# rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength module Fastlane class ActionsList def self.run(filter: nil, platform: nil) require 'terminal-table' if filter show_details(filter: filter) else print_all(platform: platform) end end def self.print_all(platform: nil) rows = [] all_actions(platform) do |action, name| current = [] current << name.yellow if action < Action current << action.description if action.description authors = Array(action.author || action.authors) current << authors.first.green if authors.count == 1 current << "Multiple".green if authors.count > 1 else Helper.log.error "Please update your action file #{name} to be a subclass of `Action` by adding ` < Action` after your class name.".red current << "Please update action file".red end rows << current end table = Terminal::Table.new( title: "Available fastlane actions".green, headings: ['Action', 'Description', 'Author'], rows: rows ) puts table puts " Platform filter: #{platform}".magenta if platform puts " Total of #{rows.count} actions" puts "\nGet more information for one specific action using `fastlane action [name]`\n".green end def self.show_details(filter: nil) puts "Loading documentation for #{filter}:".green puts "" all_actions do |action, name| next unless name == filter.strip rows = [] rows << [action.description] if action.description rows << [' '] if action.details rows << [action.details] rows << [' '] end authors = Array(action.author || action.authors) rows << ["Created by #{authors.join(', ').green}"] if authors.count > 0 puts Terminal::Table.new( title: filter.green, rows: rows ) puts "\n" options = parse_options(action.available_options) if action.available_options if options puts Terminal::Table.new( title: filter.green, headings: ['Key', 'Description', 'Env Var'], rows: options ) required_count = action.available_options.count do |o| if o.kind_of?(FastlaneCore::ConfigItem) o.optional == false else false end end if required_count > 0 puts "#{required_count} of the available parameters are required".magenta puts "They are marked using an asterix *".magenta end else puts "No available options".yellow end puts "\n" output = parse_options(action.output, false) if action.output if output and output.count > 0 puts Terminal::Table.new( title: [filter, "| Output Variables"].join(" ").green, headings: ['Key', 'Description'], rows: output ) puts "Access the output values using `lane_context[SharedValues::VARIABLE_NAME]`" puts "" end if action.return_value puts Terminal::Table.new( title: "Return Value".green, headings: [], rows: [[action.return_value]] ) puts "" end puts "More information can be found on https://github.com/KrauseFx/fastlane/blob/master/docs/Actions.md" puts "\n" return # our job is done here end puts "Couldn't find action for the given filter.".red puts "==========================================\n".red print_all # show all available actions instead end # Iterates through all available actions and yields from there def self.all_actions(platform = nil) all_actions = Fastlane::Actions.constants.select {|c| Fastlane::Actions.const_get(c).kind_of? Class } all_actions.sort.each do |symbol| action = Fastlane::Actions.const_get(symbol) next if platform && !action.is_supported?(platform.to_sym) name = symbol.to_s.gsub('Action', '').fastlane_underscore yield action, name end end # Helper: def self.parse_options(options, fill_all = true) rows = [] rows << [options] if options.kind_of? String if options.kind_of? Array options.each do |current| if current.kind_of? FastlaneCore::ConfigItem key_name = (current.optional ? "" : "* ") + current.key.to_s description = current.description + (current.default_value ? " (default: '#{current.default_value}')" : "") rows << [key_name.yellow, description, current.env_name] elsif current.kind_of? Array # Legacy actions that don't use the new config manager raise "Invalid number of elements in this row: #{current}. Must be 2 or 3".red unless [2, 3].include? current.count rows << current rows.last[0] = rows.last.first.yellow # color it yellow :) rows.last << nil while fill_all and rows.last.count < 3 # to have a nice border in the table end end end rows end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength