# encoding: UTF-8 # Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 require 'spec_helper' describe TwitterCldr::Shared::Locale do describe '.split' do it 'splits by dashes' do expect(described_class.split('pt-BR')).to eq(%w[pt BR]) end it 'splits by underscores' do expect(described_class.split('pt_BR')).to eq(%w[pt BR]) end it 'splits by spaces' do expect(described_class.split('pt BR')).to eq(%w[pt BR]) end it 'splits by a combination of dashes, underscores, and spaces' do expect(described_class.split('pt-Latn_BR FOO')).to eq(%w[pt Latn BR FOO]) end end describe '.parse' do it 'correctly identifies language only' do locale = described_class.parse('pt') expect(locale.language).to eq('pt') end it 'correctly identifies full scripts' do locale = described_class.parse('Hiragana') expect(locale.script).to eq('Hiragana') end it 'correctly identifies abbreviated scripts' do locale = described_class.parse('Hira') expect(locale.script).to eq('Hira') end it 'correctly identifies language and region' do locale = described_class.parse('pt-br') expect(locale.language).to eq('pt') expect(locale.region).to eq('BR') end it 'correctly identifies language and script' do locale = described_class.parse('pt-latn') expect(locale.language).to eq('pt') expect(locale.script).to eq('Latn') end it 'correctly identifies language, script, and region' do locale = described_class.parse('pt-latn-br') expect(locale.language).to eq('pt') expect(locale.script).to eq('Latn') expect(locale.region).to eq('BR') end it 'correctly identifies variants' do locale = described_class.parse('pt-fonipa') expect(locale.language).to eq('pt') expect(locale.variants).to eq(%w[FONIPA]) end it 'correctly identifies language, script, region, and variants' do locale = described_class.parse('pt-latn-br-fonipa') expect(locale.language).to eq('pt') expect(locale.script).to eq('Latn') expect(locale.region).to eq('BR') expect(locale.variants).to eq(%w[FONIPA]) end it "sets the region to nil if it can't be identified" do locale = described_class.parse('pt-$@') expect(locale.language).to eq('pt') expect(locale.region).to be_nil end it "sets the script to nil if it can't be identified" do locale = described_class.parse('pt-$@-br') expect(locale.language).to eq('pt') expect(locale.region).to eq('BR') expect(locale.script).to be_nil end it 'replaces deprecated language subtags' do locale = described_class.parse('por') expect(locale.language).to eq('pt') end it 'replaces deprecated region/territory subtags' do locale = described_class.parse('pt-bra') expect(locale.region).to eq('BR') end it 'removes script placeholder subtags' do locale = described_class.parse('zh-zzzz-sg') expect(locale.script).to be_nil end it 'removes region placeholder subtags' do locale = described_class.parse('zh-hans-zz') expect(locale.region).to be_nil end it "sets language to 'und' if it can't be identified" do locale = described_class.parse('$@') expect(locale.language).to eq('und') end end describe '.valid?' do it 'returns true if all subtags are valid' do expect(described_class.valid?('en')).to eq(true) expect(described_class.valid?('en-latn')).to eq(true) expect(described_class.valid?('en-latn-us')).to eq(true) expect(described_class.valid?('en-latn-us-fonipa')).to eq(true) end it 'returns false if any subtag is invalid' do expect(described_class.valid?('xz')).to eq(false) expect(described_class.valid?('en-fooo')).to eq(false) expect(described_class.valid?('en-latn-XZ')).to eq(false) expect(described_class.valid?('en-latn-us-foooo')).to eq(false) end end # see likely_subtags_spec.rb for the complete likely subtags test suite describe '.parse_likely' do it 'returns a Locale instance' do locale = described_class.parse_likely('zh') expect(locale).to be_a(described_class) end end context 'with a locale with interesting ancestry' do let(:locale) { described_class.new('es', nil, 'CR') } describe '#ancestor_chain' do it 'identifies the correct ancestors' do expect(locale.ancestor_chain.map(&:dasherized)).to eq( ['es-CR', 'es-419', 'es'] ) end end describe '#max_supported' do it 'identifies the correct supported parent locale' do expect(locale.max_supported.dasherized).to eq('es-419') end end end context 'with a locale instance (Korean)' do let(:locale) { described_class.new('ko', nil, 'KR') } describe '#full_script' do it 'calculates the long name of the script using Unicode property data' do locale = described_class.new('ru_Cyrl_RU').maximize expect(locale.script).to eq('Cyrl') expect(locale.full_script).to eq('Cyrillic') end it 'returns the abbreviated name if no long name can be found in property data' do max_locale = locale.maximize expect(max_locale.script).to eq('Kore') expect(max_locale.full_script).to eq('Kore') end end describe '#abbreviated_script' do it 'calculates the abbreviated name of the script using Unicode property data' do locale = described_class.new('ru_Cyrillic_RU').maximize expect(locale.script).to eq('Cyrillic') expect(locale.abbreviated_script).to eq('Cyrl') end end # see likely_subtags_spec.rb for the complete likely subtags test suite describe '#maximize' do it 'returns a Locale instance' do expect(locale.maximize).to be_a(described_class) end end describe '#dasherized' do it 'adds dashes between the subtags' do expect(locale.dasherized).to eq('ko-KR') end end describe '#join' do it 'adds a default underscore separator between the subtags' do expect(locale.join).to eq('ko_KR') # method aliases expect(locale.underscored).to eq('ko_KR') expect(locale.to_s).to eq('ko_KR') end it 'adds the given separator between the subtags' do expect(locale.join('|')).to eq('ko|KR') end end describe '#to_a' do it 'returns an array with all the subtags' do expect(locale.to_a).to eq(%w[ko KR]) end it 'includes variants if they are present' do locale.variants << 'FONIPA' expect(locale.to_a).to eq(%w[ko KR FONIPA]) end end describe '#permutations' do it 'generates all combinations of the subtags' do expect(locale.permutations).to eq( %w(ko_KR ko) ) end it 'generates all maximized combinations of the subtags' do expect(locale.maximize.permutations).to eq( %w(ko_Kore_KR ko_Kore ko_KR ko) ) end end describe '#ancestor_chain' do it 'identifies the correct ancestors' do expect(locale.ancestor_chain.map(&:dasherized)).to eq( ['ko-KR', 'ko'] ) end end describe '#max_supported' do it 'identifies the correct supported locale' do expect(locale.max_supported.dasherized).to eq('ko') end end end end