require 'spyke/collection' require 'spyke/attributes' module Spyke module AttributeAssignment extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do delegate :[], :[]=, to: :attributes end module ClassMethods # By adding instance methods via an included module, # they become overridable with "super". # def attributes(*names) unless instance_variable_defined?(:@spyke_instance_method_container) @spyke_instance_method_container = include @spyke_instance_method_container end @spyke_instance_method_container.module_eval do names.each do |name| define_method(name) do attribute(name) end define_method(:"#{name}=") do |value| set_attribute(name, value) end end end end end def initialize(attributes = {}) self.attributes = attributes @uri_template = scope.uri yield self if block_given? end def attributes @spyke_attributes end def attributes=(new_attributes) @spyke_attributes ||= use_setters(new_attributes) if new_attributes end def id? id.present? end def id attributes[primary_key] end def id=(value) attributes[primary_key] = value if value.present? end def hash id.hash end def ==(other) other.instance_of?(self.class) && id? && id == end alias :eql? :== def inspect "#<#{self.class}(#{@uri_template}) id: #{id.inspect} #{inspect_attributes}>" end def as_json(options = nil) attributes.as_json(options) end private def use_setters(attributes) # Set id attribute directly if using a custom primary key alongside an attribute named "id" to avoid clobbering set_attribute :id, attributes.delete(:id) if conflicting_ids?(attributes) attributes.to_h.each do |key, value| send "#{key}=", value end end def conflicting_ids?(attributes) primary_key != :id && attributes.key?(:id) && attributes.key?(primary_key) end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) case when association?(name) then association(name, *args).load when attribute?(name) then attribute(name, *args) when predicate?(name) then predicate(name, *args) when setter?(name) then set_attribute(name, args.first) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = false) association?(name) || attribute?(name) || predicate?(name) || super end def association?(name) associations.has_key?(name) end def association(name) associations[name].build(self) end def attribute?(name) attributes.has_key?(name) end def attribute(name) attributes[name] end def predicate?(name) name.to_s.end_with?('?') end def predicate(name) !!attribute(depredicate(name)) end def depredicate(name) name.to_s.chomp('?').to_sym end def setter?(name) name.to_s.end_with?('=') end def set_attribute(name, value) attributes[name.to_s.chomp('=')] = value end def inspect_attributes attributes.except(primary_key).map { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v.inspect}" }.join(' ') end end end