module Ridley class CookbookResource < Ridley::Resource task_class TaskThread set_resource_path "cookbooks" represented_by Ridley::CookbookObject def initialize(connection_registry, client_name, client_key, options = {}) super(connection_registry) @sandbox_resource = SandboxResource.new_link(connection_registry, client_name, client_key, options) end # List all of the cookbooks and their versions present on the remote # # @example return value # { # "ant" => [ # "0.10.1" # ], # "apache2" => [ # "1.4.0" # ] # } # # @return [Hash] # a hash containing keys which represent cookbook names and values which contain # an array of strings representing the available versions def all response = request(:get, self.class.resource_path, num_versions: "all") {}.tap do |cookbooks| response.each do |name, details| cookbooks[name] = details["versions"].collect { |version| version["version"] } end end end # Delete a cookbook of the given name and version on the remote Chef server # # @param [String] name # @param [String] version # # @option options [Boolean] purge (false) # # @return [Boolean] def delete(name, version, options = {}) options = options.reverse_merge(purge: false) url = "#{self.class.resource_path}/#{name}/#{version}" url += "?purge=true" if options[:purge] request(:delete, url) true rescue AbortError => ex return nil if ex.cause.is_a?(Errors::HTTPNotFound) abort(ex.cause) end # Delete all of the versions of a given cookbook on the remote Chef server # # @param [String] name # name of the cookbook to delete # # @option options [Boolean] purge (false) def delete_all(name, options = {}) versions(name).collect { |version| future(:delete, name, version, options) }.map(&:value) end # Download the entire cookbook # # @param [String] name # @param [String] version # @param [String] destination (Dir.mktmpdir) # the place to download the cookbook too. If no value is provided the cookbook # will be downloaded to a temporary location # # @raise [Errors::ResourceNotFound] if the target cookbook is not found # # @return [String] # the path to the directory the cookbook was downloaded to def download(name, version, destination = Dir.mktmpdir) if cookbook = find(name, version) else abort"cookbook #{name} (#{version}) was not found") end end # @param [String, #chef_id] object # @param [String] version # # @return [nil, CookbookResource] def find(object, version) chef_id = object.respond_to?(:chef_id) ? object.chef_id : object new(request(:get, "#{self.class.resource_path}/#{chef_id}/#{version}")) rescue AbortError => ex return nil if ex.cause.is_a?(Errors::HTTPNotFound) abort(ex.cause) end # Return the latest version of the given cookbook found on the remote Chef server # # @param [String] name # # @raise [Errors::ResourceNotFound] if the target cookbook has no versions # # @return [String, nil] def latest_version(name) ver = versions(name).collect do |version| end.sort.last ver.nil? ? nil : ver.to_s end # Return the version of the given cookbook which best stasifies the given constraint # # @param [String] name # name of the cookbook # @param [String, Solve::Constraint] constraint # constraint to solve for # # @raise [Errors::ResourceNotFound] if the target cookbook has no versions # # @return [CookbookResource, nil] # returns the cookbook resource for the best solution or nil if no solution exists def satisfy(name, constraint) version = Solve::Solver.satisfy_best(constraint, versions(name)).to_s find(name, version) rescue Solve::Errors::NoSolutionError nil end # Update or create a new Cookbook Version of the given name, version with the # given manifest of files and checksums. # # @param [Ridley::Chef::Cookbook] cookbook # the cookbook to save # # @option options [Boolean] :force # Upload the Cookbook even if the version already exists and is frozen on # the target Chef Server # @option options [Boolean] :freeze # Freeze the uploaded Cookbook on the Chef Server so that it cannot be # overwritten # # @raise [Ridley::Errors::FrozenCookbook] # if a cookbook of the same name and version already exists on the remote Chef server # and is frozen. If the :force option is provided the given cookbook will be saved # regardless. # # @return [Hash] def update(cookbook, options = {}) options = options.reverse_merge(force: false, freeze: false) cookbook.frozen = options[:freeze] url = "cookbooks/#{cookbook.cookbook_name}/#{cookbook.version}" url << "?force=true" if options[:force] request(:put, url, cookbook.to_json) rescue AbortError => ex if ex.cause.is_a?(Errors::HTTPConflict) abort end abort(ex.cause) end alias_method :create, :update # Uploads a cookbook to the remote Chef server from the contents of a filepath # # @param [String] path # path to a cookbook on local disk # # @option options [String] :name # automatically populated by the metadata of the cookbook at the given path, but # in the event that the metadata does not contain a name it can be specified with # this option # @option options [Boolean] :force (false) # Upload the Cookbook even if the version already exists and is frozen on # the target Chef Server # @option options [Boolean] :freeze (false) # Freeze the uploaded Cookbook on the Chef Server so that it cannot be # overwritten # @option options [Boolean] :validate (true) # Validate the contents of the cookbook before uploading # # @return [Hash] def upload(path, options = {}) options = options.reverse_merge(validate: true, force: false, freeze: false) cookbook = Ridley::Chef::Cookbook.from_path(path, options.slice(:name)) unless (existing = find(cookbook.cookbook_name, cookbook.version)).nil? if existing.frozen? && options[:force] == false msg = "The cookbook #{cookbook.cookbook_name} (#{cookbook.version}) already exists and is" msg << " frozen on the Chef server. Use the 'force' option to override." abort end end if options[:validate] cookbook.validate end checksums = cookbook.checksums.dup sandbox = sandbox_resource.create(checksums.keys) sandbox.upload(checksums) sandbox.commit update(cookbook, options.slice(:force, :freeze)) end # Return a list of versions for the given cookbook present on the remote Chef server # # @param [String] name # # @example # versions("nginx") => [ "1.0.0", "1.2.0" ] # # @raise [Errors::ResourceNotFound] if the target cookbook has no versions # # @return [Array<String>] def versions(name) response = request(:get, "#{self.class.resource_path}/#{name}") response[name]["versions"].collect do |cb_ver| cb_ver["version"] end rescue AbortError => ex if ex.cause.is_a?(Errors::HTTPNotFound) abort end abort(ex.cause) end private attr_reader :sandbox_resource end end