# encoding: utf-8 Refinery::Images.configure do |config| # Configures the maximum allowed upload size (in bytes) for an image # config.max_image_size = <%= Refinery::Images.max_image_size.inspect %> # Configure how many images per page should be displayed when a dialog is presented that contains images # config.pages_per_dialog = <%= Refinery::Images.pages_per_dialog.inspect %> # Configure how many images per page should be displayed when a dialog is presented that # contains images and image resize options # config.pages_per_dialog_that_have_size_options = <%= Refinery::Images.pages_per_dialog_that_have_size_options.inspect %> # Configure how many images per page should be displayed in the list of images in the admin area # config.pages_per_admin_index = <%= Refinery::Images.pages_per_admin_index.inspect %> # Configure image sizes # config.user_image_sizes = <%= Refinery::Images.user_image_sizes.inspect %> # Configure white-listed mime types for validation # config.whitelisted_mime_types = <%= Refinery::Images.whitelisted_mime_types.inspect %> # Configure image view options # config.image_views = <%= Refinery::Images.image_views.inspect %> # Configure default image view # config.preferred_image_view = <%= Refinery::Images.preferred_image_view.inspect %> # Configure S3 (you can also use ENV for this) # The s3_backend setting by default defers to the core setting for this but can be set just for images. # config.s3_backend = Refinery::Core.s3_backend # config.s3_bucket_name = ENV['S3_BUCKET'] # config.s3_access_key_id = ENV['S3_KEY'] # config.s3_secret_access_key = ENV['S3_SECRET'] # config.s3_region = ENV['S3_REGION'] # Configure Dragonfly # This is where in the middleware stack to insert the Dragonfly middleware # config.dragonfly_insert_before = <%= Refinery::Images.dragonfly_insert_before.inspect %> # config.dragonfly_secret = <%= Refinery::Images.dragonfly_secret.inspect %> # If you decide to trust file extensions replace :ext below with :format # config.dragonfly_url_format = <%= Refinery::Images.dragonfly_url_format.inspect %> # config.dragonfly_url_host = <%= Refinery::Images.dragonfly_url_host.inspect %> # config.datastore_root_path = <%= Refinery::Images.datastore_root_path.inspect %> # config.trust_file_extensions = <%= Refinery::Images.trust_file_extensions.inspect %> # Configure Dragonfly custom storage backend # The custom_backend setting by default defers to the core setting for this but can be set just for images. # config.custom_backend_class = <%= Refinery::Images.custom_backend_class.inspect %> # config.custom_backend_opts = <%= Refinery::Images.custom_backend_opts.inspect %> end