RELEASE HISTORY v0.0.2 / 2011-09-23 Regenerate gemspec for version 0.0.2 (David Love Changes: * 3 General Enhancements * Version bump to 0.0.1 * Version bump to 0.0.0 * Initial commit to shu-san-scripts. * 1 Patch Enhancements * Version bump to 0.0.2. Added infrastructure needed for minimally working version HEAD / 2011-09-25 Current Development (David Love) Changes: * 3 General Enhancements * Version bump to 0.0.3 * Regenerate gemspec for version 0.0.2 * Regenerate gemspec for version 0.0.2 * 1 Bug Fixes * Format options as well as the text description * 3 Patch Enhancements * Add ability to generate the correct ZFS commands. Don't actually act on them yet * Added support for sequential UUID's * Require the Facets library in the main gem as well