require 'rbbt/resource/util' require 'yaml' module Path attr_accessor :resource, :pkgdir, :search_paths def self.setup(string, pkgdir = nil, resource = nil, search_paths = nil) string.extend Path string.pkgdir = pkgdir || 'rbbt' string.resource = resource string.search_paths = search_paths string end def sub(*args) self.annotate super(*args) end def annotate(name) Path.setup name.to_s, @pkgdir, @resource, @search_paths end def join(name) if self.empty? self.annotate name.to_s.dup else self.annotate File.join(self, name.to_s) end end def dirname Path.setup File.dirname(self), @pkgdir, @resource end def directory? return nil unless self.exists? self.find end def glob(pattern = '*') return [] unless self.exists? exp = File.join(self.find, pattern) Dir.glob(exp).collect{|f| Path.setup(f, self.resource, self.pkgdir)} end def [](name, orig = false) return super(name) if orig join name end def byte(pos) send(:[], pos, true) end def method_missing(name, prev = nil, *args, &block) if block_given? super name, prev, *args, &block else # Fix problem with ruby 1.9 calling methods by its own initiative. ARG super(name, prev, *args) if name.to_s =~ /^to_/ if prev.nil? join name else join(prev).join(name) end end end SEARCH_PATHS = { :current => File.join("{PWD}", "{TOPLEVEL}", "{SUBPATH}"), :user => File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".{PKGDIR}", "{TOPLEVEL}", "{SUBPATH}"), :global => File.join('/', "{TOPLEVEL}", "{PKGDIR}", "{SUBPATH}"), :local => File.join('/usr/local', "{TOPLEVEL}", "{PKGDIR}", "{SUBPATH}"), :lib => File.join('{LIBDIR}', "{TOPLEVEL}", "{SUBPATH}"), :default => :user } search_path_file = File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.rbbt/etc/search_paths') if File.exists?(search_path_file) YAML.load( do |where, location| SEARCH_PATHS[where.to_sym] = location end end def find(where = nil, caller_lib = nil, paths = nil) paths = (self.search_paths || SEARCH_PATHS).merge(paths || {}) where = paths[:default] if where == :default return self if located? if self.match(/(.*?)\/(.*)/) toplevel, subpath = self.match(/(.*?)\/(.*)/).values_at 1, 2 else toplevel, subpath = self, "" end path = nil if where.nil? %w(current user local global lib).each do |w| w = w.to_sym next unless paths.include? w path = find(w, caller_lib, paths) return path if File.exists? path end if paths.include? :default find((paths[:default] || :user), caller_lib, paths) else raise "Path '#{ path }' not found, and no default specified in search paths: #{paths.inspect}" end else where = where.to_sym raise "Did not recognize the 'where' tag: #{where}. Options: #{paths.keys}" unless paths.include? where if where == :lib libdir = Path.caller_lib_dir(caller_lib) || "NOLIBDIR" else libdir = "NOLIBDIR" end pwd = FileUtils.pwd path = paths[where]. sub('{PKGDIR}', pkgdir). sub('{PWD}', pwd). sub('{TOPLEVEL}', toplevel). sub('{SUBPATH}', subpath). sub('{PATH}', self). sub('{LIBDIR}', libdir) #, @pkgdir, @resource, @search_paths self.annotate path end end def find_all(caller_lib = nil, search_paths = nil) search_paths ||= self.search_paths || SEARCH_PATHS search_paths = search_paths.dup search_paths.keys. collect{|where| find(where, Path.caller_lib_dir, search_paths) }.{|file| file.exists? }.uniq end #{{{ Methods def in_dir?(dir) ! ! File.expand_path(self).match(/^#{Regexp.quote dir}/) end def to_s self.find end def filename self.find end def exists? begin self.produce File.exists? self.find rescue false end end def produce(force = false) path = self.find return self if Open.exists?(path.to_s) and not force raise "No resource defined to produce file: #{ self }" if resource.nil? resource.produce self, force self end def read(&block), &block) end def write(*args, &block) Open.write(self.produce.find, *args, &block) end def open(options = {}, &block), options, &block) end def to_s "" + self end def basename Path.setup(File.basename(self), self.resource, self.pkgdir) end def tsv(*args), *args) end def list "\n" end def keys(field = 0, sep = "\t")"\n").collect{|l| next if l =~ /^#/; l.split(sep, -1)[field]}.compact end def yaml do |f| YAML.load f end end def pipe_to(cmd, options = {}) CMD.cmd(cmd, {:in =>, :pipe => true}.merge(options)) end def index(options = {}) TSV.index(self.produce, options) end def range_index(start, eend, options = {}) TSV.range_index(self.produce, start, eend, options) end def pos_index(pos, options = {}) TSV.pos_index(self.produce, pos, options) end def to_yaml(*args) self.to_s.to_yaml(*args) end def fields TSV.parse_header( end def all_fields do |stream| TSV.parse_header(stream).all_fields end end def identifier_file_path if self.dirname.identifiers.exists? self.dirname.identifiers else nil end end def identifier_files if identifier_file_path.nil? [] else [identifier_file_path] end end def set_extension(new_extension = nil) new_path = self.sub(/\.[^\.\/]+$/, "." << new_extension.to_s) Path.setup new_path, @pkgdir, @resource end def doc_file(relative_to = 'lib') if located? lib_dir = Path.caller_lib_dir(self, relative_to) relative_file = File.join( 'doc', self.sub(lib_dir,'')) Path.setup File.join(lib_dir, relative_file) , @pkgdir, @resource else Path.setup File.join('doc', self) , @pkgdir, @resource end end def source_for_doc_file(relative_to = 'lib') if located? lib_dir = Path.caller_lib_dir(Path.caller_lib_dir(self, 'doc'), relative_to) relative_file = self.sub(/(.*\/)doc\//, '\1').sub(lib_dir + "/",'') file = File.join(lib_dir, relative_file) if not File.exists?(file) file= Dir.glob(file.sub(/\.[^\.\/]+$/, '.*')).first end Path.setup file, @pkgdir, @resource else relative_file = self.sub(/^doc\//, '\1') if not File.exists?(relative_file) relative_file = Dir.glob(relative_file.sub(/\.[^\.\/]+$/, '.*')).first end Path.setup relative_file , @pkgdir, @resource end end end