#pragma once #include // Portability: Define M_PI, which MSVC's does not do by default. #if !defined(M_PI) && !defined(SWIG) #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 #endif namespace Gosu { //! Returns a real value between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive). //! Uses std::rand, so you should call std::srand before using it. double random(double min, double max); //! Translates between Gosu's angle system (where 0 is at the top) //! and radians (where 0 is at the right). inline double gosu_to_radians(double angle) { return (angle - 90) * M_PI / 180; } //! Translates between Gosu's angle system (where 0 is at the top) //! and radians (where 0 is at the right). inline double radians_to_gosu(double angle) { return angle * 180 / M_PI + 90; } //! Translates between degrees (used by Gosu) and radians, i.e. it //! does not change the 'origin' of the angle system. inline double degrees_to_radians(double angle) { return angle * M_PI / 180; } //! Translates between degrees (used by Gosu) and radians, i.e. it //! does not change the 'origin' of the angle system. inline double radians_to_degrees(double angle) { return angle * 180 / M_PI; } //! Returns the horizontal distance between the origin and the point to //! which you would get if you moved radius pixels in the direction //! specified by angle. //! \param angle Angle in degrees where 0.0 means upwards. double offset_x(double angle, double radius); //! Returns the vertical distance between the origin and the point to //! which you would get if you moved radius pixels in the direction //! specified by angle. //! \param angle Angle in degrees where 0.0 means upwards. double offset_y(double angle, double radius); //! Returns the angle from point 1 to point 2 in degrees, where 0.0 means //! upwards. Returns def if both points are equal. double angle(double from_x, double from_y, double to_x, double to_y, double def = 0); //! Returns the smallest angle that can be added to angle1 to get to //! angle2 (can be negative if counter-clockwise movement is shorter). double angle_diff(double angle1, double angle2); //! Normalizes an angle to fit into the range [0; 360[. double normalize_angle(double angle); //! Returns value * value. template T square(T value) { return value * value; } //! Returns (value-min) % (max-min) + min, where % always has a positive //! result for max > min. The results are undefined for max <= min. //! Note: This means that max is exclusive. int wrap(int value, int min, int max); //! Returns (value-min) % (max-min) + min, where % always has a positive //! result for max > min. The results are undefined for max <= min. //! Note: This means that max is exclusive. float wrap(float value, float min, float max); //! Returns (value-min) % (max-min) + min, where % always has a positive //! result for max > min. The results are undefined for max <= min. //! Note: This means that max is exclusive. double wrap(double value, double min, double max); //! Returns the square of the distance between two points. inline double distance_sqr(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { return square(x1 - x2) + square(y1 - y2); } //! Returns the distance between two points. double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2); //! Placeholder for std::lerp, will be removed when Gosu requires C++20. template T lerp(T a, T b, double t = 0.5) { return a * (1.0 - t) + b * t; } }