Generated Narrative with Details

id: example


version: B

name: Populate Questionnaire

status: draft

kind: operation

date: Aug 4, 2015

publisher: Acme Healthcare Services


description: Limited implementation of the Populate Questionnaire implemenation

code: populate

comment: Only implemented for Labs and Medications so far

base: OperationDefinition/Questionnaire-populate

resource: Questionnaire

system: false

type: false

instance: true


name: subject

use: in

min: 1

max: 1

documentation: The resource that is to be the *QuestionnaireResponse.subject*. The [[[QuestionnaireResponse]]] instance will reference the provided subject. In addition, if the *local* parameter is set to true, server information about the specified subject will be used to populate the instance.

type: Reference


name: return

use: out

min: 1

max: 1

documentation: The partially (or fully)-populated set of answers for the specified Questionnaire

type: QuestionnaireResponse