# require 'symphonia/bootstrap_link_render' module Symphonia module ApplicationHelper include FontAwesome::Rails::IconHelper include FormHelper def bootstrap_class_for(flash_type) case flash_type.to_sym when :notice 'alert-success' when :error, :alert 'alert-danger' when :warning 'alert-warning' when :info 'alert-info' else flash_type.to_s end end # Renders flash messages def render_flash_messages(flash_messages = nil) s = '' Array(flash_messages || flash).each do |type, message| s << content_tag(:div, class: "d-print-none alert #{bootstrap_class_for(type)}") do content_tag(:button, '', class: 'fa fa-times-circle-o close', data: { dismiss: 'alert' }) + Array.wrap(message).collect { |m| fa_icon(type, text: m) }.join("
").html_safe end end return s.html_safe end def render_menu(menu, options = {}) s = '' Symphonia::MenuManager.menu(menu).each do |name, item| s << render_menu_node(name, item).to_s end options[:container_class] ||= 'mr-auto' return content_tag(:ul, s.html_safe, itemscope: '', itemtype: 'http://data-vocabulary.org/BreadcrumbList', class: "navbar-nav #{options[:container_class]}", id: menu.to_s) end def render_menu_node(menu, item, options = {}) condition = item[:if] ? item[:if].call : true selected = @menu_item.to_sym == menu label = case item[:label].class.name when 'NilClass' ' '.html_safe when 'String' item[:label] when 'Symbol' t(item[:label]) when 'Proc' item[:label].call(controller) else raise "MenuManager error: Label is unknown type: #{item[:label].class}" end if item[:children].blank? return content_tag(:li, render_menu_link(item, label, options), class: "nav-item #{menu} #{'active' if selected} #{options[:class]}", id: item[:id]) if condition else children = '' item[:children].each do |child, subitem| children << render_menu_node(menu, subitem, class: 'dropdown-item').to_s end unless children.blank? return content_tag(:li, class: "nav-item dropdown #{menu}") do concat render_menu_link(item.merge({ class: 'dropdown-toggle', data: { toggle: 'dropdown' } }), label, { is_submenu: true }) concat content_tag(:ul, children.html_safe, class: 'dropdown-menu') end end end end def render_menu_link(item, label, _options = {}) url = case item[:url].class.name when 'Symbol' if item[:url].to_s.include?('.') endpoint, path = item[:url].to_s.split('.') send(endpoint).send(path) else main_app.send item[:url] end when 'Proc' item[:url].call(self) else item[:url] end link_to( (content_tag(:i, '', class: "#{item[:icon]}") + "\n" + content_tag(:span, label, itemprop: 'title')).html_safe, url, class: "nav-link #{item[:class]}", data: item[:data], method: item[:method], itemprop: 'url' ) end def html_title(*args) if args.empty? title = @html_title || [] title << t(:meta_title) title.reject(&:blank?).join(' — ') else @html_title ||= [] @html_title += args end end def html_description(*args) if args.empty? desc = @html_description desc ||= t(:meta_description) desc.to_s else @html_description ||= [] @html_description += args end end def title(*args, &block) options = args.extract_options! header = args.shift small = args.shift || '' header_text = if header.is_a?(Symbol) t(header, default: header.to_s.humanize) else header.to_s.dup end if @symphonia_modal_dialog ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "@symphonia_modal_dialog is no used anymore !" @symphonia_modal_dialog.title ||= header_text '' else html_title(header_text.dup) header_text << "\n" + content_tag(:small, small, class: 'text-muted') if small.present? s = '' if options[:back] && !request.xhr? back_url = options[:back] unless options[:back].is_a? TrueClass s << link_to_back(back_url) end s << capture(&block).to_s if block_given? header_tag = content_tag request.xhr? && :h5 || :h1, id: 'page_header', class: s.present? && "col-6" || nil do header_text.html_safe end return header_tag if s.blank? content_tag :div, class: "row" do header_tag + content_tag(:div, s.html_safe, class: "col-6 text-right") end end end alias_method :page_header, :title def render_no_data(message = nil) content_tag(:div, message || t(:text_no_data), class: 'nodata') end def content_for(name, content = nil, &block) @has_content ||= {} @has_content[name] = true super(name, content, &block) end def has_content?(name) !!(@has_content && @has_content[name]) end def format_text(text, _options = {}) return '' if text.nil? markdown = RDiscount.new(text, :smart, :filter_html) markdown.to_html.html_safe end def format_html(text) content_tag(:div, (defined?(Ckeditor) ? text.html_safe : format_text(text)), class: 'formatted-text') end def format_price(value, options = {}) number_to_currency(value, { precision: 1, strip_insignificant_zeros: true }.merge(options)) end def multiselect_toggler(id = nil) link_to(fa_icon(:plus), 'javascript:void(0);', onclick: "toggleMultiSelect(#{id || 'this'});return false", class: 'btn fa fa-border') end def link_to_back(url = nil) link_to(icon(:back, t(:button_back)), (params[:back_url] || url || :back), class: 'btn btn-link back') end def link_to_new_entity(options = {}) return '' if !options.has_key?(:skip_permission_check) && !User.current.allowed_to?(:"manage_#{controller_name}") anchor = options.has_key?(:anchor) ? options.delete(:anchor) : 'page_header' label = options.delete(:label) || t("label_#{controller_name.singularize}_new") model = controller.try(:model) || controller_name.singularize url = options.delete(:url) || new_polymorphic_path(model, anchor: anchor) link_to(fa_icon('add', text: label), url, { class: 'btn btn-primary' }.merge(options)) end # change the default link renderer for will_paginate def will_paginate(collection_or_options = nil, options = {}) if collection_or_options.is_a? Hash options, collection_or_options = collection_or_options, nil end unless options[:renderer] options = options.merge renderer: Symphonia::BootstrapLinkRender end options[:query] ||= @query if @query super *[collection_or_options, options].compact end def ckeditor_for(field_id, options = {}) return '' unless !!defined?(Ckeditor) inline = options.delete(:inline) opts = options.inject({}) do |mem, var| key = var[0].to_s.camelcase(:lower) key[0].downcase! mem[key] = var[1] mem end opts['toolbar'] ||= 'Basic' # opts['customConfig'] ||= 'Basic' js = if inline "CKEDITOR.inline('#{field_id}', {toolbar: 'Basic'});" else " var ta_editor = CKEDITOR.instances['#{field_id}']; if (ta_editor) {CKEDITOR.remove(ta_editor);} CKEDITOR.replace('#{field_id}', #{opts.to_json.html_safe}); " end javascript_tag("$(document).ready(function() {#{js.html_safe}})".html_safe) end def icon(fa, text = nil, **options) fa_icon(fa, (text && { text: content_tag(:span, text, class: 'd-none d-sm-inline') } || {}).merge(options)) end def render_symphonia_dialog(*args, &block) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn "Use `render_modal` instead" options = args.extract_options! title = options[:title] || args.shift # first arg possible `title` body = args.shift options[:form_disabled] = true size = options.delete(:size) size ||= '90%' if options.delete(:large) if size.to_s.match(%r(^\d+$)) size = size.to_s + '%' end @symphonia_modal_dialog = SymphoniaModalDialog.new(self, options) @symphonia_modal_dialog.size = size if block_given? yield @symphonia_modal_dialog else raise ArgumentError if body.nil? end @symphonia_modal_dialog.title ||= title if @symphonia_modal_dialog.body.blank? if body.is_a?(Hash) body.merge!(formats: [:html]) else body = { partial: body, formats: [:html] } end @symphonia_modal_dialog.body = render(body) end html = @symphonia_modal_dialog.to_html if options[:render_only] html else js = %Q( $('##{@symphonia_modal_dialog.modal_id}').modal('hide').remove(); $('body').append('#{j html}'); showModal('##{@symphonia_modal_dialog.modal_id}'); $("##{@symphonia_modal_dialog.modal_id} .modal-dialog input:text").first().focus(); $("##{@symphonia_modal_dialog.modal_id} .modal-dialog .modal-body div.buttons").remove(); ) js.concat("$('##{@symphonia_modal_dialog.modal_id} .modal-dialog').css({width: '#{size}'});") if size.present? js.html_safe end end # def render_modal_dialog(show = true, options = {}, &block) # tags = SymphoniaModalDialog.new(self, options) # yield tags if block_given? # html = tags.to_html # if show # "$('##{tags.modal_id}').remove();$('body').append('#{j html}'); showModal('##{tags.modal_id}');".html_safe # else # html # end # end class SymphoniaModalDialog attr_writer :title, :body, :footer attr_reader :modal_id, :title attr_accessor :size def initialize(controller, options = {}) @c = controller @title = options.delete(:title) @modal_id = options.delete(:id) || 'modal-dialog' @form_options = options.delete(:form_options) || {} @options = options end alias_attribute :id, :modal_id def to_html html = "' html.html_safe end def header(&block) if block_given? @header = @c.capture(&block) else @header = (@header.is_a?(Proc) ? @header.call.to_s : @header.to_s) end end def body(&block) if block_given? @body = @c.capture(&block) else @body = (@body.is_a?(Proc) ? @body.call.to_s : @body.to_s) end end def footer(&block) if block_given? @footer = @c.capture(&block) else @footer = (@footer.is_a?(Proc) ? @footer.call.to_s : @footer.to_s) end end def submit(name = nil, options = {}) name ||= @c.t(:button_save) @footer = footer.to_s + @c.link_to(name, 'javascript:void(0)', { onclick: "$('##{@modal_id}').find('form').submit()", class: 'btn btn-primary' }.merge(options)).html_safe end end # Example of use # <%= # table_header_tag_for(User) do |t| # t.th :login # t.th :email # end # %> # options: # => column : DB full name of column # # def table_header_tag_for(model, &block) # tags = TableHeaderTag.new(model, self) # yield tags # tags.to_html # end # # class TableHeaderTag # # attr_reader :view, :model # # def initialize(model, view) # @model = model # @tags = Array.new # @view = view # end # # def th(*args) # options = args.extract_options! # attribute = args.first # label = args[1] # raise ArgumentError if attribute.nil? # # sort_options = options.delete(:sort_options) || {} # html_options = options.delete(:html_options) || {} # # label ||= @model.send(:human_attribute_name, attribute, options[:i18n] || {}) # @tags << @view.content_tag(:th, html_options) do # if options[:sort] === false # label # else # sort_options[:column] ||= options.delete(:column) # sort_options[:column] ||= "#{@model.send(:table_name)}.#{attribute}" # # @view.sortable_column(label, sort_options) # TODO: Rails 5 error # label # end # end # # end # # def to_html # @tags.join("\n").html_safe # end # # end # def render_share_buttons(url, name, options = {}) # options[:icon_css] ||= '' # render(partial: 'common/share_links', locals: options.merge({ url: url, name: name })) # end end end #ApplicationHelper.send :include, Symphonia::ApplicationHelperExtension