var sweetAlertConfirmConfig = sweetAlertConfirmConfig || {}; // Add default config object (function( $ ) { var sweetAlertConfirm = function(event) { swalDefaultOptions = { title: sweetAlertConfirmConfig.title || 'Are you sure?', type: sweetAlertConfirmConfig.type || 'warning', showCancelButton: sweetAlertConfirmConfig.showCancelButton || true, //confirmButtonColor: sweetAlertConfirmConfig.confirmButtonColor || null, //"#DD6B55" removed by Noc, do not apply default color as it triggers inline styles on buttons //Null causes javascript errors when hover is fired on confirm buttons confirmButtonText: sweetAlertConfirmConfig.confirmButtonText || "Ok", cancelButtonText: sweetAlertConfirmConfig.cancelButtonText || "Cancel" } if (sweetAlertConfirmConfig.confirmButtonColor !== null) { swalDefaultOptions.confirmButtonColor = sweetAlertConfirmConfig.confirmButtonColor } $linkToVerify = $(this) var swalOptions = swalDefaultOptions; var optionKeys = [ 'confirm', 'text', 'sweetAlertType', 'showCancelButton', 'confirmButtonColor', 'cancelButtonColor', 'confirmButtonText', 'cancelButtonText', 'closeOnConfirm', 'html', 'imageUrl', 'allowOutsideClick', 'customClass', 'remote', 'method', 'function' ]; function afterAlertCallback(r){ if (nameFunction) { window[nameFunction](); } if (swalOptions['remote'] === true) { if (r === false) { return false; } else { $.rails.handleRemote($linkToVerify) } } else if(swalOptions[ 'method' ] !== undefined) { if (r === false) { return false; } else { $.rails.handleMethod($linkToVerify); } } else { if (r === false) { return false; } else { if($linkToVerify.attr('type') == 'submit'){ var name = $linkToVerify.attr('name'), data = name ? {name: name, value:$linkToVerify.val()} : null; $linkToVerify.closest('form').data('ujs:submit-button', data); $linkToVerify.closest('form').submit(); } else { window.location.href = $linkToVerify.attr('href'); } } } } var beforeFunction = null; $.each($, function(key, val){ if ($.inArray(key, optionKeys) >= 0) { swalOptions[key] = val if (key == 'sweetAlertType') { swalOptions['type'] = val; } } // Make a before callback to verify that swal should be shown if(key == 'sabeforefunction') { beforeFunction = val; } }); // Skip alert if false if(beforeFunction != null) { var beforeRes = window[beforeFunction]($linkToVerify); if(beforeRes === true) { return afterAlertCallback(true); // Skip alert } } var nameFunction = swalOptions['function']; message = $linkToVerify.attr('data-sweet-alert-confirm') swalOptions['title'] = message swal(swalOptions, afterAlertCallback); return false; } $(document).on('ready turbolinks:load turbo:load page:update ajaxComplete', function() { $('[data-sweet-alert-confirm]').on('click', sweetAlertConfirm) }); $(document).on('ready turbolinks:load turbo:load page:load', function() { //To avoid "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of null" on turbolinks if (typeof window.sweetAlertInitialize === 'function') { window.sweetAlertInitialize(); } }); })( jQuery );