module ActionController class AbstractResponse # This isn't just +attr_accessor :lifetime+ because we need to trick components into doing # the right thing--it should be possible to do +lifetime = 1.hour+ in a component and have # the lifetime carried back to the original response. Unfortunately, components are called # with their own copy of the parent's response object. Fortunately, the copy uses # +dup+, so if we shove the actual lifetime into a hash (or anything even slighty complex), # the +dup+ will leave the parent response and the child response sharing the same # hash, so the lifetime will become a shared resource and The Right Thing will happen. def lifetime @lifetime[:time] end def lifetime=(seconds) # Only allow the lifetime to be lowered--if one component wants # lifetime=3.hours and another wants lifetime=15.minutes, then # the right thing to do is to always use lifetime=15.minutes, no # matter which order they're called in. return if @lifetime[:time] and @lifetime[:time] < seconds @lifetime[:time] = seconds end def initialize @body, @headers, @session, @assigns = "", DEFAULT_HEADERS.merge("cookie" => []), [], [] @lifetime = end end module Caching module ActionParams def self.append_features(base) #:nodoc: super base.extend(ClassMethods) base.send(:attr_accessor, :rendered_action_cache) end module ClassMethods #:nodoc: def caches_action_with_params(*actions) return unless perform_caching prepend_around_filter(*actions)) end end def expire_action_with_params(options = {}) return unless perform_caching if options == {} expire_meta_fragment(%r{ACTION_PARAM/.*}) else controller = options[:controller] || '[^/]+' action = options[:action] || '[^/]+' keys = (options.reject {|k,v| v.blank?}.keys-[:controller,:action]).sort_by {|k| k.to_s} param_string = keys.collect { |key| "#{key.to_s}=#{controller.params[key]}"}.join('.*') expire_meta_fragment(%r{ACTION_PARAM/[^/]+/#{controller}/#{action}/#{param_string}}) end end class ActionParamCacheFilter #:nodoc: def initialize(*actions) @actions = actions end def cache_key(controller) hostname = controller.request.host_with_port keys = (controller.params.reject {|k,v| v.blank?}.keys-['controller','action']).sort param_string = keys.collect { |key| "#{key.to_s}=#{controller.params[key]}"}.join('&') "ACTION_PARAM/#{hostname}/#{controller.controller_name}/#{controller.action_name}/#{param_string}" end def before(controller) return unless @actions.include?(controller.action_name.intern) meta, cache = controller.read_meta_fragment_expire(cache_key(controller)) if cache # 304 handling from Tom Fakes, # request_time = Time.rfc2822(controller.request.env["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]).utc rescue nil cached_time = meta[:cached_at] rescue nil controller.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=1' controller.response.headers['Last-Modified'] = meta[:cached_at].httpdate rescue nil controller.response.headers['Content-Type'] = meta[:content_type] if request_time and cached_time <= (request_time + 1) controller.send(:render, :text => "", :status => 304) else controller.send(:render, :text => cache) end controller.rendered_action_cache = true return false else return true end end def after(controller) return true if !@actions.include?(controller.action_name.intern) || controller.rendered_action_cache return true if controller.response.headers['Status'] != "200 OK" # without this, we cache errors. grr meta = if controller.response.lifetime meta[:expires] = + controller.response.lifetime end meta[:cached_at] = meta[:content_type] = controller.response.headers['Content-Type'] controller.response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=1' controller.response.headers['Last-Modified'] = meta[:cached_at].httpdate controller.write_meta_fragment(cache_key(controller), meta, controller.response.body) end end end end end ActionController::Caching::ActionParams.append_features(ActionController::Base)