require 'promise' ## # A delayed-execution result, optimistically evaluated in a new thread. # # @example # x = future { sleep 5; 1 + 2 } # # do stuff... # y = x * 2 # => 6. blocks unless 5 seconds has passed. # class Future < Promise ## # Creates a new future. # # @yield [] The block to evaluate optimistically. # @see Kernel#future def initialize(&block) super # Ruby won't assign the value of @thread until after the thread is off and # running, meaning we can run into an unset @thread when joining off in # __force__, instead of it being Thread.current. We could leave it as nil # and check for that, but this is a more explicit way to watch for this # easy-to-miss gotcha. @thread = NOT_SET @thread = { __force__ } end ## # The value of the future's evaluation. Blocks until result available. # # @return [Object] def __force__ @thread.join unless (@thread == ::Thread.current) || @thread.equal?(NOT_SET) super end alias_method :force, :__force__ ## # Returns true if klass.equal?(Future), if klass.equal?(Promise), or the # underlying block returns an instance of the given klass # # @param [Class] # @return [true, false] def is_a?(klass) klass.equal?(::Future) || super end private end module Kernel ## # Creates a new future. # # @example Evaluate an operation in another thread # x = future { 3 + 3 } # # @yield [] # A block to be optimistically evaluated in another thread. # @yieldreturn [Object] # The return value of the block will be the evaluated value of the future. # @return [Future] def future(&block) end end