== 1.3.4 * updated documentation and cleaned it up (mokolabs) * added support for custom class, id and alt tags when using the image_tag format (i.e Gchart.line(:data => [0, 26], :format => 'image_tag')) (mokolabs) == 1.3.2 - 1.3.3 * changes required by github == 1.3.1 * added width and spacing options == 1.3.0 * added support for google-o-meter * fixed a bug when the max value of a data set was 0 == 1.2.0 * added support for sparklines == 1.1.0 * fixed another bug fix related to the uri escaping required to download the file properly. == 1.0.0 * fixed the (URI::InvalidURIError) issue == 0.2.0 * added export options (file and image tag) * added support for all arguments to be passed as a string or an array == 0.1.0 2007-12-11 * fixed the axis labels == 0.0.3 2007-12-11 * added :chart_background alias and fixed a bug related to the background colors. == 0.0.2 2007-12-11 * added support for more features and aliases == 0.0.1 2007-12-08 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release