0.1.4 6/29/2016 ============== Caching optimizations. Add benchmarking around finder methods. 0.1.2 6/28/2016 ============== Cache hash tables for lookup by id and code. Memoize that cache in the cacheless test environment to greatly speed up test coverage of models that have locations. 0.1.1 6/28/2016 ============== Replace memoization with the rails cache. 0.1.0 6/24/2016 ============== Include active record validators so we can fake some aspects of ActiveRecord associations, like nested attributes and belongs_to... 0.0.7 6/6/2016 ============== Add the SAS id. 0.0.6 5/24/2016 ============== ### Features Return struct location objects instead of hashes. Change ruby_timezone into a dynamic method on an instance instead of something we calculate for every locoation.