# coding: utf-8 require "qdumpfs/version" require "qdumpfs/win32" require "qdumpfs/util" require "qdumpfs/option" require 'find' require 'optparse' require 'date' require 'fileutils' module Qdumpfs class Command include QdumpfsUtils def self.run(argv) STDOUT.sync = true opts = {} opt = OptionParser.new(argv) opt.version = VERSION opt.banner = "Usage: #{opt.program_name} [options] " opt.separator('Options') opt.on_head('-h', '--help', 'show this message') do |v| puts opt.help exit end opt.on('-v', '--verbose', 'verbose message') {|v| opts[:v] = v} opt.on('-r', '--report', 'report message') {|v| opts[:r] = v} opt.on('-n', '--dry-run', "don't actually run any commands") {|v| opts[:n] = v} opt.on('-e PATTERN', '--exclude=PATTERN', 'exclude files/directories matching PATTERN') {|v| opts[:ep] = [] if opts[:ep].nil? opts[:ep] << Regexp.new(v) } opt.on('-s SIZE', '--exclude-by-size=SIZE', 'exclude files larger than SIZE') {|v| opts[:es] = v } opt.on('-w GLOB', '--exclude-by-glob=GLOB', 'exclude files matching GLOB') {|v| opts[:ep] = v } commands = ['backup', 'sync', 'list', 'expire', 'verify'] opt.on('-c COMMAND', '--command=COMMAND', commands, commands.join('|')) {|v| opts[:c] = v} opt.on('-l HOURS', '--limit=HOURS', 'limit hours') {|v| opts[:limit] = v} opt.on('-k KEEPARG', '--keep=KEEPARG', 'ex: --keep 100Y12M12W30D (100years, 12months, 12weeks, 30days, default)') {|v| opts[:keep] = v} opt.on('--logdir LOGDIR', 'logdir') {|v| opts[:logdir] = v} opt.parse!(argv) option = Option.new(opts, ARGV) if opts[:v] puts "<<<<< qdumpfs options >>>>> " puts "logdir: #{option.logdir}" puts "logpath: #{option.logpath}" puts "verifypath: #{option.verifypath}" puts end begin command = Command.new(option) command.run rescue => e puts opt.help exit end end def initialize(opt) @opt = opt end def run if @opt.cmd == 'backup' backup elsif @opt.cmd == 'sync' sync elsif @opt.cmd == 'list' list elsif @opt.cmd == 'expire' expire elsif @opt.cmd == 'verify' verify # elsif @opt.cmd == 'test' # test # else raise RuntimeError, "unknown command: #{cmd}" end end private def log_result(src, today, elapsed) time = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") bytes = convert_bytes(@written_bytes) msg = sprintf("%s: %s -> %s (in %.2f sec, %s written)\n", time, src, today, elapsed, bytes) log(msg) end def log(msg, console = true) @opt.log(msg, console) end def report(type, file_name) @opt.report(type, file_name) end def update_file(src, latest, today) type = detect_type(src, latest) report(type, src) return if @opt.dry_run case type when "directory" FileUtils.mkpath(today) when "unchanged" File.force_link(latest, today) when "updated" copy(src, today) when "new_file" copy(src, today) when "symlink" File.force_symlink(File.readlink(src), today) when "unsupported" # just ignore it else raise "#{type}: shouldn't be reached here" end chown_if_root(type, src, today) end def filecount(dir) pscmd = 'Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File | Measure-Object | %{$_.Count}' cmd = "powershell -Command \"#{pscmd}\"" result = nil Dir.chdir(dir) do result = `#{cmd}` result.chomp! end result.to_i end def do_verify(src, dst) src_count = filecount(src) dst_count= filecount(dst) return src_count, dst_count end def get_snapshots(target_dir) # 指定したディレクトリに含まれるバックアップフォルダ(日付つき)を全て取得 dd = "[0-9][0-9]" dddd = dd + dd # FIXME: Y10K problem. dirs = [] glob_path = File.join(target_dir, dddd, dd, dd) Dir.glob(glob_path).sort.find {|dir| day, month, year = File.split_all(dir).reverse.map {|x| x.to_i } path = dir if File.directory?(path) and Date.valid_date?(year, month, day) and dirs << path end } dirs end def get_snapshot_date(snapshot) # バックアップディレクトリのパス(日付つき)から日付を取得して返す day, month, year = File.split_all(snapshot).reverse.map {|x| x.to_i } Time.new(year, month, day) end def update_snapshot(src, latest, today) # バックアップの差分コピーを実行 # src: コピー元ディレクトリ ex) i:/from/home # latest: 最新のバックアップディレクトリ ex)j:/to/backup1/2019/05/09/home # today: 差分バックアップ先ディレクトリ ex)j:/to/backup1/2019/05/10/home dirs = {}; QdumpfsFind.find(@opt.logger, src) do |s| # path of the source file if @opt.matcher.exclude?(s) if File.lstat(s).directory? then Find.prune() else next end end # バックアップ元ファイルのパスからディレクトリ部分を削除 r = make_relative_path(s, src) # 既存バックアップファイルのパス l = File.join(latest, r) # path of the latest snapshot # 新規バックアップファイルのパス t = File.join(today, r) # path of the today's snapshot begin # ファイルのアップデート update_file(s, l, t) dirs[t] = File.stat(s) if File.ftype(s) == "directory" rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EACCES => e wprintf("%s: %s", src, e.message) next end end return if @opt.dry_run restore_dir_attributes(dirs) end def recursive_copy(src, dst) dirs = {} QdumpfsFind.find(@opt.logger, src) do |s| if @opt.matcher.exclude?(s) if File.lstat(s).directory? then Find.prune() else next end end r = make_relative_path(s, src) t = File.join(dst, r) begin type = detect_type(s) report(type, s) next if @opt.dry_run case type when "directory" FileUtils.mkpath(t) when "new_file" copy(s, t) when "symlink" File.force_symlink(File.readlink(s), t) when "unsupported" # just ignore it else raise "#{type}: shouldn't be reached here" end chown_if_root(type, s, t) dirs[t] = File.stat(s) if File.ftype(s) == "directory" rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EACCES => e wprintf("%s: %s", s, e.message) next end end restore_dir_attributes(dirs) unless @opt.dry_run end def sync_latest(src, dst, base = nil) # pdumpfsのバックアップフォルダを同期する #コピー元のスナップショット src_snapshots = BackupDir.scan_backup_dirs(src) @opt.detect_keep_dirs(src_snapshots) # コピー先の最新スナップショット dst_snapshots = BackupDir.scan_backup_dirs(dst) dst_snapshot = dst_snapshots[-1] # コピー元フォルダの決定 src_snapshot = nil src_snapshots.each do |snapshot| next if dst_snapshot && snapshot.date <= dst_snapshot.date if snapshot.keep src_snapshot = snapshot break end end if src_snapshot.nil? return false, nil, nil end # 今回コピーするフォルダの名前 src = src_snapshot.path today = File.join(dst, datedir(src_snapshot.date)) latest = dst_snapshot ? File.join(dst_snapshot.path) : nil # src: j: /to/backup1/2019/05/10/home/" # latest: # today: j:/sync/backup1/2019/05/10/home" log("sync_latest src=#{src} latest=#{latest} today=#{today}") if latest log("update_snapshot #{src} #{latest} #{today}") # バックアップがすでに存在する場合差分コピー update_snapshot(src, latest, today) else log("recursive_copy #{src}=>#{today}") # 初回は単純に再帰コピー recursive_copy(src, today) end return true, src, today end def latest_snapshot(start_time, src, dst, base) # バックアップ先の日付ディレクトリを取得 # 現在の日付より過去のもののなかで最新を取得する(なければnil。現在の日付しかなくてもnil) dd = "[0-9][0-9]" dddd = dd + dd # FIXME: Y10K problem. glob_path = File.join(dst, dddd, dd, dd) Dir.glob(glob_path).sort {|a, b| b <=> a }.find {|dir| day, month, year = File.split_all(dir).reverse.map {|x| x.to_i } path = File.join(dir, base) if File.directory?(path) and Date.valid_date?(year, month, day) and past_date?(year, month, day, start_time) return path end } return nil end def backup ##### オリジナルのバックアップルーチン @opt.validate_directories(2) log("##### backup start #####") @written_bytes = 0 start_time = Time.now src = @opt.src dst = @opt.dst # Windowsの場合 if windows? src = expand_special_folders(src) dst = expand_special_folders(dst) end # 指定されたディレクトリの整合性チェック if same_directory?(src, dst) or sub_directory?(src, dst) raise "cannot copy a directory, `#{src}', into itself, `#{dst}'" end # Ruby 1.6.xではbasename(src) == ''となるため最後の'/'を除去 src = src.sub(%r!/+$!, "") unless src == '/' #' base = File.basename(src) dirname = File.dirname(src) raise RuntimeError unless FileTest.exist?(dirname + '/' + base) # 存在するバックアップの最新を取得 latest = latest_snapshot(start_time, src, dst, base) # 現在の日付フォルダを取得j:/to/backup1/2019/05/10/home today = File.join(dst, datedir(start_time), base) File.umask(0077) FileUtils.mkpath(today) unless @opt.dry_run if windows? src = src.sub( /^[A-Za-z]:$/, src + "/" ) end if latest # バックアップがすでに存在する場合差分コピー log("## update_snapshot #{src} #{latest}=>#{today} ##") update_snapshot(src, latest, today) else # 初回は単純に再帰コピー log("## recursive_copy #{src}=>#{today} ##") recursive_copy(src, today) end unless @opt.dry_run create_latest_symlink(dst, today) elapsed = Time.now - start_time log_result(src, today, elapsed) end log("##### backup end #####") end def sync ##### バックアップフォルダの同期ルーチン(バックアップディスクを他のディスクと同じ状態にする) @opt.validate_directories(2) start_time = Time.now @written_bytes = 0 src = @opt.src dst = @opt.dst # 制限時間まで繰り返す(指定がない場合1回で終了) limit_time = start_time + (@opt.limit_sec) log("##### sync start #{fmt(start_time)} => limit_time=#{fmt(limit_time)} #####") count = 0 last_sync_complete = false while true count += 1 log("## sync_latest count=#{count} ##") latest_start = Time.now sync_result, from, to = sync_latest(src, dst) latest_end = Time.now log("## sync_latest result=#{sync_result} from=#{from} to=#{to} ##") unless sync_result # 同期結果がtrueでない場合ここで終了。ただしsync_result=falseになるのはコピー元フォルダが存在しない場合なので、 # 中途半端な結果にはならない last_sync_complete = true break end from_count, to_count = do_verify(from, to) log("## from_count=#{from_count} to_count=#{to_count} equals=#{from_count == to_count} ##") unless from_count == to_count # ファイル数が同じでない場合ここで終了 last_sync_complete = false break end # 次回同期にかかる時間を最終同期時間の半分と予想 next_sync = (latest_end - latest_start) / 2 cur_time = Time.now in_limit = (cur_time + next_sync) < limit_time log("## cur_time=#{fmt(cur_time)} + next_sync=#{next_sync} < limit_time=#{fmt(limit_time)} in_limit=#{in_limit} ## ") unless in_limit # 指定時間内ではない場合ここで終了(ただし最終同期は成功) last_sync_complete = true break end end end_time = Time.now diff = time_diff(start_time, end_time) log("##### sync end #{fmt(end_time)} diff=#{diff} last_sync_complete=#{last_sync_complete} #####") end def verify file = @opt.open_verifyfile start_time = Time.now add_log("##### verify start #{fmt(start_time)} #####") src_count, dst_count = do_verify(src, dst) fputs(file, "#{src}: #{src_count}") fputs(file, "#{dst}: #{dst_count}") result = src_count == dst_count fputs(file, "result=#{result}") end_time = Time.now diff = time_diff(start_time, end_time) add_log("##### list end #{fmt(end_time)} diff=#{diff} #####") file.close end def list file = @opt.open_listfile start_time = Time.now log("##### list start #{fmt(start_time)} #####") src = @opt.src QdumpfsFind.find(@opt.logger, src) do |path| short_path = path.sub(/^#{src}/, '.') log("#{File.ftype(path)} #{path}") if FileTest.file?(path) file.puts short_path end end end_time = Time.now diff = time_diff(start_time, end_time) log("##### list end #{fmt(end_time)} diff=#{diff} #####") file.close end def expire @opt.validate_directories(1) start_time = Time.now limit_time = start_time + (@opt.limit_sec) log("##### expire start #{fmt(start_time)} => limit_time=#{fmt(limit_time)} #####") @opt.dirs.each do |target_dir| target_start = Time.now expire_target_dir(target_dir) target_end = Time.now # 次回expireにかかる時間を最終expire時間の半分と予想 next_expire = (target_end - target_start) / 2 cur_time = Time.now in_imit = (cur_time + next_expire) < limit_time log("## cur_time=#{fmt(cur_time)} + next_expire=#{next_expire} < limit_time=#{fmt(limit_time)} in_limit=#{in_limit} ## ") unless in_limit break end end log("##### expire end #####") end def expire_target_dir(target_dir) target_dir = to_unix_path(target_dir) puts "<<<<< Target dir: #{target_dir} >>>>>" snapshots = BackupDir.scan_backup_dirs(target_dir) @opt.detect_keep_dirs(snapshots) # p @opt.keep_year # p @opt.keep_month # p @opt.keep_day snapshots.each do |snapshot| next if snapshot.keep t_start = Time.now print "Deleting #{snapshot.path} ..." unless @opt.dry_run #http://superuser.com/questions/19762/mass-deleting-files-in-windows/289399#289399 ##### here #bundle exec ruby exe/qdumpfs --dry-run --keep=100Y36M30W30D --command expire f:/pc1/pdumpfs/users f:/pc1/pdumpfs/opt f:/pc1/pdumpfs/d if windows? # Windowsの場合 win_backup_path = to_win_path(snapshot.path) # byenow = "byenow" # if which(byenow) # print " bynow" # system("byenow -y --delete-ntapi --one-liner #{snapshot.path}") # else # print " pass1" # system("del /F /S /Q #{win_backup_path} > nul") # print " pass2" # system("rmdir /S /Q #{win_backup_path}") # end system("rmdir /S /Q #{win_backup_path}") else # Linux/macOSの場合 system("rm -rf #{snapshot.path}") end end t_end = Time.now diff = (t_end - t_start).to_i diff_hours = diff / 3600 puts " done[#{diff} seconds = #{diff_hours} hours]." end Dir.glob("#{target_dir}/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/[0-1][0-9] #{target_dir}/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]").each do |dir| if File.directory?(dir) && Dir.entries(dir).size <= 2 win_dir = to_win_path(dir) print "Deleting #{win_dir} ..." Dir.rmdir(win_dir) unless @opt.dry_run puts " done." end end puts "Keep dirs:" snapshots.each do |snapshot| puts snapshot.path if snapshot.keep end end end end