APPLY_LEARNING_ALL_POLICIES APPLY_LEARNING_ACTIVE_POLICY APPLY_LEARNING_SPECIFIC_POLICY LANGUAGE_UNDEFINED UNICODE_UTF_8 WESTERN_EUROPEAN_ISO_8859_1 WESTERN_EUROPEAN_WINDOWS_1252 WESTERN_EUROPEAN_ISO_8859_15 CENTRAL_EUROPEAN_ISO_8859_2 CENTRAL_EUROPEAN_WINDOWS_1250 SOUTH_EUROPEAN_ISO_8859_3 GREEK_ISO_8859_7 GREEK_WINDOWS_1253 NORDIC_ISO_8859_10 CYRILLIC_WINDOWS_1251 CYRILLIC_KOI8_R CYRILLIC_ISO_8859_5 ROMANIAN_ISO_8859_16 BALTIC_ISO_8859_4 BALTIC_ISO_8859_13 BALTIC_WINDOWS_1257 HEBREW_WINDOWS_1255 HEBREW_ISO_8859_8 JAPANESE_SHIFT_JIS JAPANESE_EUC_JP KOREAN_EUC_KR CHINESE_BIG5 CHINESE_GB2312 THAI_CP874 ARABIC_ISO_8859_6 CHINESE_GBK CHINESE_GB18030 TURKISH_ISO_8859_9 ARABIC_WINDOWS_1256 POLICY_TEMPLATE_EMPTY POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2007_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2007_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2003_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2003_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_ORACLE_APPLICATIONS_11I_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_ORACLE_APPLICATIONS_11I_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_LOTUSDOMINO_6_5_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_LOTUSDOMINO_6_5_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2007_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2007_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_SAP_NETWEAVER_7_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_SAP_NETWEAVER_7_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_PEOPLESOFT_PORTAL_9_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_PEOPLESOFT_PORTAL_9_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_ORACLE_10G_PORTAL_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_ORACLE_10G_PORTAL_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2003_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2003_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_ACTIVESYNC_V1_0_V2_0_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_ACTIVESYNC_V1_0_V2_0_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2007_WITH_ACTIVESYNC_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2007_WITH_ACTIVESYNC_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2003_WITH_ACTIVESYNC_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2003_WITH_ACTIVESYNC_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_WHITEHAT_SENTINEL_BASELINE POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2010_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_OWA_EXCHANGE_2010_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2010_HTTP POLICY_TEMPLATE_SHAREPOINT_2010_HTTPS POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT POLICY_TEMPLATE_RAPID_DEPLOYMENT_PB Gets a list of all HTTP classes. Deletes all non-active policies for HTTP classes. The active policy will not be deleted. As of v11.1.0, all offline policies will be deleted. HTTP class names will be ignored. Deletes all disabled HTTP classes. The corresponding HTTP Class profiles are not deleted. Set the language for the specified HTTP classes. Note that the language can only be set once for an HTTP class. Gets the language for the specified HTTP classes. This method has been deprecated. Set the "apply learning" for the specified HTTP classes. This method has been deprecated. Get the "apply learning" for the specified HTTP classes. Set the active policy for the specified HTTP classes. This applies the specified policy to the enforcer. Get the active policy for the specified HTTP classes. Returns a list of the policies associated with the specified HTTP class. Returns the enabled flag of specified HTTP class. Deletes the specified HTTP classes. Only disabled HTTP classes can be deleted. The corresponding HTTP Class profiles are not deleted. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate Security log profile, which is assigned to VS, so logging profile is not associated with ASM directly. Set the logging profile for the specified HTTP classes. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate Security log profile, which is assigned to VS, so logging profile is not associated with ASM directly. Get the logging profile for the specified HTTP classes. Reconfigures the specified HTTP classes. This resets all properties of the HTTP class and its active security policy. Configures the specified HTTP classes in one-step. For each HTTP class: sets the language adds a policy created from the specified template sets the policy active removes the original default policy Confugures the specified HTTP classes in one-step. For each HTTP class: sets the language adds a policy created from the specified template (specified by icontrol_name) sets the policy active removes the original default policy Gets the version information for this interface. Gets a list of all HTTP classes. Deletes all non-active policies for HTTP classes. The active policy will not be deleted. As of v11.1.0, all offline policies will be deleted. HTTP class names will be ignored. Deletes all disabled HTTP classes. The corresponding HTTP Class profiles are not deleted. Set the language for the specified HTTP classes. Note that the language can only be set once for an HTTP class. Gets the language for the specified HTTP classes. This method has been deprecated. Set the "apply learning" for the specified HTTP classes. This method has been deprecated. Get the "apply learning" for the specified HTTP classes. Set the active policy for the specified HTTP classes. This applies the specified policy to the enforcer. Get the active policy for the specified HTTP classes. Returns a list of the policies associated with the specified HTTP class. Returns the enabled flag of specified HTTP class. Deletes the specified HTTP classes. Only disabled HTTP classes can be deleted. The corresponding HTTP Class profiles are not deleted. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate Security log profile, which is assigned to VS, so logging profile is not associated with ASM directly. Set the logging profile for the specified HTTP classes. This method has been deprecated. As of v11.3.0, there is separate Security log profile, which is assigned to VS, so logging profile is not associated with ASM directly. Get the logging profile for the specified HTTP classes. Reconfigures the specified HTTP classes. This resets all properties of the HTTP class and its active security policy. Configures the specified HTTP classes in one-step. For each HTTP class: sets the language adds a policy created from the specified template sets the policy active removes the original default policy Confugures the specified HTTP classes in one-step. For each HTTP class: sets the language adds a policy created from the specified template (specified by icontrol_name) sets the policy active removes the original default policy Gets the version information for this interface. *IMPORTANT* This entire interface has been deprecated (as of 11.4.0). Its functionality has been moved to the Policy interface. The WebApplication interface enables you to manipulate Application Security Policies (until v11.1.0, ASM Web Applications) associated with HTTP Class profiles. This interface does not support transactions.