#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'ncurses' require 'curses' require 'fileutils' require 'trollop' require "sup" BIN_VERSION = "0.5" unless Redwood::VERSION == BIN_VERSION $stderr.puts <<EOS Error: version mismatch! The sup executable is at version #{BIN_VERSION.inspect}. The sup libraries are at version #{Redwood::VERSION.inspect}. Is your development environment conflicting with rubygems? EOS exit(-1) end $exceptions = [] $opts = Trollop::options do version "sup v#{Redwood::VERSION}" banner <<EOS Sup is a curses-based email client. Usage: sup [options] Options are: EOS opt :list_hooks, "List all hooks and descriptions, and quit." opt :no_threads, "Turn off threading. Helps with debugging. (Necessarily disables background polling for new messages.)" opt :no_initial_poll, "Don't poll for new messages when starting." opt :search, "Search for this query upon startup", :type => String opt :compose, "Compose message to this recipient upon startup", :type => String end Redwood::HookManager.register "startup", <<EOS Executes at startup No variables. No return value. EOS if $opts[:list_hooks] Redwood::HookManager.print_hooks exit end Thread.abort_on_exception = true # make debugging possible module Redwood global_keymap = Keymap.new do |k| k.add :quit, "Quit Redwood", 'q' k.add :help, "Show help", 'H', '?' k.add :roll_buffers, "Switch to next buffer", 'b' # k.add :roll_buffers_backwards, "Switch to previous buffer", 'B' k.add :kill_buffer, "Kill the current buffer", 'x' k.add :list_buffers, "List all buffers", 'B' k.add :list_contacts, "List contacts", 'C' k.add :redraw, "Redraw screen", :ctrl_l k.add :search, "Search all messages", '\\', 'F' k.add :list_labels, "List labels", 'L' k.add :poll, "Poll for new messages", 'P' k.add :compose, "Compose new message", 'm', 'c' k.add :nothing, "Do nothing", :ctrl_g k.add :recall_draft, "Edit most recent draft message", 'R' end def start_cursing Ncurses.initscr Ncurses.noecho Ncurses.cbreak Ncurses.stdscr.keypad 1 Ncurses.curs_set 0 Ncurses.start_color $cursing = true end def stop_cursing return unless $cursing Ncurses.curs_set 1 Ncurses.echo Ncurses.endwin end module_function :start_cursing, :stop_cursing Index.new begin Index.lock rescue Index::LockError => e require 'highline' h = HighLine.new h.wrap_at = :auto h.say Index.fancy_lock_error_message_for(e) case h.ask("Should I ask that process to kill itself? ") when /^\s*y\s*$/i h.say "Ok, suggesting seppuku..." FileUtils.touch Redwood::SUICIDE_FN sleep SuicideManager::DELAY * 2 FileUtils.rm_f Redwood::SUICIDE_FN h.say "Let's try that again." retry else h.say <<EOS Ok, giving up. If the process crashed and left a stale lockfile, you can fix this by manually deleting #{Index.lockfile}. EOS exit end end begin Redwood::start Index.load if(s = Index.source_for DraftManager.source_name) DraftManager.source = s else Redwood::log "no draft source, auto-adding..." Index.add_source DraftManager.new_source end if(s = Index.source_for SentManager.source_name) SentManager.source = s else Redwood::log "no sent mail source, auto-adding..." Index.add_source SentManager.new_source end HookManager.run "startup" log "starting curses" start_cursing Colormap.new do |c| c.add :status_color, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_BLUE, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :index_old_color, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :index_new_color, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :index_starred_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :index_draft_color, Ncurses::COLOR_RED, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :labellist_old_color, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :labellist_new_color, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :twiddle_color, Ncurses::COLOR_BLUE, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :label_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :message_patina_color, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::COLOR_GREEN c.add :alternate_patina_color, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::COLOR_BLUE c.add :missing_message_color, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::COLOR_RED c.add :attachment_color, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :cryptosig_valid_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :cryptosig_unknown_color, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :cryptosig_invalid_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_RED, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :generic_notice_patina_color, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :quote_patina_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :sig_patina_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :quote_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :sig_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :to_me_color, Ncurses::COLOR_GREEN, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :starred_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :starred_patina_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_GREEN, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :alternate_starred_patina_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLUE, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :snippet_color, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :option_color, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :tagged_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :draft_notification_color, Ncurses::COLOR_RED, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :completion_character_color, Ncurses::COLOR_WHITE, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :horizontal_selector_selected_color, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::A_BOLD c.add :horizontal_selector_unselected_color, Ncurses::COLOR_CYAN, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK c.add :search_highlight_color, Ncurses::COLOR_BLACK, Ncurses::COLOR_YELLOW, Ncurses::A_BOLD, :highlight => :search_highlight_color end bm = BufferManager.new log "initializing mail index buffer" imode = InboxMode.new ibuf = bm.spawn "Inbox", imode log "ready for interaction!" Logger.make_buf bm.draw_screen Index.usual_sources.each do |s| next unless s.respond_to? :connect reporting_thread("call #connect on #{s}") do begin s.connect rescue SourceError => e Redwood::log "fatal error loading from #{s}: #{e.message}" end end end unless $opts[:no_initial_poll] imode.load_threads :num => ibuf.content_height, :when_done => lambda { reporting_thread("poll after loading inbox") { sleep 1; PollManager.poll } unless $opts[:no_threads] || $opts[:no_initial_poll] } if $opts[:compose] ComposeMode.spawn_nicely :to_default => $opts[:compose] end unless $opts[:no_threads] PollManager.start SuicideManager.start Index.start_lock_update_thread end if $opts[:search] SearchResultsMode.spawn_from_query $opts[:search] end until $exceptions.nonempty? || SuicideManager.die? c = Ncurses.nonblocking_getch next unless c bm.erase_flash action = begin if bm.handle_input c :nothing else bm.resolve_input_with_keymap c, global_keymap end rescue InputSequenceAborted :nothing end case action when :quit break if bm.kill_all_buffers_safely when :help curmode = bm.focus_buf.mode bm.spawn_unless_exists("<help for #{curmode.name}>") { HelpMode.new curmode, global_keymap } when :roll_buffers bm.roll_buffers when :roll_buffers_backwards bm.roll_buffers_backwards when :kill_buffer bm.kill_buffer_safely bm.focus_buf when :list_buffers bm.spawn_unless_exists("Buffer List") { BufferListMode.new } when :list_contacts b, new = bm.spawn_unless_exists("Contact List") { ContactListMode.new } b.mode.load_in_background if new when :search query = BufferManager.ask :search, "search all messages: " next unless query && query !~ /^\s*$/ SearchResultsMode.spawn_from_query query when :list_labels labels = LabelManager.listable_labels.map { |l| LabelManager.string_for l } user_label = bm.ask_with_completions :label, "Show threads with label (enter for listing): ", labels unless user_label.nil? if user_label.empty? bm.spawn_unless_exists("Label list") { LabelListMode.new } if user_label && user_label.empty? else LabelSearchResultsMode.spawn_nicely user_label end end when :compose ComposeMode.spawn_nicely when :poll reporting_thread("user-invoked poll") { PollManager.poll } when :recall_draft case Index.num_results_for :label => :draft when 0 bm.flash "No draft messages." when 1 m = nil Index.each_id_by_date(:label => :draft) { |mid, builder| m = builder.call } r = ResumeMode.new(m) BufferManager.spawn "Edit message", r r.edit_message else b, new = BufferManager.spawn_unless_exists("All drafts") { LabelSearchResultsMode.new [:draft] } b.mode.load_threads :num => b.content_height if new end when :nothing, InputSequenceAborted when :redraw bm.completely_redraw_screen else bm.flash "Unknown keypress '#{c.to_character}' for #{bm.focus_buf.mode.name}." end bm.draw_screen end bm.kill_all_buffers if SuicideManager.die? rescue Exception => e $exceptions << [e, "main"] ensure unless $opts[:no_threads] PollManager.stop if PollManager.instantiated? SuicideManager.stop if PollManager.instantiated? Index.stop_lock_update_thread end Redwood::finish stop_cursing Redwood::log "stopped cursing" if SuicideManager.instantiated? && SuicideManager.die? Redwood::log "I've been ordered to commit seppuku. I obey!" end if $exceptions.empty? Redwood::log "no fatal errors. good job, william." Index.save else Redwood::log "oh crap, an exception" end Index.unlock end unless $exceptions.empty? File.open("sup-exception-log.txt", "w") do |f| $exceptions.each do |e, name| f.puts "--- #{e.class.name} from thread: #{name}" f.puts e.message, e.backtrace end end $stderr.puts <<EOS ---------------------------------------------------------------- I'm very sorry. It seems that an error occurred in Sup. Please accept my sincere apologies. If you don't mind, please send the contents of sup-exception-log.txt and a brief report of the circumstances to sup-talk at rubyforge dot orgs so that I might address this problem. Thank you! Sincerely, William ---------------------------------------------------------------- EOS $exceptions.each do |e, name| puts "--- #{e.class.name} from thread: #{name}" puts e.message, e.backtrace end end end