module AviGlitch # Avi parses the passed RIFF-AVI file and maintains binary data as # a structured object. # It contains headers, frame's raw data, and indices of frames. # The AviGlitch library accesses the data through this class internally. # class Avi # :stopdoc: # RiffChunk represents a parsed RIFF chunk. class RiffChunk attr_accessor :id, :list, :value, :binsize def initialize id, size, value, list = false @binsize = size @is_list = list.kind_of? Array unless is_list? @id = id @value = value else @id = value @list = id @value = list end end def is_list? @is_list end def children id if is_list? value.filter do |chk| == id end else [] end end def child id children(id).first end def search *args a1 = args.shift r = value.filter { |v| == a1 }.collect { |v| if args.size > 0 *args else v end } r.flatten end def inspect if @is_list "{list: \"#{list}\", id: \"#{id}\", binsize: #{binsize}, value: #{value}}" elsif !value.nil? "{id: \"#{id}\", binsize: #{binsize}, value: \"#{value}\"}" else "{id: \"#{id}\", binsize: #{binsize}}" end end end # :startdoc: MAX_RIFF_SIZE = 1024 ** 3 # List of indices for 'movi' data. attr_accessor :indices # Object which represents RIFF structure. attr_accessor :riff attr_accessor :path, :movi, :tmpdir #:nodoc: protected :path, :path=, :movi, :movi= ## # Generates an instance. def initialize path = nil return unless @movi.nil? # don't reconfigure the path when cloning self.path = path unless path.nil? end ## # Set +path+ of the source file. def path= path #:nodoc: @path = path, 'rb') do |io| @movi = 'aviglitch', @tmpdir, binmode: true @riff = [] @indices = [] @superidx = [] @was_avi2 = false io.rewind parse_riff io, @riff if was_avi2? @indices.sort_by! { |ix| ix[:offset] } end end end ## # Parses the passed RIFF formated file recursively. def parse_riff io, target, len = 0, is_movi = false offset = io.pos binoffset = @movi.pos while id = do if len > 0 && io.pos >= offset + len io.pos -= 4 break end size ='V').first if id == 'RIFF' || id == 'LIST' lid = newarr = [] chunk = id, size, lid, newarr target << chunk parse_riff io, newarr, size, lid == 'movi' else value = nil if is_movi if id =~ /^ix/ v = size # confirm the super index surely has information @superidx.each do |sidx| nent = sidx[4, 4].unpack('v').first cid = sidx[8, 4] nent.times do |i| ent = sidx[24 + 16 * i, 16] # we can check other informations thuogh valid = ent[0, 8].unpack('q').first == io.pos - v.size - 8 parse_avi2_indices(v, binoffset) if valid end end else io.pos -= 8 v = + 8) @movi.print v @movi.print "\0" if size % 2 == 1 end elsif id == 'idx1' v = size parse_avi1_indices v unless was_avi2? else value = size if id == 'indx' @superidx << value @was_avi2 = true end end chunk = id, size, value target << chunk io.pos += 1 if size % 2 == 1 end end end ## # Closes the file. def close @movi.close! end ## # Detects the passed file was an AVI2.0 file. def was_avi2? @was_avi2 end ## # Detects the current data will be an AVI2.0 file. def is_avi2? @movi.size >= MAX_RIFF_SIZE end ## # Saves data to AVI formatted file. def output path @index_pos = 0 # prepare headers by reusing existing ones strl = search 'hdrl', 'strl' if is_avi2? # indx vid_frames_size = 0 @indexinfo = @indices.collect { |ix| vid_frames_size += 1 if ix[:id] =~ /d[bc]$/ ix[:id] }.uniq.sort.collect { |d| [d, {}] }.to_h # should be like: {"00dc"=>{}, "01wb"=>{}} strl.each_with_index do |sl, i| indx = sl.child 'indx' if indx.nil? indx ='indx', 4120, "\0" * 4120) indx.value[0, 8] = [4, 0, 0, 0].pack('vccV') sl.value.push indx else indx.value[4, 4] = [0].pack('V') indx.value[24..-1] = "\0" * (indx.value.size - 24) end preid = indx.value[8, 4] info = @indexinfo.find do |key, val| # more strict way must exist though.. if preid == "\0\0\0\0" key.start_with? "%02d" % i else key == preid end end indx.value[8, 4] = info.first if preid == "\0\0\0\0" info.last[:indx] = indx info.last[:fcc] = 'ix' + info.first[0, 2] info.last[:cur] = [] end # odml odml = search('hdrl', 'odml').first if odml.nil? odml = 'LIST', 260, 'odml', ['dmlh', 248, "\0" * 248)] ) @riff.first.child('hdrl').value.push odml end odml.child('dmlh').value[0, 4] = [@indices.size].pack('V') else strl.each do |sl| indx = sl.child 'indx' unless indx.nil? sl.value.delete indx end end end # movi write_movi = ->(io) do vid_frames_size = 0 io.print 'LIST' io.print "\0\0\0\0" data_offset = io.pos io.print 'movi' while io.pos - data_offset <= MAX_RIFF_SIZE ix = @indices[@index_pos] @indexinfo[ix[:id]][:cur] << { pos: io.pos, size: ix[:size], flag: ix[:flag] } if is_avi2? io.print ix[:id] vid_frames_size += 1 if ix[:id] =~ /d[bc]$/ io.print [ix[:size]].pack('V') @movi.pos += 8 io.print[:size]) if ix[:size] % 2 == 1 io.print "\0" @movi.pos += 1 end @index_pos += 1 break if @index_pos > @indices.size - 1 end # standard index if is_avi2? @indexinfo.each do |key, info| ix_offset = io.pos io.print info[:fcc] io.print [24 + 8 * info[:cur].size].pack('V') io.print [2, 0, 1, info[:cur].size].pack('vccV') io.print key io.print [data_offset, 0].pack('qV') info[:cur].each.with_index do |cur, i| io.print [cur[:pos] - data_offset + 8].pack('V') # 8 for LIST#### sz = cur[:size] if cur[:flag] & Frame::AVIIF_KEYFRAME == 0 # is not keyframe sz = sz | 0b1000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000 end io.print [sz].pack('V') end # rewrite indx indx = info[:indx] nent = indx.value[4, 4].unpack('V').first + 1 indx.value[4, 4] = [nent].pack('V') indx.value[24 + 16 * (nent - 1), 16] = [ ix_offset, io.pos - ix_offset, info[:cur].size ].pack('qVV') io.pos = expected_position_of(indx) + 8 io.print indx.value # clean up info[:cur] = [] 0, IO::SEEK_END end end # size of movi size = io.pos - data_offset io.pos = data_offset - 4 io.print [size].pack('V') 0, IO::SEEK_END io.print "\0" if size % 2 == 1 vid_frames_size end, 'w+') do |io| io.binmode @movi.rewind # normal AVI # header io.print 'RIFF' io.print "\0\0\0\0" io.print 'AVI ' @riff.first.value.each do |chunk| break if == 'movi' print_chunk io, chunk end # movi vid_size = io # rewrite frame count in avih header io.pos = 48 io.print [vid_size].pack('V') 0, IO::SEEK_END # idx1 io.print 'idx1' io.print [@index_pos * 16].pack('V') @indices[0..(@index_pos - 1)].each do |ix| io.print ix[:id] + [ix[:flag], ix[:offset] + 4, ix[:size]].pack('V3') end # rewrite riff chunk size avisize = io.pos - 8 io.pos = 4 io.print [avisize].pack('V') 0, IO::SEEK_END # AVI2.0 while @index_pos < @indices.size io.print 'RIFF' io.print "\0\0\0\0" riff_offset = io.pos io.print 'AVIX' # movi io # rewrite total chunk size avisize = io.pos - riff_offset io.pos = riff_offset - 4 io.print [avisize].pack('V') 0, IO::SEEK_END end end end ## # Provides internal accesses to movi binary data. # It requires the yield block to return an array of pair values # which consists of new indices array and new movi binary data. def process_movi &block @movi.rewind newindices, newmovi = @indices, @movi unless @indices == newindices @indices.replace newindices end unless @movi == newmovi @movi.rewind newmovi.rewind while d = do @movi.print d end eof = @movi.pos @movi.truncate eof end end ## # Searches and returns RIFF values with the passed search +args+. # +args+ should point the ids of the tree structured RIFF data # under the 'AVI ' chunk without omission, like: # # 'hdrl', 'strl', 'indx' # # It returns a list of RiffChunk object which can be modified directly. # (RiffChunk class which is returned through this method also has a #search # method with the same interface as this class.) # This method only seeks in the first RIFF 'AVI ' tree. def search *args *args end ## # Returns true if +other+'s indices are same as self's indices. def == other self.indices == other.indices end def inspect #:nodoc: "#<#{}:#{sprintf("0x%x", object_id)} @movi=#{@movi.inspect}>" end def initialize_copy avi #:nodoc: md = Marshal.dump avi.indices @indices = Marshal.load md md = Marshal.dump avi.riff @riff = Marshal.load md newmovi = 'aviglitch-clone', @tmpdir, binmode: true movipos = avi.movi.pos avi.movi.rewind while d = do newmovi.print d end avi.movi.pos = movipos newmovi.rewind @movi = newmovi end def print_chunk io, chunk #:nodoc: offset = io.pos if chunk.is_list? io.print chunk.list io.print "\0\0\0\0" io.print chunk.value.each do |c| print_chunk io, c end else io.print io.print "\0\0\0\0" io.print chunk.value end # rewrite size size = io.pos - offset - 8 io.pos = offset + 4 io.print [size].pack('V') 0, IO::SEEK_END io.print "\0" if size % 2 == 1 end def expected_position_of chunk #:nodoc: pos = -1 cur = 12 seek = -> (chk) do if chk === chunk pos = cur return end if chk.is_list? cur += 12 chk.value.each do |c| c end else cur += 8 cur += chk.value.nil? ? chk.binsize : chk.value.size end end headers = @riff.first.value headers.each do |c| c end pos end def parse_avi1_indices data #:nodoc: # The function Frames#fix_offsets_if_needed in prev versions was now removed. i = 0 while i * 16 < data.size do @indices << { :id => data[i * 16, 4], :flag => data[i * 16 + 4, 4].unpack('V').first, :offset => data[i * 16 + 8, 4].unpack('V').first - 4, :size => data[i * 16 + 12, 4].unpack('V').first, } i += 1 end end def parse_avi2_indices data, offset #:nodoc: id = data[8, 4] nent = data[4, 4].unpack('V').first h = 24 i = 0 while h + i * 8 < data.size moffset = data[h + i * 8, 4].unpack('V').first msize = data[h + i * 8 + 4, 4].unpack('V').first of = offset + moffset - 12 # 12 for movi + 00dc#### # bit 31 is set if this is NOT a keyframe fl = (msize >> 31 == 1) ? 0 : Frame::AVIIF_KEYFRAME sz = msize & 0b0111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111 @indices << { :id => id, :flag => fl, :offset => of, :size => sz, } i += 1 end end private :print_chunk, :expected_position_of, :parse_avi1_indices, :parse_avi2_indices class << self ## # Parses the +file+ and returns the RIFF structure. def rifftree file, out = nil returnable = out.nil? out = if returnable parse = ->(io, depth = 0, len = 0) do offset = io.pos while id = do if len > 0 && io.pos >= offset + len io.pos -= 4 break end size ='V').first str = depth > 0 ? ' ' * depth + id : id if id =~ /^(?:RIFF|LIST)$/ lid = str << (' (%d)' % size) + " ’#{lid}’\n" out.print str io, depth + 1, size else str << (' (%d)' % size ) + "\n" out.print str io.pos += size io.pos += 1 if size % 2 == 1 end end end io = file is_io = file.respond_to?(:seek) # Probably IO. io =, 'rb') unless is_io begin io.rewind io io.rewind ensure io.close unless is_io end if returnable out.rewind end end ## # Parses the +file+ and prints the RIFF structure to stdout. def print_rifftree file Avi.rifftree file, $stdout end end end end