module Manageable module ApplicationHelper # Create a content box. # # options - A hash of options to apply to the box. # &block - The content of the box, passed an instance of Helpers::BoxBuilder. # # Valid options: # # * :headline -- The headline to show in the box. # * :class -- A class to apply to the box. # * :id -- The ID to apply to the box. # # Example: # <% content_box :headline => "My Box", :class => "alert", :id => "my_box" do |box| %> # <% box.navigation do |nav| %> # <% nav.item "List People", people_path, :active => true %> # <% nav.item "New Person", new_person_path %> # <% nav.item "Search", search_path(:type => "people") %> # <% end %> # # <% box.breadcrumbs do |crumbs| %> # <% crumbs.item "Home", root_path %> # <% crumbs.item "People", people_path %> # <% crumbs.item "Bob Jones", person_path(@person), :active => true %> # <% end %> # #

This is a really neat box, which will be displayed with a headline and navigation.

# <% end %> # # Returns the completed box, yields an instance of Helpers::BoxBuilder. def manageable_content_box(options = {}, &block) box_buffer = box_content = capture(box_buffer, &block) options = { :id => nil, :class => [] }.merge(options) block_class = ([ "block" ] + [ options[:class] ].flatten).join(" ") content_tag(:div, :class => block_class, :id => options[:id]) do block_out = box_buffer.buffers[:block_header].html_safe block_out << content_tag(:div, :class => "content") do content_out = ''.html_safe content_out = content_tag(:h2, options[:headline]) if options[:headline] content_out << content_tag(:div, box_content, :class => 'inner') end block_out << box_buffer.buffers[:block_footer].html_safe end end # Get or set the page title # # title - The title to set. (optional) # # Example: # page_title("Hello, world!") # # => "Hello, world!" # page_title # # => "Hello, world!" # # Returns the page title, first setting it if title is not nil. def manageable_page_title(title = nil) @title = title unless title.nil? @title || "Untitled Page" end # Display an icon # # name - The icon to display # size - One of :small or :large (optional) # options - A hash to be passed to the image_tag helper (optional) # # Example: # manageable_icon("add") # # => image_tag("/assets/manageable/icons/16x16/add.png", :alt => "Add") # manageable_icon("new_item", :large) # # => image_tag("/assets/manageable/icons/32x32/new_item.png, :alt => "New Item") # # Returns an image tag, ready to be displayed in a template. def manageable_icon(name, size = :small, options = {}) return "" if name.nil? dimension = ( (size == :small) ? "16" : "32" ).html_safe options[:alt] ||= name.capitalize.gsub("_", " ") image_tag(asset_path("manageable/icons/#{dimension}x#{dimension}/#{name}.png"), { :alt => options[:alt] }) end def manageable_navigation(options = {}, &block) options[:class] ||= "" options[:class].strip! options[:ul_class] ||= "wat-cf" options[:ul_class].strip! menu = yield menu if block_given? content_tag("div", options) do content_tag("ul", "", :class => options[:ul_class]) do menu.collect { |item| content_tag("li", :class => item[:class]) do link_to(item[:label], item[:href], item[:link_options]) end }.join("").html_safe end end end # Displays a secondary naviagtion menu # # options - A hash of attributes to apply to the wrapping div tag # # Example: #
# <%= secondary_navigation do |nav| # nav.item "List People", people_path, :active => true # nav.item "New Person", new_person_path # nav.item "Search", search_path(:type => "people") # end %> #

List People

# # Returns a secondary navigation block to be displayed. def manageable_secondary_navigation(options = {}, &block) options[:class] ||= "" options[:class] << " secondary-navigation" manageable_navigation(options, &block) end # Creates a set of buttons # # options - A hash of attributes to apply to the wrapping div tag # # Example: #
# <%= controls do |c| # c.item "Copy", copy_person_path(person), :icon => "copy_person" # c.item "Delete", person_path(person), :method => :delete # end %> #
# # Returns a set of controls to be displayed. def manageable_controls(options = {}) options[:class] ||= "" options[:class] << " control" options[:class].strip! items = yield items if block_given? content_tag("div", options) do items.collect { |item| manageable_button(item[:label], item[:href], item[:link_options].merge(:icon => item[:icon])) }.join("").html_safe end end # Displays a breadcrumb trail # # options - A hash of attributes to apply to the wrapping div tag # # Example: #

<%= @news_item.title %>


<%= @news_item.content %>

# <%= breadcrumbs do |b| # b.item "Home", root_path # b.item "News", news_path # b.item "Awesome New Things", news_path(@news_item), :active => true # %> #
# # Returns the breadcrumb trail. def manageable_breadcrumbs(options = {}) items = yield items if block_given? options[:class] ||= "" options[:class] << " breadcrumb" options[:class].strip! content_tag("div", options) do content_tag("ul") do items.collect { |item| content_tag("li", :class => item[:class]) do if item[:active] item[:label] else link_to(item[:label], item[:href]) end end }.join("").html_safe end end end # Links to a sortable column. # *column*: - The column to link to # *title*: - The link title # *options*: - Additional link_to options def manageable_sortable(column, title = nil, options = {}) title ||= column.titleize css_class = column && sort_column && column.to_sym == sort_column.to_sym ? "sort_#{sort_direction}" : nil direction = column && sort_column && column.to_sym == sort_column.to_sym && sort_direction == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc" options[:class] = [options[:class], css_class].compact.join(" ") link_to title, params.merge(:sort => column, :direction => direction, :page => nil), options end # Creates a link_to button def manageable_button(body, url, html_options = {}) html_options[:class] = [html_options[:class], "button"].compact.join(" ") icon = manageable_icon(html_options.delete(:icon), :small, :alt => body) if html_options[:icon] link_to url, html_options do [icon, body].compact.join(" ").html_safe end end # Prints a pagination block. Accepts the following options: # # *current_page* # *num_pages* # *param_name* def manageable_pagination(options = {}) current_page = options[:current_page] || 1 num_pages = options[:num_pages] || 1 outer_window = options[:outer_window] || 4 page_param = options[:param_name] || :page if current_page <= num_pages previous_page = current_page - 1 next_page = current_page + 1 left_window = ((current_page - outer_window)...current_page){|i| i > 0} right_window = ((current_page + 1)..(current_page + outer_window)){|i| i <= num_pages} elements = [] if 1 != current_page # First elements << {:value => t("manageable.pagination.first"), :href => params.merge(page_param => 1)} # Previous elements << {:value => t("manageable.pagination.previous"), :href => params.merge(page_param => previous_page)} end # Left Gap if left_window.first && left_window.first != 1 elements << {:value => t("")} end # Left window left_window.each do |i| elements << {:value => i, :href => params.merge(page_param => i)} end # Current Page elements << {:value => current_page, :html => {:class => "current"}} # Right window right_window.each do |i| elements << {:value => i, :href => params.merge(page_param => i)} end # Right Gap if right_window.last && right_window.last != num_pages elements << {:value => t("")} end if num_pages != current_page # Next elements << {:value => t(""), :href => params.merge(page_param => next_page)} # Last elements << {:value => t("manageable.pagination.last"), :href => params.merge(page_param => num_pages)} end content_tag :div, :class => "pagination" do do |options| if options[:href] link_to options[:value], options[:href] else content_tag(:span, options[:value], options[:html]) end end.join.html_safe end end end # Helper for custom attrtastic like builder def manageable_attributes(record, options = {}, &block) options[:html] ||= {} html_class = [ "attrtastic", record.class.to_s.underscore, options[:html][:class] ].compact.join(" ") output = tag(:div, { :class => html_class}, true) if block_given? output << capture(, self), &block) else output << capture(, self)) do |attr| attr.attributes end end output.safe_concat("") end # Default customizable helpers def manageable_head content_for(:head) end def manageable_javascripts content_for(:javascripts) end def manageable_sidebar content_for(:sidebar) end def manageable_logo content_tag(:h1, "Manageable") end def manageable_footer content_tag(:p, "Manageable - Activo Theme by David Francisco / /") end def manageable_user_navigation(menu) menu.item image_tag("manageable/session/home.png", :alt => "Dashboard", :"original-title" => "Dashboard"), "#" menu.item image_tag("manageable/session/account.png", :alt => "Profile", :"original-title" => "Profile"), "#" menu.item image_tag("manageable/session/config.png", :alt => "Preferences", :"original-title" => "Preferences"), "#" menu.item image_tag("manageable/session/logout.png", :alt => "Logout", :"original-title" => "Logout"), "#" end def manageable_main_navigation(menu) menu.item "Main Page", "#" menu.item "Active", "#", :class => "active" menu.item "Login", "#" end end end