# <%= app_name.humanize %> ## Local setup, make sure that these librairies are installed with: ```console brew install autoconf gdbm libpng ossp-uuid autoenv gettext libtool pcre readline automake git libyaml redis ``` ```console brew install brew-cask glib mcrypt icu4c sqlite imagemagick mhash ssh-copy-id jpeg unixodbc lftp node ``` ```console brew install pkg-config wget freetype libffi openssl postgresql zlib ``` ### Install Ruby with Rbenv and Ruby-build (with the git clone way) ### Install Bundler and run an install ### Create a PostgresSQL user 'postgres' with 'postgres' password if not already done, then run: ```console rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:data:load ``` or ```console rake db:reborn ``` and then, you're good to go by launching your runner/debugger in Rubymine or by running `rails s` and accessing localhost:3000 <% if options.solidus? -%> ## Default Admin User Credentials admin@example.com test123 <% end -%>