module ActiveGraph module Node module QueryMethods def exists?(node_condition = nil) unless [String, Hash, NilClass].any? { |c| node_condition.is_a?(c) } fail(ActiveGraph::InvalidParameterError, ':exists? only accepts ids or conditions') end query_start = exists_query_start(node_condition) start_q = query_start.respond_to?(:query_as) ? query_start.query_as(:n) : query_start result = start_q.return('elementId(n) AS proof_of_life LIMIT 1').first !!result end # Returns the first node of this class, sorted by ID. Note that this may not be the first node created since Neo4j recycles IDs. def first self.query_as(:n).limit(1).order(n: primary_key).pluck(:n).first end # Returns the last node of this class, sorted by ID. Note that this may not be the first node created since Neo4j recycles IDs. def last self.query_as(:n).limit(1).order(n: { primary_key => :desc }).pluck(:n).first end # @return [Integer] number of nodes of this class def count(distinct = nil) fail(ActiveGraph::InvalidParameterError, ':count accepts the `:distinct` symbol or nil as a parameter') unless distinct.nil? || distinct == :distinct q = distinct.nil? ? 'n' : 'DISTINCT n' self.query_as(:n).return("count(#{q}) AS count").first[:count] end alias size count alias length count def empty? !self.all.exists? end alias blank? empty? def find_in_batches(options = {}) self.query_as(:n).return(:n).find_in_batches(:n, primary_key, options) do |batch| yield { |record| record[:n] } end end def find_each(options = {}) self.query_as(:n).return(:n).find_each(:n, primary_key, options) do |batch| yield batch[:n] end end private def exists_query_start(condition) return exists_query_start(primary_key => condition) if condition&.is_a?(String) if condition&.key?(:neo_id) query_as(:n).where('elementId(n)' => condition[:neo_id]) else where(**condition) end end end end end