class Refinery::ApplicationController < ActionController::Base helper_method :home_page?, :local_request?, :just_installed?, :from_dialog?, :admin? protect_from_forgery # See ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection include Crud # basic create, read, update and delete methods include AuthenticatedSystem before_filter :take_down_for_maintenance?, :find_pages_for_menu, :show_welcome_page rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActionController::UnknownAction, :with => :error_404 def error_404 if (@page = Page.find_by_menu_match("^/404$", :include => [:parts, :slugs])).present? # render the application's custom 404 page with layout. render :template => "/pages/show", :status => 404 else # fallback to the default 404.html page. render :file => Rails.root.join("public", "404.html"), :layout => false, :status => 404 end end def home_page? action_name == "home" and controller_name == "pages" end def local_request? ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "development" or request.remote_ip =~ /(::1)|(|((192.168).*)/ end def just_installed? !User.exists? end def from_dialog? params[:dialog] == "true" or params[:modal] == "true" end def admin? controller_name =~ /^admin\// end def wymiframe render :template => "/wymiframe", :layout => false end protected def take_down_for_maintenance? if RefinerySetting.find_or_set(:down_for_maintenance, false) if (@page = Page.find_by_menu_match("^/maintenance$", :include => [:parts, :slugs])).present? render :template => "/pages/show", :status => 503 else render :text => "Our website is currently down for maintenance. Please try back soon." end end end def show_welcome_page render :template => "/welcome", :layout => "admin" if just_installed? and controller_name != "users" end # get all the pages to be displayed in the site menu. def find_pages_for_menu @menu_pages = Page.top_level(include_children=true) end # use a different model for the meta information. def present(model) presenter = Object.const_get("#{model.class}Presenter") rescue Refinery::BasePresenter @meta = end # this hooks into the Rails render method. def render(action = nil, options = {}, &blk) present(@page) unless admin? or @meta.present? super end end