en: cupper: errors: no_env: |- A Cupper environment is required to run this command. Run `cupper init` to create a new Cupper environment. A final option is to change to a directory with a Cupperfile and to try again. environment_non_existent_cwd: |- The working directory for cupper doesn't exist! This is the specified working directory. %{cwd} local_data_dir_not_accessible: |- The directory cupper will use to store local environment-specific state is not accessible. The directory specified as the local data directory must be both readable and writable for the user that is running cupper. cupperfile_syntax_error: |- There is a syntax error in the following cupperfile. The syntax error message is reproduced below for convenience. cupperfile_load_error: |- There was an error loading a Cupperfile. The file being loaded and the error message are shown below. This is usually caused by a syntax error.