## Contributing to ActiveRecord JDBC Adapter AR-JDBC is (currently) a volunteer effort, it is not backed by any company ... You can contribute and make a difference for all the JRuby on Rails deployments out there. ### Reporting Issues We encourage you to try looking into reported issues, esp. if the new issue is about (Rails) incompatibility with MRI - as it might be fixed with some copy-paste magic. Please consider testing against **master**, if you're in doubt whether it might have been [fixed](History.md) already, change the following in your *Gemfile* : `gem 'activerecord-jdbc-adapter', :github => 'jruby/activerecord-jdbc-adapter'` Do not forget to **include the following with your bug report** : * AR-JDBC's version used (if you've tested against master mention it) * version of Rails / ActiveRecord you're running with * JRuby version (you might include your Java version as well) - `jruby -v` * if you've setup the JDBC driver yourself please mention that (+ it's version) * include any (related) back-traces (or Java stack-traces) you've seen in the logs * ... a way to reproduce :) ### Pull Requests You're code will end up on upstream faster if you provide tests as well, read on how to [run AR-JDBC tests](RUNNING_TESTS.md). When fixing issues for a particular Rails version please be aware that we support multiple AR versions from a single code-base (and that means supporting Ruby 1.8 as well - esp. targeting 4.x **we can not use the 1.9 syntax** yet). To speed-up fixes and response times on your issues or simply support AR-JDBC's development (esp. the refurbished **1.3.x** line) please consider [donating][0]. :heart: JRuby-Up! [0]: https://www.bountysource.com/#fundraisers/311-activerecord-jdbc-adapter-1-3-x