module DataMiner class Configuration attr_accessor :steps, :klass, :counter, :attributes, :awaiting def initialize(klass) @steps = [] @klass = klass @counter = 0 @attributes = end %w(import associate derive await).each do |method| eval <<-EOS def #{method}(*args, &block) self.counter += 1 if block_given? # FORM C step_options = args[0] || {} set_awaiting!(step_options) self.steps << Step::#{method.camelcase}.new(self, counter, step_options, &block) elsif args[0].is_a?(Hash) # FORM A step_options = args[0] set_awaiting!(step_options) self.steps << Step::#{method.camelcase}.new(self, counter, step_options) else # FORM B attr_name = args[0] attr_options = args[1] || {} step_options = {} set_awaiting!(step_options) self.steps << Step::#{method.camelcase}.new(self, counter, step_options) do |attr| attr.affect attr_name, attr_options end end end EOS end def set_awaiting!(step_options) step_options.merge!(:awaiting => awaiting) if !awaiting.nil? end def awaiting!(step) self.awaiting = step end def stop_awaiting! self.awaiting = nil end # Mine data for this class. def mine(options = {}) steps.each { |step| step.perform options } end cattr_accessor :classes self.classes = [] class << self # Mine data. Defaults to all classes touched by DataMiner. # # Options # * :class_names: provide an array class names to mine def mine(options = {}) classes.each do |klass| if options[:class_names].blank? or options[:class_names].include?( klass.data_mine.mine options end end end # Queue up all the ActiveRecord classes that DataMiner should touch. # # Generally done in config/initializers/data_miner_config.rb. def enqueue(&block) yield self.classes end end end end