require 'xmpp4r' require 'xmpp4r/muc' require 'xmpp4r/roster' require 'xmpp4r/client' require 'xmpp4r/message' require 'net/ssh' require 'net/sftp' module SocialStream module Presence class XmppServerOrder class << self def setRosterForBidirectionalTie(userASid,userBSid,userANick,userBNick,groupForA,groupForB) executeEmanagementCommand("setBidireccionalBuddys",[userASid,userBSid,userANick,userBNick,groupForA,groupForB]) end def unsetRosterForBidirectionalTie(userSid,oldfriendSid,oldfriendNick,oldfriendGroup) executeEmanagementCommand("unsetBidireccionalBuddys",[userSid,oldfriendSid,oldfriendNick,oldfriendGroup]) end def addBuddyToRoster(userSid,buddySid,buddyNick,buddyGroup,subscription_type) executeEmanagementCommand("addBuddyToRoster",[userSid,buddySid,buddyNick,buddyGroup,subscription_type]) end def removeBuddyFromRoster(userSid,buddySid) executeEmanagementCommand("removeBuddyFromRoster",[userSid,buddySid]) end def synchronizePresence if isEjabberdNodeUp output = executeEmanagementCommand("getConnectedUsers",[]) user_slugs = output.split("\n") synchronizePresenceForSlugs(user_slugs) else resetPresence return "Xmpp Server Down: Reset Connected Users" end end def removeAllRosters executeEmanagementCommand("removeAllRosters",[]) end def synchronizeRosters commands = [] #"Remove all rosters" commands << buildCommand("emanagement","removeAllRosters",[]) #"Populate rosters" users = User.all checkedUsers = [] site_name = I18n.t('').delete(' ') users.each do |user| checkedUsers << user.slug contacts = user.contact_actors(:type=>:user) contacts.each do |contact| unless checkedUsers.include?(contact.slug) domain = SocialStream::Presence.domain user_sid = user.slug + "@" + domain contact_sid = contact.slug + "@" + domain commands << buildCommand("emanagement","setBidireccionalBuddys",[user_sid,contact_sid,,,site_name,site_name]) end end end executeCommands(commands) end def synchronizePresenceForSlugs(user_slugs) #Check connected users users = User.find_all_by_connected(true) users.each do |user| if user_slugs.include?(user.slug) == false user.connected = false! end end user_slugs.each do |user_slug| u = User.find_by_slug(user_slug) if (u != nil && u.connected == false) u.connected = true! end end end def resetPresence users = User.find_all_by_connected(true) users.each do |user| user.connected = false! end end #Installation methods def copyFolderToXmppServer(oPath,dPath) if SocialStream::Presence.remote_xmpp_server #Remote mode copyFolderToXmppServerRemote(oPath,dPath) else #Local mode executeCommand("cp -r " + oPath + "/* " + dPath) end end def copyFolderToXmppServerRemote(localPath,remotePath) begin if SocialStream::Presence.ssh_password Net::SFTP.start(SocialStream::Presence.ssh_domain, SocialStream::Presence.ssh_user, :password => SocialStream::Presence.ssh_password, :auth_methods => ["password"] ) do |sftp| recursiveCopyFolder(localPath,remotePath,sftp) end else #SSH with authentication key instead of password Net::SFTP.start(SocialStream::Presence.ssh_domain, SocialStream::Presence.ssh_user) do |sftp| recursiveCopyFolder(localPath,remotePath,sftp) end end output="Ok" rescue Exception => e case e when Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed output = "AuthenticationFailed on remote access" else output = "Unknown exception in copyRemoteFolder method: #{e.to_s}" end end return output end def recursiveCopyFolder(localPath,remotePath,sftp) #Check if localPath is a file if File.file?(localPath) and File.file?(remotePath) puts "Copy files..." sftp.upload(localPath, remotePath) return end # Create directory if not exits sftp.mkdir(remotePath) # Upload files to the remote host Dir.foreach(localPath) do |f| file_path = localPath + "/#{f}" if File.file?(file_path) sftp.upload(file_path, remotePath + "/#{f}") elsif and f!="." and f!=".." recursiveCopyFolder(file_path,remotePath + "/#{f}",sftp) end end end def autoconf(options) autoconf=[] #Add autoconfiguration options #autoconf.push("key=value") autoconf.push("scripts_path=" + SocialStream::Presence.scripts_path) autoconf.push("ejabberd_password=" + SocialStream::Presence.xmpp_server_password) autoconf.push("secure_rest_api=" + SocialStream::Presence.secure_rest_api.to_s) autoconf.push("server_domain=" + SocialStream::Presence.domain) autoconf.push("cookie_name=" + Rails.application.config.session_options[:key]) #Param options if options options.each do |option| autoconf = addManualOption(autoconf,option) end end #return "[key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3]" return "[" + autoconf.join(',') + "]" end def addManualOption(array,option) optionSplit = option.split("=") unless optionSplit.length == 2 return array end key = optionSplit[0]; array.each do |element| if element.split("=")[0]==key #Replace element array[array.index(element)]=option return array end end #Add option array.push(option) return array end def getExecutorUser if SocialStream::Presence.remote_xmpp_server if SocialStream::Presence.ssh_user return SocialStream::Presence.ssh_user else return nil end else return %x["whoami"].gsub(/\n/,""); end end def generateRSAKeys(keysPath) unless return "Keys path not exists" end #Require libraries require 'openssl' web_public_key_path=keysPath+"/web_rsa_key_public.pem" web_private_key_path=keysPath+"/web_rsa_key_private.pem" xmpp_public_key_path=keysPath+"/xmpp_rsa_key_public.pem" xmpp_private_key_path=keysPath+"/xmpp_rsa_key_private.pem" # .generate creates an object containing both keys web_rsa_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate( 1024 ) xmpp_rsa_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate( 1024 ) #Write keys as PEM's #Public Key web_rsa_key_public = web_rsa_key.public_key xmpp_rsa_key_public = xmpp_rsa_key.public_key output_public =, "w") output_public.puts web_rsa_key_public output_public.close output_public =, "w") output_public.puts xmpp_rsa_key_public output_public.close puts "New Web Server public key stored in #{web_public_key_path}\n" #puts "New Web Server public key:\n#{web_rsa_key_public}\n" puts "New Xmpp Server public key stored in #{xmpp_public_key_path}\n" #puts "New Xmpp Server public key:\n#{xmpp_rsa_key_public}\n" #Private Key web_rsa_key_private = web_rsa_key.to_pem xmpp_rsa_key_private = xmpp_rsa_key.to_pem output_private =, "w") output_private.puts web_rsa_key_private output_private.close output_private =, "w") output_private.puts xmpp_rsa_key_private output_private.close puts "New Web Server private key stored in #{web_private_key_path}\n" #puts "New Web Server private key:\n#{web_rsa_key_private}\n" puts "New Xmpp Server private key stored in #{xmpp_private_key_path}\n" #puts "New Xmpp Server private key:\n#{xmpp_rsa_key_private}\n" puts "Finish" end #Execution commands manage def buildCommand(script,order,params) command = SocialStream::Presence.scripts_path + "/" + script + " " + order params.each do |param| command = command + " " + param.split(" ")[0] end return command end def executeEmanagementCommand(order,params) command = buildCommand("emanagement",order,params) executeCommand(command) end def executeCommand(command) output = executeCommands([command]) return output end def executeCommands(commands) if commands.length > 1 puts "Executing the following commands:" commands.each do |command| puts parsingCommand(command) end puts "Command list finish" elsif commands.length == 1 puts "Executing " + parsingCommand(commands[0]) else puts "No command to execute" return end if SocialStream::Presence.remote_xmpp_server output = executeRemoteCommands(commands) else #SocialStream::Presence.remote_xmpp_server=false output = executeLocalCommands(commands) end return output end def executeLocalCommand(command) puts "Executing " + parsingCommand(command) return executeLocalCommands([command]) end def executeLocalCommands(commands) if commands.empty? return "No command received"; end output="" commands.each do |command| response = %x[#{command}] output = output + "\n" + response; end return output end def executeRemoteCommands(commands) if commands.empty? return "No command received"; end begin output=""; if SocialStream::Presence.ssh_password Net::SSH.start( SocialStream::Presence.ssh_domain, SocialStream::Presence.ssh_user, :password => SocialStream::Presence.ssh_password, :auth_methods => ["password"]) do |session| commands.each do |command| response = session.exec!(command) if response != nil output = output + "\n" + response end end end else #SSH with authentication key instead of password Net::SSH.start( SocialStream::Presence.ssh_domain, SocialStream::Presence.ssh_user) do |session| commands.each do |command| response = session.exec!(command) if response != nil output = output + "\n" + response end end end end rescue Exception => e case e when Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed return "ERROR: AuthenticationFailed on remote access" else return "ERROR: Unknown exception in executeRemoteCommands method: #{e.to_s}" end end return output end #Authorization methods def authorization(params) case SocialStream::Presence.secure_rest_api when true #Authorization using asymmetric RSA keys begin #Require libraries require 'openssl' presence_root = File.expand_path("../../../../", __FILE__) xmpp_public_key_path = presence_root + "/rsa_keys/xmpp_rsa_key_public.pem"; xmpp_public_key = stamp = xmpp_public_key.public_decrypt( params[:password] ) #stamp = password#####timestamp#####hash stampParams=stamp.split("#####") password = stampParams[0] timestamp = stampParams[1] hash = stampParams[2] myHash = calculateHash(params) #Evaluating Hash if (myHash != hash) #Hash not valid return false end #Evaluating Timestamp if (( - Time.parse(timestamp).utc).to_int > (10*60)) #Timestamp not valid return false end #Evaluating Password return ( password == SocialStream::Presence.xmpp_server_password ) rescue return false end else #Basic authorization return ( params[:password] and params[:password] == SocialStream::Presence.xmpp_server_password ) end end def calculateHash(params) #Require libraries require 'digest/md5' if params params.delete("password") params.delete("controller") params.delete("action") else params = {}; end hash = ""; params.each do |key,value| hash = hash + key.to_s + value.to_s end return Digest::MD5.hexdigest(hash) end def decryptParams(params) case SocialStream::Presence.secure_rest_api when true #Secure Mode begin #Require libraries require 'openssl' if params[:encrypted_params] presence_root = File.expand_path("../../../../", __FILE__) web_private_key_path = presence_root + "/rsa_keys/web_rsa_key_private.pem"; private_key = clear_params_hash_string = private_key.private_decrypt( params[:encrypted_params] ) clear_params = getHashFromHashString(clear_params_hash_string) params.delete("encrypted_params") clear_params.each do |key,value| params[key] = value end end return params rescue return "Error in function: decryptParam(param)" end else #Non Secure Mode return params end end #Help methods def isEjabberdNodeUp output = executeEmanagementCommand("isEjabberdNodeStarted",[]) nodeUp = output.split("\n")[0] return (nodeUp and nodeUp.strip()=="true") end def parsingCommand(command) #Hide passwords on sudo commands: command pattern = "echo password | sudo -S order" return command.gsub(/echo ([aA-zZ]+) [|] sudo -S [.]*/,"echo ****** | sudo -S \\2") end def getHashFromHashString(hashString) hash={} hashString[1..-2].split(/, /).each {|entry| entryMap=entry.split(/=>/); value_str = entryMap[1]; hash[entryMap[0].strip[1..-1].to_sym] = value_str.nil? ? "" : value_str.strip[1..-2] } return hash end #Xmpp client manage methods def getSocialStreamUserSid #XMPP DOMAIN domain = SocialStream::Presence.domain #SS Username ss_name = SocialStream::Presence.social_stream_presence_username return ss_name + "@" + domain end def openXmppClientForSocialStreamUser begin password= SocialStream::Presence.password client = client.connect client.auth(password) return client rescue Exception => e case e when Errno::ECONNREFUSED puts "Connection to XMPP Server refused" return nil else puts "Unknown exception: #{e.to_s}" return nil end end end def sendXmppChatMessage(client,dest_sid,body) msg = Jabber::Message::new(dest_sid, body) msg.type=:chat client.send(msg) end end end end end