// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* @fileoverview goog.editor plugin to handle splitting block quotes.
* Plugin to handle splitting block quotes. This plugin does nothing on its
* own and should be used in conjunction with EnterHandler or one of its
* subclasses.
* @param {boolean} requiresClassNameToSplit Whether to split only blockquotes
* that have the given classname.
* @param {string=} opt_className The classname to apply to generated
* blockquotes. Defaults to 'tr_bq'.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.editor.Plugin}
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote = function(requiresClassNameToSplit,
opt_className) {
* Whether we only split blockquotes that have {@link classname}, or whether
* all blockquote tags should be split on enter.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.requiresClassNameToSplit_ = requiresClassNameToSplit;
* Classname to put on blockquotes that are generated via the toolbar for
* blockquote, so that we can internally distinguish these from blockquotes
* that are used for indentation. This classname can be over-ridden by
* clients for styling or other purposes.
* @type {string}
* @private
this.className_ = opt_className || goog.getCssName('tr_bq');
goog.inherits(goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote, goog.editor.Plugin);
* Command implemented by this plugin.
* @type {string}
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.SPLIT_COMMAND = '+splitBlockquote';
* Class ID used to identify this plugin.
* @type {string}
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.CLASS_ID = 'Blockquote';
* Logging object.
* @type {goog.log.Logger}
* @protected
* @override
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.logger =
/** @override */
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.getTrogClassId = function() {
return goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.CLASS_ID;
* Since our exec command is always called from elsewhere, we make it silent.
* @override
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.isSilentCommand = goog.functions.TRUE;
* Checks if a node is a blockquote node. If isAlreadySetup is set, it also
* makes sure the node has the blockquote classname applied. Otherwise, it
* ensures that the blockquote does not already have the classname applied.
* @param {Node} node DOM node to check.
* @param {boolean} isAlreadySetup True to enforce that the classname must be
* set in order for it to count as a blockquote, false to
* enforce that the classname must not be set in order for
* it to count as a blockquote.
* @param {boolean} requiresClassNameToSplit Whether only blockquotes with the
* class name should be split.
* @param {string} className The official blockquote class name.
* @return {boolean} Whether node is a blockquote and if isAlreadySetup is
* true, then whether this is a setup blockquote.
* @deprecated Use {@link #isSplittableBlockquote},
* {@link #isSetupBlockquote}, or {@link #isUnsetupBlockquote} instead
* since this has confusing behavior.
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.isBlockquote = function(node, isAlreadySetup,
requiresClassNameToSplit, className) {
if (node.tagName != goog.dom.TagName.BLOCKQUOTE) {
return false;
if (!requiresClassNameToSplit) {
return isAlreadySetup;
var hasClassName = goog.dom.classes.has(/** @type {Element} */ (node),
return isAlreadySetup ? hasClassName : !hasClassName;
* Checks if a node is a blockquote which can be split. A splittable blockquote
* meets the following criteria:
* - Node is a blockquote element
* - Node has the blockquote classname if the classname is required to
* split
* @param {Node} node DOM node in question.
* @return {boolean} Whether the node is a splittable blockquote.
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.isSplittableBlockquote =
function(node) {
if (node.tagName != goog.dom.TagName.BLOCKQUOTE) {
return false;
if (!this.requiresClassNameToSplit_) {
return true;
return goog.dom.classes.has(node, this.className_);
* Checks if a node is a blockquote element which has been setup.
* @param {Node} node DOM node to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether the node is a blockquote with the required class
* name applied.
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.isSetupBlockquote =
function(node) {
return node.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BLOCKQUOTE &&
goog.dom.classes.has(node, this.className_);
* Checks if a node is a blockquote element which has not been setup yet.
* @param {Node} node DOM node to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether the node is a blockquote without the required
* class name applied.
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.isUnsetupBlockquote =
function(node) {
return node.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BLOCKQUOTE &&
* Gets the class name required for setup blockquotes.
* @return {string} The blockquote class name.
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.getBlockquoteClassName = function() {
return this.className_;
* Helper routine which walks up the tree to find the topmost
* ancestor with only a single child. The ancestor node or the original
* node (if no ancestor was found) is then removed from the DOM.
* @param {Node} node The node whose ancestors have to be searched.
* @param {Node} root The root node to stop the search at.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.findAndRemoveSingleChildAncestor_ = function(
node, root) {
var predicateFunc = function(parentNode) {
return parentNode != root && parentNode.childNodes.length == 1;
var ancestor = goog.editor.node.findHighestMatchingAncestor(node,
if (!ancestor) {
ancestor = node;
* Remove every nodes from the DOM tree that are all white space nodes.
* @param {Array.} nodes Nodes to be checked.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.removeAllWhiteSpaceNodes_ = function(nodes) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
if (goog.editor.node.isEmpty(nodes[i], true)) {
/** @override */
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.isSupportedCommand = function(
command) {
return command == goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.SPLIT_COMMAND;
* Splits a quoted region if any. To be called on a key press event. When this
* function returns true, the event that caused it to be called should be
* canceled.
* @param {string} command The command to execute.
* @param {...*} var_args Single additional argument representing the
* current cursor position. In IE, it is a single node. In any other
* browser, it is an object with a {@code node} key and an {@code offset}
* key.
* @return {boolean|undefined} Boolean true when the quoted region has been
* split, false or undefined otherwise.
* @override
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.execCommandInternal = function(
command, var_args) {
var pos = arguments[1];
if (command == goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.SPLIT_COMMAND && pos &&
(this.className_ || !this.requiresClassNameToSplit_)) {
return goog.editor.BrowserFeature.HAS_W3C_RANGES ?
this.splitQuotedBlockW3C_(pos) :
this.splitQuotedBlockIE_(/** @type {Node} */ (pos));
* Version of splitQuotedBlock_ that uses W3C ranges.
* @param {Object} anchorPos The current cursor position.
* @return {boolean} Whether the blockquote was split.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.splitQuotedBlockW3C_ =
function(anchorPos) {
var cursorNode = anchorPos.node;
var quoteNode = goog.editor.node.findTopMostEditableAncestor(
cursorNode.parentNode, goog.bind(this.isSplittableBlockquote, this));
var secondHalf, textNodeToRemove;
var insertTextNode = false;
// There are two special conditions that we account for here.
// 1. Whenever the cursor is after (one
|) or just before a BR element
// (one|
) and the user presses enter, the second quoted block starts
// with a BR which appears to the user as an extra newline. This stems
// from the fact that we create two text nodes as our split boundaries
// and the BR becomes a part of the second half because of this.
// 2. When the cursor is at the end of a text node with no siblings and
// the user presses enter, the second blockquote might contain a
// empty subtree that ends in a 0 length text node. We account for that
// as a post-splitting operation.
if (quoteNode) {
// selection is in a line that has text in it
if (cursorNode.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) {
if (anchorPos.offset == cursorNode.length) {
var siblingNode = cursorNode.nextSibling;
// This accounts for the condition where the cursor appears at the
// end of a text node and right before the BR eg: one|
. We ensure
// that we split on the BR in that case.
if (siblingNode && siblingNode.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BR) {
cursorNode = siblingNode;
// This might be null but splitDomTreeAt accounts for the null case.
secondHalf = siblingNode.nextSibling;
} else {
textNodeToRemove = cursorNode.splitText(anchorPos.offset);
secondHalf = textNodeToRemove;
} else {
secondHalf = cursorNode.splitText(anchorPos.offset);
} else if (cursorNode.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BR) {
// This might be null but splitDomTreeAt accounts for the null case.
secondHalf = cursorNode.nextSibling;
} else {
// The selection is in a line that is empty, with more than 1 level
// of quote.
insertTextNode = true;
} else {
// Check if current node is a quote node.
// This will happen if user clicks in an empty line in the quote,
// when there is 1 level of quote.
if (this.isSetupBlockquote(cursorNode)) {
quoteNode = cursorNode;
insertTextNode = true;
if (insertTextNode) {
// Create two empty text nodes to split between.
cursorNode = this.insertEmptyTextNodeBeforeRange_();
secondHalf = this.insertEmptyTextNodeBeforeRange_();
if (!quoteNode) {
return false;
secondHalf = goog.editor.node.splitDomTreeAt(cursorNode, secondHalf,
goog.dom.insertSiblingAfter(secondHalf, quoteNode);
// Set the insertion point.
var dh = this.getFieldDomHelper();
var tagToInsert =
goog.editor.Command.DEFAULT_TAG) ||
var container = dh.createElement(/** @type {string} */ (tagToInsert));
container.innerHTML = ' '; // Prevent the div from collapsing.
quoteNode.parentNode.insertBefore(container, secondHalf);
dh.getWindow().getSelection().collapse(container, 0);
// We need to account for the condition where the second blockquote
// might contain an empty DOM tree. This arises from trying to split
// at the end of an empty text node. We resolve this by walking up the tree
// till we either reach the blockquote or till we hit a node with more
// than one child. The resulting node is then removed from the DOM.
if (textNodeToRemove) {
textNodeToRemove, secondHalf);
[quoteNode, secondHalf]);
return true;
* Inserts an empty text node before the field's range.
* @return {!Node} The empty text node.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.insertEmptyTextNodeBeforeRange_ =
function() {
var range = this.getFieldObject().getRange();
var node = this.getFieldDomHelper().createTextNode('');
range.insertNode(node, true);
return node;
* IE version of splitQuotedBlock_.
* @param {Node} splitNode The current cursor position.
* @return {boolean} Whether the blockquote was split.
* @private
goog.editor.plugins.Blockquote.prototype.splitQuotedBlockIE_ =
function(splitNode) {
var dh = this.getFieldDomHelper();
var quoteNode = goog.editor.node.findTopMostEditableAncestor(
splitNode.parentNode, goog.bind(this.isSplittableBlockquote, this));
if (!quoteNode) {
return false;
var clone = splitNode.cloneNode(false);
// Whenever the cursor is just before a BR element (one|
) and the user
// presses enter, the second quoted block starts with a BR which appears
// to the user as an extra newline. This stems from the fact that the
// dummy span that we create (splitNode) occurs before the BR and we split
// on that.
if (splitNode.nextSibling &&
splitNode.nextSibling.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.BR) {
splitNode = splitNode.nextSibling;
var secondHalf = goog.editor.node.splitDomTreeAt(splitNode, clone, quoteNode);
goog.dom.insertSiblingAfter(secondHalf, quoteNode);
// Set insertion point.
var tagToInsert =
goog.editor.Command.DEFAULT_TAG) ||
var div = dh.createElement(/** @type {string} */ (tagToInsert));
quoteNode.parentNode.insertBefore(div, secondHalf);
// The div needs non-whitespace contents in order for the insertion point
// to get correctly inserted.
div.innerHTML = ' ';
// Moving the range 1 char isn't enough when you have markup.
// This moves the range to the end of the nbsp.
var range = dh.getDocument().selection.createRange();
range.move('character', 2);
// Remove the no-longer-necessary nbsp.
div.innerHTML = '';
// Clear the original selection.
// We need to remove clone from the DOM but just removing clone alone will
// not suffice. Let's assume we have the following DOM structure and the
// cursor is placed after the first numbered list item "one".
// b
// After pressing enter, we have the following structure.
// b
// The clone is contained in a subtree which should be removed. This stems
// from the fact that we invoke splitDomTreeAt with the dummy span
// as the starting splitting point and this results in the empty subtree
// .
// We resolve this by walking up the tree till we either reach the
// blockquote or till we hit a node with more than one child. The resulting
// node is then removed from the DOM.
clone, secondHalf);
[quoteNode, secondHalf]);
return true;