given value' do I18n.locale = :pt expect(TestEnumerationWithoutArray.t('1')).to eq('Primeiro Valor') end end describe '.to_range' do it "returns a Range object containing the enumeration's value interval" do expect(TestEnumeration.to_range).to eq('1'..'3') end end describe '.values_for' do it "returns an array representing some of the enumeration's values" do expect(TestEnumeration.values_for(%w[VALUE_1 VALUE_2])) .to eq([TestEnumeration::VALUE_1, TestEnumeration::VALUE_2]) end it 'returns nil if the a constant named after one of the given strings cannot be found' do expect(TestEnumeration.values_for(%w[VALUE_1 THIS_IS_WRONG])) .to eq([TestEnumeration::VALUE_1, nil]) end end describe '.value_for' do it "returns the enumeration's value" do expect(TestEnumeration.value_for('VALUE_1')).to eq(TestEnumeration::VALUE_1) end context 'when a constant named after the received value cannot be found' do it 'returns nil' do expect(TestEnumeration.value_for('THIS_IS_WRONG')).to be_nil end end end describe '.value_from_key' do it 'returns the correct value when the key is a string' do expect(TestEnumeration.value_from_key('value_1')).to eq(TestEnumeration::VALUE_1) end it 'returns the correct value when the key is a symbol' do expect(TestEnumeration.value_from_key(:value_1)).to eq(TestEnumeration::VALUE_1) end it 'returns nil when the key does not exist in the enumeration' do expect(TestEnumeration.value_from_key('wrong')).to be_nil end it 'returns nil when the given value is nil' do expect(TestEnumeration.value_from_key(nil)).to be_nil end end describe '.keys' do it 'returns a list with the keys used to define the enumeration' do expect(TestEnumeration.keys).to eq(%i[value_1 value_2 value_3]) end end describe '.key_for' do it 'returns the key for the given value inside the enumeration' do expect(TestEnumeration.key_for(TestEnumeration::VALUE_1)).to eq(:value_1) end it 'returns nil if the enumeration does not have the given value' do expect(TestEnumeration.key_for('foo')).to be_nil end end context 'associate values with a list' do it 'creates constants for each enumeration value' do expect(TestEnumerationWithList::FIRST).to eq('first') expect(TestEnumerationWithList::SECOND).to eq('second') end it 'returns an array with the values and human representations' do expect(TestEnumerationWithList.to_a).to eq([%w[First first], %w[Second second]]) end end context 'not specifying a sort mode' do subject(:enumeration) { create_enumeration_class_with_sort_mode(nil) } it 'does not sort' do expect(enumeration.to_a).to eq([%w[xyz 1], %w[fgh 2], %w[abc 3], %w[jkl 0]]) end end context 'specifying a sort mode' do subject(:enumeration) { create_enumeration_class_with_sort_mode(sort_mode) } context 'by value' do let(:sort_mode) { :value } it { expect(enumeration.to_a).to eq([%w[jkl 0], %w[xyz 1], %w[fgh 2], %w[abc 3]]) } end context 'by name' do let(:sort_mode) { :name } it { expect(enumeration.to_a).to eq([%w[fgh 2], %w[xyz 1], %w[abc 3], %w[jkl 0]]) } end context 'by translation' do let(:sort_mode) { :translation } it { expect(enumeration.to_a).to eq([%w[abc 3], %w[fgh 2], %w[jkl 0], %w[xyz 1]]) } end context 'by nothing' do let(:sort_mode) { :none } it { expect(enumeration.to_a).to eq([%w[xyz 1], %w[fgh 2], %w[abc 3], %w[jkl 0]]) } end end context 'when included in ActiveRecord::Base' do let(:active_record_stub_class) do do extend EnumerateIt attr_accessor :bla class << self def validates_inclusion_of(_attribute, _options) true end def validates_presence_of true end end end end it 'creates a validation for inclusion' do expect(active_record_stub_class) .to receive(:validates_inclusion_of).with(:bla, in: TestEnumeration.list, allow_blank: true) active_record_stub_class.class_eval do has_enumeration_for :bla, with: TestEnumeration end end context 'using the :required option' do before do allow(active_record_stub_class).to receive(:validates_presence_of).and_return(true) end it 'creates a validation for presence' do expect(active_record_stub_class).to receive(:validates_presence_of) active_record_stub_class.class_eval do has_enumeration_for :bla, with: TestEnumeration, required: true end end it 'passes the given options to the validation method' do expect(active_record_stub_class) .to receive(:validates_presence_of).with(:bla, if: :some_method) active_record_stub_class.class_eval do has_enumeration_for :bla, with: TestEnumeration, required: { if: :some_method } end end it 'does not require the attribute by default' do expect(active_record_stub_class).not_to receive(:validates_presence_of) active_record_stub_class.class_eval do has_enumeration_for :bla, with: TestEnumeration end end end context 'using :skip_validation option' do it "doesn't create a validation for inclusion" do expect(active_record_stub_class).not_to receive(:validates_inclusion_of) active_record_stub_class.class_eval do has_enumeration_for :bla, with: TestEnumeration, skip_validation: true end end it "doesn't create a validation for presence" do expect(active_record_stub_class).not_to receive(:validates_presence_of) active_record_stub_class.class_eval do has_enumeration_for :bla, with: TestEnumeration, require: true, skip_validation: true end end end end end