# MachineConfigure Export or import your docker-machine's configuration files, and share them with others. ## Table of Contents _(Generated)_ - [Description](#description) - [Installation](#installation) - [Install manually](#install-manually) - [Usage](#usage) - [Exporting](#exporting) - [Example](#example) - [Importing](#importing) - [Example](#example) - [TODO](#todo) - [License](#license) ## Description This gem is heavily inspired by [machine-share][machine-share-site], a nodejs package, which does basically the same thing as this gem. I just had some minor inconveniences with it, so I decided I would write my own version in Ruby. If you use [docker-machine][docker-machine-site], this might come in handy, if you ever want to share your remote docker-machine instance with a collegue or across multiple machines. With this gem, you can export your configuration files for a specific docker-machine instance into a zip file. You can then share the created zip file with others / other computers and import it again. ## Installation Install from [rubygems][rubygems-site] with ... ``` $ gem install machine_configure ``` ### Install manually If you want to install the gem manually from this repository directly, you'll need to: - Clone the repository, - install all dependencies, - build the gem, and - install it. Here's a command to copy/paste, it does all of the above ... ``` git clone https://github.com/Noah2610/MachineConfigure.git && \ cd MachineConfigure && \ bundle install --with development && \ rake build && \ gems=($(ls pkg/machine_configure-*)); \ gem install "${gems[-1]}"; \ unset gems ``` Once this completes, you should have the gem installed. You can try using it by executing `maccon`. ## Usage ### Exporting To export the configurations of an existing docker-machine instance, use the `export` keyword, pass the machine's name, and optionally, the output zip file. #### Example ``` $ maccon export my_machine # Creates my_machine.zip $ maccon export my_machine my_machine_configs.zip # Creates my_machine_configs.zip ``` ### Importing To import a docker-machine's configuration files from a zip file, use the `import` keyword, and pass the target zip file. #### Example ``` $ maccon import my_machine_configs.zip ``` For all command-line options, see `--help`. --- ## TODO See the [Trello Board][trello-site] for open tasks. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License][mit-site]. [machine-share-site]: https://github.com/bhurlow/machine-share [docker-machine-site]: https://docs.docker.com/machine [rubygems-site]: https://rubygems.org/gems/machine_configure [trello-site]: https://trello.com/b/ZVdArdrk [mit-site]: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT