// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_IMAGE_LOADEr_ #define DLIB_IMAGE_LOADEr_ #include "image_loader_abstract.h" #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include "../algs.h" #include "../pixel.h" #include "../image_saver/dng_shared.h" #include "../entropy_decoder_model.h" #include "../entropy_decoder.h" #include "../uintn.h" #include "../image_transforms/assign_image.h" #include <algorithm> #include "../vectorstream.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class image_load_error : public dlib::error { public: image_load_error(const std::string& str) : error(EIMAGE_LOAD,str){} }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename image_type > void load_bmp ( image_type& image_, std::istream& in_ ) { image_view<image_type> image(image_); try { unsigned long bytes_read_so_far = 0; unsigned long bfSize; unsigned long bfOffBits; unsigned long bfReserved; unsigned long biSize; unsigned long biWidth; unsigned long biHeight; unsigned short biBitCount; unsigned long biCompression; /* unsigned long biSizeImage; unsigned long biClrUsed; unsigned long biClrImportant; */ unsigned long a, b, c, d, i; using namespace std; streambuf& in = *in_.rdbuf(); // streamsize num; unsigned char buf[100]; // first make sure the BMP starts with BM if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),2) != 2) throw image_load_error("bmp load error 1: header error"); bytes_read_so_far += 2; if (buf[0] != 'B' || buf[1] != 'M') throw image_load_error("bmp load error 2: header error"); // now read the BITMAPFILEHEADER if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),12) != 12) throw image_load_error("bmp load error 3: header error"); bytes_read_so_far += 12; i = 0; a = buf[i]; b = buf[i+1]; c = buf[i+2]; d = buf[i+3]; bfSize = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24); i = 4; a = buf[i]; b = buf[i+1]; c = buf[i+2]; d = buf[i+3]; bfReserved = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24); i = 8; a = buf[i]; b = buf[i+1]; c = buf[i+2]; d = buf[i+3]; bfOffBits = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24); // if this value isn't zero then there is something wrong // with this bitmap. if (bfReserved != 0) throw image_load_error("bmp load error 4: reserved area not zero"); // load the BITMAPINFOHEADER if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),40) != 40) throw image_load_error("bmp load error 5: file too short"); bytes_read_so_far += 40; i = 0; a = buf[i]; b = buf[i+1]; c = buf[i+2]; d = buf[i+3]; biSize = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24); i += 4; a = buf[i]; b = buf[i+1]; c = buf[i+2]; d = buf[i+3]; biWidth = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24); i += 4; a = buf[i]; b = buf[i+1]; c = buf[i+2]; d = buf[i+3]; biHeight = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24); i += 4+2; a = buf[i]; b = buf[i+1]; biBitCount = static_cast<unsigned short>(a | (b<<8)); i += 2; a = buf[i]; b = buf[i+1]; c = buf[i+2]; d = buf[i+3]; biCompression = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24); /* i += 4; a = buf[i]; b = buf[i+1]; c = buf[i+2]; d = buf[i+3]; biSizeImage = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24); i += 4+4+4; a = buf[i]; b = buf[i+1]; c = buf[i+2]; d = buf[i+3]; biClrUsed = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24); i += 4; a = buf[i]; b = buf[i+1]; c = buf[i+2]; d = buf[i+3]; biClrImportant = a | (b<<8) | (c<<16) | (d<<24); */ if (biSize != 40) throw image_load_error("bmp load error 6: header too small"); // read and discard any extra bytes that are part of the header if (biSize > 40) { if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),biSize-40) != static_cast<long>(biSize - 40)) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 7: header too small"); } bytes_read_so_far += biSize-40; } image.set_size(biHeight, biWidth); switch (biBitCount) { case 1: { // figure out how the pixels are packed long padding; if (bfSize - bfOffBits == biWidth*biHeight/8) padding = 0; else padding = 4 - ((biWidth+7)/8)%4; const unsigned int palette_size = 2; unsigned char red[palette_size]; unsigned char green[palette_size]; unsigned char blue[palette_size]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < palette_size; ++i) { if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),4) != 4) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 20: color palette missing"); } bytes_read_so_far += 4; blue[i] = buf[0]; green[i] = buf[1]; red[i] = buf[2]; } // seek to the start of the pixel data while (bytes_read_so_far != bfOffBits) { const long to_read = (long)std::min(bfOffBits - bytes_read_so_far, (unsigned long)sizeof(buf)); if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), to_read) != to_read) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error: missing data"); } bytes_read_so_far += to_read; } // load the image data for (long row = biHeight-1; row >= 0; --row) { for (unsigned long col = 0; col < biWidth; col+=8) { if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),1) != 1) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 21.6: file too short"); } unsigned char pixels[8]; pixels[0] = (buf[0]>>7); pixels[1] = ((buf[0]>>6)&0x01); pixels[2] = ((buf[0]>>5)&0x01); pixels[3] = ((buf[0]>>4)&0x01); pixels[4] = ((buf[0]>>3)&0x01); pixels[5] = ((buf[0]>>2)&0x01); pixels[6] = ((buf[0]>>1)&0x01); pixels[7] = ((buf[0])&0x01); for (int i = 0; i < 8 && col+i < biWidth; ++i) { rgb_pixel p; p.red = red[pixels[i]]; p.green = green[pixels[i]]; p.blue = blue[pixels[i]]; assign_pixel(image[row][col+i],p); } } if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),padding) != padding) throw image_load_error("bmp load error 9: file too short"); } } break; case 4: { // figure out how the pixels are packed long padding; if (bfSize - bfOffBits == biWidth*biHeight/2) padding = 0; else padding = 4 - ((biWidth+1)/2)%4; const unsigned int palette_size = 16; unsigned char red[palette_size]; unsigned char green[palette_size]; unsigned char blue[palette_size]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < palette_size; ++i) { if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),4) != 4) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 20: color palette missing"); } bytes_read_so_far += 4; blue[i] = buf[0]; green[i] = buf[1]; red[i] = buf[2]; } // seek to the start of the pixel data while (bytes_read_so_far != bfOffBits) { const long to_read = (long)std::min(bfOffBits - bytes_read_so_far, (unsigned long)sizeof(buf)); if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), to_read) != to_read) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error: missing data"); } bytes_read_so_far += to_read; } // load the image data for (long row = biHeight-1; row >= 0; --row) { for (unsigned long col = 0; col < biWidth; col+=2) { if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),1) != 1) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 21.7: file too short"); } const unsigned char pixel1 = (buf[0]>>4); const unsigned char pixel2 = (buf[0]&0x0F); rgb_pixel p; p.red = red[pixel1]; p.green = green[pixel1]; p.blue = blue[pixel1]; assign_pixel(image[row][col], p); if (col+1 < biWidth) { p.red = red[pixel2]; p.green = green[pixel2]; p.blue = blue[pixel2]; assign_pixel(image[row][col+1], p); } } if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),padding) != padding) throw image_load_error("bmp load error 9: file too short"); } } break; case 8: { // figure out how the pixels are packed long padding; if (bfSize - bfOffBits == biWidth*biHeight) padding = 0; else padding = 4 - biWidth%4; // check for this case. It shouldn't happen but some BMP writers screw up the files // so we have to do this. if (biHeight*(biWidth+padding) > bfSize - bfOffBits) padding = 0; const unsigned int palette_size = 256; unsigned char red[palette_size]; unsigned char green[palette_size]; unsigned char blue[palette_size]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < palette_size; ++i) { if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),4) != 4) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 20: color palette missing"); } bytes_read_so_far += 4; blue[i] = buf[0]; green[i] = buf[1]; red[i] = buf[2]; } // seek to the start of the pixel data while (bytes_read_so_far != bfOffBits) { const long to_read = (long)std::min(bfOffBits - bytes_read_so_far, (unsigned long)sizeof(buf)); if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), to_read) != to_read) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error: missing data"); } bytes_read_so_far += to_read; } // Next we load the image data. // if there is no RLE compression if (biCompression == 0) { for (long row = biHeight-1; row >= 0; --row) { for (unsigned long col = 0; col < biWidth; ++col) { if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),1) != 1) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 21.8: file too short"); } rgb_pixel p; p.red = red[buf[0]]; p.green = green[buf[0]]; p.blue = blue[buf[0]]; assign_pixel(image[row][col],p); } if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),padding) != padding) throw image_load_error("bmp load error 9: file too short"); } } else { // Here we deal with the psychotic RLE used by BMP files. // First zero the image since the RLE sometimes jumps over // pixels and assumes the image has been zero initialized. assign_all_pixels(image, 0); long row = biHeight-1; long col = 0; while (true) { if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),2) != 2) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 21.9: file too short"); } const unsigned char count = buf[0]; const unsigned char command = buf[1]; if (count == 0 && command == 0) { // This is an escape code that means go to the next row // of the image --row; col = 0; continue; } else if (count == 0 && command == 1) { // This is the end of the image. So quit this loop. break; } else if (count == 0 && command == 2) { // This is the escape code for the command to jump to // a new part of the image relative to where we are now. if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),2) != 2) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 21.1: file too short"); } col += buf[0]; row -= buf[1]; continue; } else if (count == 0) { // This is the escape code for a run of uncompressed bytes if (row < 0 || col + command > image.nc()) { // If this is just some padding bytes at the end then ignore them if (row >= 0 && col + count <= image.nc() + padding) continue; throw image_load_error("bmp load error 21.2: file data corrupt"); } // put the bytes into the image for (unsigned int i = 0; i < command; ++i) { if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),1) != 1) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 21.3: file too short"); } rgb_pixel p; p.red = red[buf[0]]; p.green = green[buf[0]]; p.blue = blue[buf[0]]; assign_pixel(image[row][col],p); ++col; } // if we read an uneven number of bytes then we need to read and // discard the next byte. if ((command&1) != 1) { if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),1) != 1) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 21.4: file too short"); } } continue; } rgb_pixel p; if (row < 0 || col + count > image.nc()) { // If this is just some padding bytes at the end then ignore them if (row >= 0 && col + count <= image.nc() + padding) continue; throw image_load_error("bmp load error 21.5: file data corrupt"); } // put the bytes into the image for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { p.red = red[command]; p.green = green[command]; p.blue = blue[command]; assign_pixel(image[row][col],p); ++col; } } } } break; case 16: throw image_load_error ("16 bit BMP images not supported"); case 24: { // figure out how the pixels are packed long padding; if (bfSize - bfOffBits == biWidth*biHeight*3) padding = 0; else padding = 4 - (biWidth*3)%4; // check for this case. It shouldn't happen but some BMP writers screw up the files // so we have to do this. if (biHeight*(biWidth*3+padding) > bfSize - bfOffBits) padding = 0; // seek to the start of the pixel data while (bytes_read_so_far != bfOffBits) { const long to_read = (long)std::min(bfOffBits - bytes_read_so_far, (unsigned long)sizeof(buf)); if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), to_read) != to_read) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error: missing data"); } bytes_read_so_far += to_read; } // load the image data for (long row = biHeight-1; row >= 0; --row) { for (unsigned long col = 0; col < biWidth; ++col) { if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),3) != 3) { throw image_load_error("bmp load error 8: file too short"); } rgb_pixel p; p.red = buf[2]; p.green = buf[1]; p.blue = buf[0]; assign_pixel(image[row][col], p); } if (in.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf),padding) != padding) throw image_load_error("bmp load error 9: file too short"); } break; } case 32: throw image_load_error ("32 bit BMP images not supported"); default: throw image_load_error("bmp load error 10: unknown color depth"); } } catch (...) { image.clear(); throw; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename image_type > void load_dng ( image_type& image_, std::istream& in ) { image_view<image_type> image(image_); using namespace dng_helpers_namespace; try { if (in.get() != 'D' || in.get() != 'N' || in.get() != 'G') throw image_load_error("the stream does not contain a dng image file"); unsigned long version; deserialize(version,in); if (version != 1) throw image_load_error("You need the new version of the dlib library to read this dng file"); unsigned long type; deserialize(type,in); long width, height; deserialize(width,in); deserialize(height,in); if (width > 0 && height > 0) image.set_size(height,width); else image.clear(); if (type != grayscale_float) { typedef entropy_decoder::kernel_2a decoder_type; decoder_type decoder; decoder.set_stream(in); entropy_decoder_model<256,decoder_type>::kernel_5a edm(decoder); unsigned long symbol; rgb_pixel p_rgb; rgb_alpha_pixel p_rgba; hsi_pixel p_hsi; switch (type) { case rgb_alpha_paeth: for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { p_rgba = predictor_rgb_alpha_paeth(image,r,c); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgba.red += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgba.green += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgba.blue += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgba.alpha += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); assign_pixel(image[r][c],p_rgba); } } break; case rgb_alpha: for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { p_rgba = predictor_rgb_alpha(image,r,c); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgba.red += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgba.green += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgba.blue += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgba.alpha += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); assign_pixel(image[r][c],p_rgba); } } break; case rgb_paeth: for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { p_rgb = predictor_rgb_paeth(image,r,c); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgb.red += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgb.green += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgb.blue += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); assign_pixel(image[r][c],p_rgb); } } break; case rgb: for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { p_rgb = predictor_rgb(image,r,c); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgb.red += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgb.green += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_rgb.blue += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); assign_pixel(image[r][c],p_rgb); } } break; case hsi: for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { p_hsi = predictor_hsi(image,r,c); edm.decode(symbol); p_hsi.h += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_hsi.s += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); edm.decode(symbol); p_hsi.i += static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); assign_pixel(image[r][c],p_hsi); } } break; case grayscale: { unsigned char p; for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { edm.decode(symbol); p = static_cast<unsigned char>(symbol); p += predictor_grayscale(image,r,c); assign_pixel(image[r][c],p); } } } break; case grayscale_16bit: { uint16 p; for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { edm.decode(symbol); p = static_cast<uint16>(symbol); p <<= 8; edm.decode(symbol); p |= static_cast<uint16>(symbol); p += predictor_grayscale_16(image,r,c); assign_pixel(image[r][c],p); } } } break; default: throw image_load_error("corruption detected in the dng file"); } // switch (type) edm.decode(symbol); if (symbol != dng_magic_byte) throw image_load_error("corruption detected in the dng file"); edm.decode(symbol); if (symbol != dng_magic_byte) throw image_load_error("corruption detected in the dng file"); edm.decode(symbol); if (symbol != dng_magic_byte) throw image_load_error("corruption detected in the dng file"); edm.decode(symbol); if (symbol != dng_magic_byte) throw image_load_error("corruption detected in the dng file"); } else // if this is a grayscale_float type image { std::vector<int64> man(image.size()); std::vector<char> expbuf; // get the mantissa data for (unsigned long j = 0; j < man.size(); ++j) deserialize(man[j], in); // get the compressed exponent data deserialize(expbuf, in); typedef entropy_decoder::kernel_2a decoder_type; typedef entropy_decoder_model<256,decoder_type>::kernel_4a edm_exp_type; vectorstream inexp(expbuf); decoder_type decoder; decoder.set_stream(inexp); edm_exp_type edm_exp(decoder); float_details prev; unsigned long i = 0; // fill out the image for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { unsigned long exp1, exp2; edm_exp.decode(exp1); edm_exp.decode(exp2); float_details cur(man[i++],(exp2<<8) | exp1); cur.exponent += prev.exponent; cur.mantissa += prev.mantissa; prev = cur; // Only use long double precision if the target image contains long // doubles because it's slower to use those. if (!is_same_type<typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type,long double>::value) { double temp = cur; assign_pixel(image[r][c],temp); } else { long double temp = cur; assign_pixel(image[r][c],temp); } } } unsigned long symbol; edm_exp.decode(symbol); if (symbol != dng_magic_byte) throw image_load_error("corruption detected in the dng file"); edm_exp.decode(symbol); if (symbol != dng_magic_byte) throw image_load_error("corruption detected in the dng file"); edm_exp.decode(symbol); if (symbol != dng_magic_byte) throw image_load_error("corruption detected in the dng file"); edm_exp.decode(symbol); if (symbol != dng_magic_byte) throw image_load_error("corruption detected in the dng file"); } } catch (...) { image.clear(); throw; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename image_type> void load_bmp ( image_type& image, const std::string& file_name ) { std::ifstream fin(file_name.c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (!fin) throw image_load_error("Unable to open " + file_name + " for reading."); load_bmp(image, fin); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename image_type> void load_dng ( image_type& image, const std::string& file_name ) { std::ifstream fin(file_name.c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (!fin) throw image_load_error("Unable to open " + file_name + " for reading."); load_dng(image, fin); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_IMAGE_LOADEr_