.section .big .box .title %h2 Status %span.hide .content = @crawl[:statistics][:current_status] .small .box .title %h2 Queues %span.hide .content %table %thead %tr %th Crawled %th Queued %tbody %tr %td= @crawl[:statistics][:crawl_counter] %td= @crawl[:statistics][:queue_counter] .section .big .box .title %h2 Pages and Assets %span.hide .content .caption Counts of assets and pages that have been crawled over the last 30 mins %table.statics{:style => "width : 100%;"} %thead %tr %th %th{:style => "color: #00366f;"} Pages %th{:style => "color: #006ba0;"} Assets %tbody - @dates.each do |date, minutes| %tr %th= minutes %td= @crawl[:pages_count][date] %td= @crawl[:assets_count][date] .small .box .title %h2 Totals %span.hide .content .caption Totals for crawl %table{:style => "width : 100%;"} %thead %tr %th %th{:style => "color: #00366f;"} Pages %th{:style => "color: #006ba0;"} Assets %tbody %tr %th Count %td= @crawl[:statistics][:page_count] %td= @crawl[:statistics][:asset_count] %tr %th Size %td= @crawl[:statistics][:page_size].to_i.to_human %td= @crawl[:statistics][:asset_size].to_i.to_human .section .medium .box .title %h2 Status counts %span.hide .content .caption Status codes returned per minute %table.statics{:style => "width : 100%;"} %thead %tr %th %th{:style => "color: #00366f;"} 200 %th{:style => "color: #006ba0;"} 400 %th{:style => "color: #0486D6;"} 500 %tbody - (1..30).each do |minutes| - date = (DateTime.now - (minutes/1440.0)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M").to_sym %tr %th= minutes %td= @crawl[:status_200_count][date] %td= @crawl[:status_400_count][date] %td= @crawl[:status_500_count][date] .medium .box .title %h2 Mime counts %span.hide .content .caption Mime types processed per minute %table.statics{:style => "width : 100%;"} %thead %tr %th %th{:style => "color: #00366f;"} Text %th{:style => "color: #006ba0;"} Image %th{:style => "color: #0486D6;"} Application %tbody - (1..30).each do |minutes| - date = (DateTime.now - (minutes/1440.0)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M").to_sym %tr %th= minutes %td= @crawl[:mime_text_count][date] %td= @crawl[:mime_image_count][date] %td= @crawl[:mime_application_count][date] .section .medium .box .title %h2 Status counts %span.hide .content .caption Total status codes returned %table{:style => "width : 100%;"} %thead %tr %th Status code %th Count %tbody - if @crawl[:statistics] && @crawl[:statistics][:status_counts] - @crawl[:statistics][:status_counts].keys.each do |status| - unless status.nil? || status == "" %tr %td= status %td= @crawl[:statistics][:status_counts][status] .medium .box .title %h2 Mime type counts %span.hide .content .caption Total mime-types returned %table{:style => "width : 100%;"} %thead %tr %th Mime-type %th Count %tbody - if @crawl[:statistics][:mime_counts] - @crawl[:statistics][:mime_counts].keys.each do |mime_type| %tr %td= mime_type %td= @crawl[:statistics][:mime_counts][mime_type] .section .small .box .title %h2 Counts %span.hide .content %table %thead %tr %th Page Count %th Asset Count %th Redirect Count %tbody %tr %td= @crawl[:statistics][:page_count] %td= @crawl[:statistics][:asset_count] %td= @crawl[:statistics][:total_redirects] .small .box .title %h2 Total Sizes %span.hide .content %table %thead %tr %th Total Page Size %th Total Asset Size %tbody %tr %td= @crawl[:statistics][:page_size].to_i.to_human %td= @crawl[:statistics][:asset_size].to_i.to_human .section .medium .box .title %h2 Response Times %span.hide .content %table %thead %tr %th %th{:colspan => 2} milliseconds %tbody %tr %th Average %td= @crawl[:statistics][:average_response_time] %tr %th Maximum %td= @crawl[:statistics][:maximum_response_time] %tr %th Minimum %td= @crawl[:statistics][:minimum_response_time] .medium .box .title %h2 Content Sizes %span.hide .content %table %thead %tr %th %th{:colspan => 2} Content Sizes %tbody %tr %th Average %td= @crawl[:statistics][:average_length].to_i.to_human %tr %th Maximum %td= @crawl[:statistics][:maximum_length].to_i.to_human %tr %th Minimum %td= @crawl[:statistics][:minimum_length].to_i.to_human %tr %th Total %td= @crawl[:statistics][:total_length].to_i.to_human