Blacklight.doSearchContextBehavior = function() { if (typeof Blacklight.do_search_context_behavior == 'function') { console.warn("do_search_context_behavior is deprecated. Use doSearchContextBehavior instead."); return Blacklight.do_search_context_behavior(); } const elements = document.querySelectorAll('a[data-context-href]') // Equivalent to Array.from(), but supports ie11 const nodes = nodes.forEach(function(element) { element.addEventListener('click', function(e) {, e) }) }) }; Blacklight.csrfToken = () => document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-token]')?.content Blacklight.csrfParam = () => document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-param]')?.content // this is the Rails.handleMethod with a couple adjustments, described inline: // first, we're attaching this directly to the event handler, so we can check for meta-keys Blacklight.handleSearchContextMethod = function(event) { if (typeof Blacklight.handle_search_context_method == 'function') { console.warn("handle_search_context_method is deprecated. Use handleSearchContextMethod instead."); return Blacklight.handle_search_context_method(event); } var link = this // instead of using the normal href, we need to use the context href instead let href = link.getAttribute('data-context-href') let target = link.getAttribute('target') let csrfToken = Blacklight.csrfToken() let csrfParam = Blacklight.csrfParam() let form = document.createElement('form') form.method = 'post' form.action = href let formContent = ` ` // check for meta keys.. if set, we should open in a new tab if(event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) { target = '_blank'; } if (csrfParam !== undefined && csrfToken !== undefined) { formContent += `` } // Must trigger submit by click on a button, else "submit" event handler won't work! // formContent += '' if (target) { form.setAttribute('target', target); } = 'none' form.innerHTML = formContent document.body.appendChild(form) form.querySelector('[type="submit"]').click() event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() }; Blacklight.onLoad(function() { Blacklight.doSearchContextBehavior(); });