module Refinery module ExtensionGeneration def self.included(base) base.class_eval do argument :attributes, :type => :array, :default => [], :banner => "field:type field:type" class_option :namespace, :type => :string, :default => nil, :banner => 'NAMESPACE', :required => false class_option :extension, :type => :string, :default => nil, :banner => 'ENGINE', :required => false class_option :i18n, :type => :array, :default => [], :required => false, :banner => "field field", :desc => 'Indicates generated fields' remove_class_option :skip_namespace def namespacing @namespacing ||= if options[:namespace].present? # Use exactly what the user requested, not a pluralised version. options[:namespace].to_s.camelize else class_name.pluralize end end def extension_name @extension_name ||= if options[:extension].present? # Use exactly what the user requested, not a made up version. options[:extension].to_s else singular_name end end def extension_class_name @extension_class_name ||= extension_name.camelize end def extension_plural_class_name @extension_plural_class_name ||= if options[:extension].present? # Use exactly what the user requested, not a plural version. extension_class_name else extension_class_name.pluralize end end def extension_plural_name @extension_plural_name ||= if options[:extension].present? # Use exactly what the user requested, not a plural version. extension_name else extension_name.pluralize end end def localized? localized_attributes.any? end def localized_attributes @localized_attributes ||={|a| options[:i18n].include?(} end def attributes_for_translation_table localized_attributes.inject([]) {|memo, attr| memo << ":#{} => :#{attr.type}"}.join(', ') end protected def append_extension_to_gemfile! unless Rails.env.test? || (self.behavior != :revoke && extension_in_gemfile?) path = extension_pathname.parent.relative_path_from(gemfile.parent) append_file gemfile, "\ngem '#{gem_name}', :path => '#{path}'" end end def clash_keywords @clash_keywords ||= begin clash_keywords = [] unless (clash_file = source_pathname.parent.join('clash_keywords.yml')).file? clash_file = source_pathname.parent.parent.join('clash_keywords.yml') end clash_keywords = YAML.load_file(clash_file) if clash_file.file? clash_keywords end end def destination_pathname @destination_pathname ||= end def extension_pathname destination_pathname.join('vendor', 'extensions', extension_plural_name) end def extension_path_for(path, extension) path = extension_pathname.join(path.to_s.gsub(%r{#{source_pathname}/?}, '')).to_s path.gsub!('extension_plural_name', extension_plural_name) path.gsub!('plural_name', plural_name) path.gsub!('singular_name', singular_name) path.gsub!('namespace', namespacing.underscore) if options[:namespace].present? || options[:extension].present? # Increment the migration file leading number # Only relevant for nested or namespaced extensions, where a previous migration exists if path =~ %r{/migrate/\d+\w*.rb\z} if last_migration = Dir["#{destination_pathname.join(path.split(File::SEPARATOR)[0..-2].join(File::SEPARATOR), '*.rb')}"].sort.last path.gsub!(%r{\d+_}) { |m| "#{last_migration.match(%r{migrate/(\d+)_})[1].to_i + 1}_" } end end # Detect whether this is a special file that needs to get merged not overwritten. # This is important only when nesting extensions. if extension.present? && File.exist?(path) path = if path =~ %r{/locales/.*\.yml$} or path =~ %r{/routes.rb$} or path =~ %r{/#{gem_name}.rb$} # put new translations into a tmp directory path.split(File::SEPARATOR).insert(-2, "tmp").join(File::SEPARATOR) elsif path =~ %r{/$} or path =~ %r{/#{plural_name}.rb$} nil else path end elsif extension.present? and path =~ /lib\/#{plural_name}.rb$/ path = nil end end path end def erase_destination! if Pathname.glob(extension_pathname.join('**', '*')).all?(&:directory?) say_status :remove, relative_to_original_destination_root(extension_pathname.to_s), true FileUtils.rm_rf extension_pathname unless options[:pretend] end end def evaluate_templates! Pathname.glob(source_pathname.join('**', '**')).reject{|f| reject_template?(f) }.sort.each do |path| if (template_path = extension_path_for(path, extension_name)).present? template path, template_path end end end def existing_extension? options[:extension].present? && && extension_in_gemfile? end def exit_with_message!(message) puts "" puts message puts "" exit(1) end def extension_in_gemfile?{#{gem_name}}).any? end def finalize_extension! if self.behavior != :revoke and !self.options['pretend'] puts_instructions! else erase_destination! end end def gem_name "refinerycms-#{extension_plural_name}" end def gemfile @gemfile ||= begin Bundler.default_gemfile || destination_pathname.join('Gemfile') end end def merge_locales! if existing_extension? # go through all of the temporary files and merge what we need into the current files. tmp_directories = [] Dir.glob(source_pathname.join("{config/locales/*.yml,config/routes.rb,lib/refinerycms-extension_plural_name.rb}"), File::FNM_DOTMATCH).sort.each do |path| # get the path to the current tmp file. new_file_path = destination_pathname.join(extension_path_for(path, extension_name)) tmp_directories <<[0..-2].join(File::SEPARATOR)) # save for later # get the path to the existing file and perform a deep hash merge. current_path ={|f| f == 'tmp'}.join(File::SEPARATOR)) new_contents = nil if new_file_path.to_s =~ %r{.yml$} # merge translation files together. new_contents = YAML::load({^---\n}, '') elsif new_file_path.to_s =~ %r{/routes.rb$} # append any routes from the new file to the current one. routes_file = [(file_parts ="\n")).first] routes_file += file_parts[1..-2] routes_file +="\n")[1..-2] routes_file << file_parts.last new_contents = routes_file.join("\n") elsif new_file_path.to_s =~ %r{/#{gem_name}.rb$} new_contents = + end # write to current file the merged results.'w+') { |file| file.puts new_contents } if new_contents end tmp_directories.uniq.each{|dir| remove_dir(dir) if dir && dir.exist?} end end def puts_instructions! unless Rails.env.test? puts "------------------------" puts "Now run:" puts "bundle install" puts "rails generate refinery:#{extension_plural_name}" puts "rake db:migrate" puts "rake db:seed" puts "------------------------" end end def reject_file?(file) !localized? && file.to_s.include?('locale_picker') end def reject_template?(file) || reject_file?(file) end def sanity_check! if clash_keywords.member?(singular_name.downcase) exit_with_message!("Please choose a different name. The generated code would fail for class '#{singular_name}' as it conflicts with a reserved keyword.") end if singular_name == plural_name message = if singular_name.singularize == singular_name "The extension name you specified will not work as the singular name is equal to the plural name." else "Please specify the singular name '#{singular_name.singularize}' instead of '#{plural_name}'." end exit_with_message!(message) end if attributes.empty? && self.behavior != :revoke exit_with_message!("You must specify a name and at least one field. For help: #{generator_command}") end end def source_pathname @source_pathname ||= end end end end end