require 'spec_helper' describe Slackistrano do before(:each) do Rake::Task['load:defaults'].execute end describe "before/after hooks" do it "invokes slack:deploy:updating before deploy:updating" do expect(Rake::Task['deploy:updating'].prerequisites).to include 'slack:deploy:updating' end it "invokes slack:deploy:reverting before deploy:reverting" do expect(Rake::Task['deploy:reverting'].prerequisites).to include 'slack:deploy:reverting' end it "invokes slack:deploy:updated after deploy:finishing" do expect(Rake::Task['slack:deploy:updated']).to receive(:invoke) Rake::Task['deploy:finishing'].execute end it "invokes slack:deploy:reverted after deploy:finishing_rollback" do expect(Rake::Task['slack:deploy:reverted']).to receive(:invoke) Rake::Task['deploy:finishing_rollback'].execute end it "invokes slack:deploy:failed after deploy:failed" do expect(Rake::Task['slack:deploy:failed']).to receive(:invoke) Rake::Task['deploy:failed'].execute end end %w[updating reverting updated reverted failed].each do |stage| it "posts to slack on slack:deploy:#{stage}" do set "slack_run_#{stage}".to_sym, ->{ true } expect(Slackistrano).to receive(:post).and_return(double(code: '200')) Rake::Task["slack:deploy:#{stage}"].execute end it "does not post to slack on slack:deploy:#{stage} when disabled" do set "slack_run_#{stage}".to_sym, ->{ false } expect(Slackistrano).not_to receive(:post) Rake::Task["slack:deploy:#{stage}"].execute end end context "when :slack_channel is an array" do %w[updating reverting updated reverted failed].each do |stage| it "posts to slack on slack:deploy:#{stage} in every channel" do set "slack_channel".to_sym, ->{ %w[one two] } set "slack_run_#{stage}".to_sym, ->{ true } expect(Slackistrano).to receive(:post).twice.and_return(double(code: '200')) Rake::Task["slack:deploy:#{stage}"].execute end end end context "when --dry-run is passed" do %w[updating reverting updated reverted failed].each do |stage| it "does not post to slack on slack:deploy:#{stage}" do set "slack_run_#{stage}".to_sym, ->{ true } expect(Capistrano::Configuration.env.send(:config)).to receive(:[]).with(:sshkit_backend).and_return(SSHKit::Backend::Printer) expect(Slackistrano).not_to receive(:post) Rake::Task["slack:deploy:#{stage}"].execute end end end [ # stage, color, channel ['updating', nil, nil], ['reverting', nil, nil], ['updated', 'good', nil], ['reverted', '#4CBDEC', nil], ['failed', 'danger', nil], ['updating', nil, 'starting_channel'], ['updated', 'good', 'finished_channel'], ['reverted', '#4CBDEC', 'rollback_channel'], ['failed', 'danger', 'failed_channel'], ].each do |stage, color, channel_for_stage| it "calls with the right arguments for stage=#{stage}, color=#{color}, channel_for_stage=#{channel_for_stage}" do set :"slack_run_#{stage}", -> { true } set :slack_team, -> { 'team' } set :slack_token, -> { 'token' } set :slack_webhook, -> { 'webhook' } set :slack_channel, -> { 'channel' } set :slack_icon_url, -> { 'http://icon.url' } set :slack_icon_emoji, -> { ':emoji:' } set :"slack_msg_#{stage}", -> { 'text message' } set :"slack_channel_#{stage}", -> { channel_for_stage } expected_channel = channel_for_stage || 'channel' attachment = { text: 'text message', color: color, fields: [], fallback: nil, mrkdwn_in: [:text, :pretext] }.reject{|k,v| v.nil?} expect(Slackistrano).to receive(:post).with( team: 'team', token: 'token', webhook: 'webhook', via_slackbot: false, payload: { channel: expected_channel, username: 'Slackistrano', icon_url: 'http://icon.url', icon_emoji: ':emoji:', attachments: [attachment] } ).and_return(double(code: '200')) Rake::Task["slack:deploy:#{stage}"].execute end end end