# - url.query, url.fragment, url.path all update reactively now. - MAJOR CHANGE: Previously all tables and fields were created with _'s as their name prefixes. The underscores have been removed from everywhere. The only place you use underscores is when you want to access fields without creating setters and getters. Now when you do: ```model._name = 'Something'```, your setting the ```name``` attribute on the model. When you do: ```model._name```, your fetching the ```name``` attribute. If you insert a hash into a collection, you no longer use underscores: ```ruby store._items << {name: 'Item 1'} ``` For the moment, continue using underscores in routes. # 0.8.6 - Oct 5, 2014 - Major changes to the templating system (to address common concerns and make things simpler). 1. All binding now takes place between ```{{ and }}``` instead of ```{ and }``` (double stash instead of single stash) Escaping is still with a tripple stash ```{{{ escap{{ed}} }}}``` => escap{{ed}} 2. Bindings can now be (almost) any ruby code. No more #'s at the beginning. Blocks are now closed with {{ end }} If's are now: ```{{ if _something }}``` ... ```{{ elsif _other }}``` .. ```{{ else }}``` .. ```{{ end }}``` Each's are now: ```{{ _items.each do |item| }}``` ... ```{{ end }}``` Template bindings are now: ```{{ template "path" }}``` (along with other options) Each should use do notation not brackets. Also, .each is not actually called, the binding is parsed and converted into a EachBinding. Other Eneumerable methods do not work at this time, only each. (more coming soon) 3. Bindings in routes now use double stashes as well get '/products/{{ _name }}/info' 4. To help clean things up, we reccomend spaces between ```{{``` and ```}}``` # 0.8.4 - Oct 4, 2014 - Added configuration for databases. # 0.8.0 - Oct 3, 2014 - Major change: After a bunch of research and effort, we have decided to change the way the reactive core works. Previously, all objects that maybe changed would be wrapped in a ReactiveValue object that could be updated using ```.cur=``` and accessed using ```.cur``` This had many advantages, but resulted in very complex framework code. It also had a few problems, mainly that reactive value's (sometimes) needed to be unwrapped when passed to code that wasn't aware of reactivity. Our goal is transparent reactivity. Taking infuence from meteor.js, we have switched to a simpler reactive model. See the Readme for details of the new reactive system. The new system has a few advantages. Mainly, you can for the most part write code that is reactive and it will just work. - Radio button support has been added, see README.md - Added docs for select box bindings - Previously attributes passed into controls were accessable as instance variables. Due to the way the new reactive system works, to bind data it needs to be fetched through a method or function call. To make this work, attributes passed in as an object. The object can be accessed with ```data```, so if you have a tag like: ```<:nav link="/blog" text="Blog" />``` Within the template or controller you can access link and text as ```data.link``` and ```data.text``` ```html <:Nav>