class VMServer attr_accessor :vm_user, :vm_password, :guest_user, :guest_password, :datastore, :host, :logging_enabled def initialize yield self raise ArgumentError, "Please make sure you have set host ,vm_user and vm_password in the configuration!" unless @host || @vm_user || @vm_password # This is the base command used for all the commands. @base_command = "vmrun -T server -h #{@host} -u #{@vm_user} -p #{@vm_password}" end ## # Logs if logging is enabled def log(msg) puts "#{} #{msg}" if @logging_enabled end # -------------------------------- Controlling Virtual Machine Power States with vmrun ------------------------- # ## # Start up the Virtual Machine def start command = 'start' vm_command = "#{@base_command} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\'" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("VM started successfully has been executed.") : log("Error! VM could not be started.") result end ## # Stops the Virtual Machine # Mode is soft by default. # If it is overridden to be 'hard' it acts in a similar fashion to that pf physically switching off a machine. def stop(mode='soft') command = 'stop' vm_command = "#{@base_command} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' #{mode}" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("VM stopped successfully.") : log("Error! VM could not be stopped.") result end ## # Reset the Virtual Machine # Mode is soft by default. # If it is overridden to be 'hard' it acts in a similar fashion to that pf physically switching off a machine. def reset(mode='soft') command = 'reset' vm_command = "#{@base_command} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' #{mode}" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("VM has been resetted.") : log("Error! VM could not be reset.") result end ## # Suspend the Virtual Machine # Mode is soft by default. # If it is overridden to be 'hard' it acts in a similar fashion to that pf physically switching off a machine. def suspend(mode='soft') command = 'reset' vm_command = "#{@base_command} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' #{mode}" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("VM has been suspended.") : log("Error! VM could not be suspended.") result end ## # Pause the Virtual Machine def pause command = 'pause' vm_command = "#{@base_command} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\'" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("VM has been paused") : log("Error! VM could not be paused.") result end ## # Pause the Virtual Machine def unpause command = 'unpause' vm_command = "#{@base_command} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\'" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("VM has been unpaused") : log("Error! VM could not be unpaused.") result end # -------------------------------------- VM Server Snapshots ------------------------------------------------- ## # Take a snapshot of the Virtual Machine def snapshot(name="snapshot_#{"%m%d")}") command = 'snapshot' vm_command = "#{@base_command} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' #{name}" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("SnapShot successful") : log("Error! VM SnapShot failed.") result end ## # Revert to previous snapshot def revert_to_snapshot(name) command = 'revertToSnapshot' vm_command = "#{@base_command} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' #{name}" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("Revert SnapShot successful") : log("Error! VM Revert SnapShot failed.") result end ## # Delete snapshot of the Virtual Machine def delete_snapshot(name) command = 'deleteSnapshot' vm_command = "#{@base_command} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' #{name}" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("SnapShot deleted successful") : log("Error! VM SnapShot delete failed.") result end # -------------------------------------- Working with Files and Directory in Guest OS ------------------------- # ## # Create a directory in the Virtual Machine def mkdir(dir) command = 'createDirectoryInGuest' vm_command = "#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{@guest_password} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' \'#{dir}\'" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("Directory created successfully in guest.") : log("Error! Directory could not be created.") result end ## # Remove Directory form the Guest OS def rmdir(dir) command = 'deleteDirectoryInGuest' vm_command = "#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{@guest_password} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' \'#{dir}\'" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("Directory deleted successfully.") : log("Error! Failed to delete directory.") result end ## # Remove Directory form the Guest OS def rmfile(file) command = 'deleteFileInGuest' vm_command = "#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{@guest_password} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' \'#{file}\'" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("File deleted successfully.") : log("Error! Failed to delete file.") result end ## # List a directory in Guest OS def ls(dir) command = 'listDirectoryInGuest' # vm_command = "#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{@guest_password} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' \'#{dir}\'" # log vm_command # result = system(vm_command) # result ? log("Listing Successful.") : log("Error! Listing directory failed.") # result entries = `#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{@guest_password} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' \'#{dir}\'` # The entries would be a list of entries searated by new line. Convert this to an array. entries = entries.split("\n") entries end ## # Checks if a file exists in the guest OS def file_exists_in_guest?(file) vm_command = "#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{@guest_password} fileExistsInGuest \'#{datastore}\' \'#{file}\'" output = system(vm_command) if output =~ /The file exists/ return true else return false end end ## # Copy a file from host OS to Guest OS def copy_file_from_host_to_guest(src, dest) command = 'copyFileFromHostToGuest' vm_command = "#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{@guest_password} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' \'#{src}\' \'#{dest}\'" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("Copy successful.") : log("Error! Copy failed.") result end ## # Copy a file from Guest OS to Host OS def copy_file_from_guest_to_host(src,dest) command = 'copyFileFromGuestToHost' vm_command = "#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{@guest_password} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' \'#{src}\' \'#{dest}\'" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("Copy successful.") : log("Error! Copy failed.") result end ## # Get a list of processes running in the Guest OS def get_processes_in_guest command = 'listProcessesInGuest' processes = `#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{guest_password} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\'` processes end ## # Execute a program in the Guest OS def run_program_in_guest(program,prog_args={}) command = 'runProgramInGuest' prog_args = prog_args[:prog_args] vm_command = %Q{#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{@guest_password} #{command} '#{@datastore}' -activeWindow '#{program}' #{prog_args}} log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("Program executed successfully in guest.") : log("Error! Failed to execute program in guest.") result end ## # Kill a process with the given PID in the Guest OS def kill_process_in_guest(pid) command = 'killProcessInGuest' vm_command = "#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{guest_password} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' #{pid}" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("Program executed successfully in guest.") : log("Error! Failed to execute program in guest.") result end ## # Remove Directory form the Guest OS def capture_screen(output_file) command = 'captureScreen' vm_command = "#{@base_command} -gu #{@guest_user} -gp #{@guest_password} #{command} \'#{@datastore}\' \'#{output_file}\'" log vm_command result = system(vm_command) result ? log("File deleted successfully.") : log("Error! Failed to delete file.") result end end