require 'git' require_relative 'l_cache' # require_relative 'database' require_relative 'file_path' module LgPodPlugin class LDownloader REQUIRED_ATTRS ||= %i[git name commit branch tag options].freeze attr_accessor(*REQUIRED_ATTRS) def initialize(name, options = {}) = name self.options = options self.git = options[:git] self.tag = options[:tag] self.branch = options[:branch] self.commit = options[:commit] end # def check_cache_valid(name, branch) # self.db.should_clean_pod_info(name, branch) # end # 预下载处理 def pre_download_pod if self.branch LgPodPlugin.log_green "Using `#{name}` (#{branch})" else LgPodPlugin.log_green "Using `#{name}`" end # 发现本地有缓存, 不需要更新缓存 need_download = LRequest.shared.cache.find_pod_cache(, self.git, self.branch, self.tag, self.commit, LRequest.shared.is_update) if !need_download LgPodPlugin.log_green "find the cache of `#{name}`, you can use it now." return else LgPodPlugin.log_green "find the new commit of `#{name}`, Git downloading now." end # 本地 git 下载 pod 目录 LRequest.shared.git_util.pre_download_git_repository # 本地clone代码失败跳出去 # unless real_pod_path.exist? # return # end # # 切换到本地git仓库目录下 # FileUtils.chdir(real_pod_path) # unless real_pod_path.glob("*.git") # return # end # # 使用branch克隆代码 # git ="./")) # current_branch = git.current_branch # if current_branch == branch # 要 clone 的分支正好等于当前分支 # current_commit = git.log(1).to_s # if new_commit != current_commit && is_update # #删除旧的pod 缓存 # self.cache.clean_old_cache(name, git_url, current_commit) # LgPodPlugin.log_green "git pull #{name} origin/#{current_branch}" # self.git_util.should_pull(git, current_branch, new_commit) # current_commit = new_commit # end # hash_map = { :git => git_url } # if current_commit # hash_map[:commit] = current_commit # end # LSqliteDb.instance.insert_table(name, branch, current_commit, nil, real_pod_path) # LgPodPlugin::LCache.cache_pod(name, real_pod_path, is_update, hash_map) # else # branch_exist = git.branches.local.find { |e| e.to_s == branch } # if branch_exist # LgPodPlugin.log_green "git switch #{name} #{git_url} -b #{branch}" # self.git_util.git_switch(branch) # else # LgPodPlugin.log_green "git checkout #{name} #{git_url} -b #{branch}" # self.git_util.git_checkout(branch) # end # current_commit = git.log(1).to_s # if current_commit != new_commit # LgPodPlugin.log_green "git pull #{name} #{git_url} -b #{branch}" # self.git_util.should_pull(git, current_branch, new_commit) # current_commit = new_commit # end # hash_map = { :git => git_url } # if current_commit # hash_map[:commit] = current_commit # end # LSqliteDb.instance.insert_table(name, branch, current_commit, nil, real_pod_path) # LgPodPlugin::LCache.cache_pod(name, real_pod_path, is_update, hash_map) # end end end end