(function($) { with(QUnit) { var test_app = new Sammy.Application(function() { this.silence_404 = true; this.element_selector = '#main'; }); var test_context = new Sammy.EventContext(test_app, 'get', '#/test/:test', {test: 'hooray'}); context('Sammy', 'EventContext','init', { before: function() { this.app = test_app; this.context = test_context; } }) .should('set app', function() { deepEqual(this.context.app, this.app); }) .should('set verb', function() { equal(this.context.verb, 'get'); }) .should('set path', function() { equal(this.context.path, '#/test/:test'); }) .should('set params', function() { deepEqual(this.context.params, new Sammy.Object({test: 'hooray'})); }); context('Sammy', 'EventContext', 'redirect', { before: function() { this.app = test_app; this.context = test_context; }, after: function() { window.location.hash = '#'; } }) .should('set full location if url is provided', function() { this.context.redirect('index.html#/boosh'); equal('#/boosh', window.location.hash); }) .should('only set hash if location is prefixed with #', function() { this.context.redirect('#/blah'); equal('#/blah', window.location.hash); }) .should('join the arguments with / if more then one argument is provided', function() { var boosh = 'boosh'; this.context.redirect('#', 'blah', boosh); equal('#/blah/boosh', window.location.hash); }); context('Sammy', 'EventContext', 'notFound', { before: function() { this.context = test_context; } }) .should('throw 404 error', function() { var context = this.context; raised(/404/, function() { context.notFound(); }); }); context('Sammy', 'EventContext', 'partial', { before: function() { this.app = test_app; this.context = test_context; } }) .should('pass contents to callback', function() { var contents = ''; this.context.partial('fixtures/partial.html', function(data) { contents = data; }); soon(function () { equal(contents, '
'); }, this, 2); }) .should('not run through template() if Sammy.Template is not present', function() { var contents = ''; this.context.partial('fixtures/partial.template', {name: 'TEMPLATE!', class_name: 'test_template'}, function(data) { contents = data; }); soon(function () { equal(contents, '
<%= name %>
'); }, this, 2); }) .should('run through template() if Sammy.Template _is_ present', function() { var contents = ''; var app = new Sammy.Application(function() { this.element_selector = '#main'; }); app.use(Sammy.Template); this.context = new app.context_prototype(app); this.context.partial('fixtures/partial.template', {name: 'TEMPLATE!', class_name: 'test_template'}, function(data) { contents = data; }); soon(function () { equal(contents, '
'); }, this, 2); }) .should('itterate over data if data is an array', function() { var contents = '', app = new Sammy.Application(function() { this.element_selector = '#main'; }), data = [{name: 'one', class_name: 'it-1'}, {name: 'two', class_name: 'it-2'}], expected = '
'; app.use(Sammy.Template); this.context = new app.context_prototype(app); this.context.partial('fixtures/partial.template', data); this.context.partial('fixtures/partial.template', data, function(html) { contents += html; }); soon(function () { equal($('#main').html(), expected); equal(contents, expected); }, this, 2, 2); }) .should('cache template if cache() is present', function(){ var contents = ''; var app = new Sammy.Application(function() { this.element_selector = '#main'; }); app.use(Sammy.Template); app.use(Sammy.Cache); app.clearCache(); this.context = new app.context_prototype(app); this.context.partial('fixtures/partial.html', function(data) { contents = data; }); soon(function () { equal(contents, '
'); equal(app.cache('partial:fixtures/partial.html'), '
'); this.context.partial('fixtures/partial.html', function(data) { contents = data; }); equal(contents, '
'); }, this, 1, 3); }) .should('not cache template if cache is present and cache_partials: false', function() { var contents = ''; var app = new Sammy.Application(function() { this.element_selector = '#main'; }); app.use(Sammy.Template); app.use(Sammy.Cache); app.clearCache(); app.cache_partials = false; this.context = new app.context_prototype(app); this.context.partial('fixtures/partial.html', function(data) { contents = data; }); soon(function () { equal(contents, '
'); ok(!app.cache('partial:fixtures/partial.html')); }, this, 1, 2); }) .should('replace default app element if no callback is passed', function() { var contents = ''; var app = new Sammy.Application(function() { this.element_selector = '#main'; }); app.use(Sammy.Template); this.context = new app.context_prototype(app); this.context.partial('fixtures/partial.template', {name: 'TEMPLATE!', class_name: 'test_template'}); soon(function () { equal(app.$element().text(), 'TEMPLATE!'); equal(app.$element().children('.test_template').length, 1); }, this, 2, 2); }) .should('trigger changed after the partial callback', function() { var changed = false; test_app.bind('changed', function() { changed = true; }); test_app.run(); this.context.partial('fixtures/partial.html', function(data) { changed = false; }); soon(function() { ok(changed); test_app.unload(); }); }) .should('use default engine if provided and template doesnt match an engine', function() { var contents = ''; var app = new Sammy.Application(function() { this.element_selector = '#main'; this.template_engine = 'template'; this.helper('template', function(template, data) { return "!!!" + template.toString() + "!!!"; }); }); this.context = new app.context_prototype(app); this.context.partial('fixtures/partial'); soon(function () { equal(app.$element().text(), '!!!NOENGINE!!!'); }); }) .should('use default engine as a method if template doesnt match an engine', function() { var contents = ''; var app = new Sammy.Application(function() { this.element_selector = '#main'; this.template_engine = function(template, data) { return "!!!" + template.toString() + "!!!"; }; }); this.context = new app.context_prototype(app); this.context.partial('fixtures/partial.noengine'); soon(function () { equal(app.$element().text(), '!!!NOENGINE!!!'); }); }); context('Sammy', 'EventContext', 'trigger', { before: function() { this.context = test_context; test_app.run(); }, after: function() { test_app.unload(); } }) .should('trigger custom event on application', function() { var spec_context = this; spec_context.event_fired = false; test_app.bind('custom', function() { spec_context.event_fired = true; }); this.context.trigger('custom'); soon(function() { equal(spec_context.event_fired, true); }); }) .should('set the context of the event to the Sammy.EventContext', function() { var spec_context = this; var event_context = null; test_app.bind('other.custom', function() { event_context = this; }); this.context.trigger('other.custom'); soon(function() { equal(event_context.toString(), test_context.toString()); }); }) .should('pass data as an argument to the bound method', function() { var passed_data = null; var test_data = {boosh: 'blurgh'}; test_app.bind('custom-with-data', function(e, data) { passed_data = data; }); this.context.trigger('custom-with-data', test_data); soon(function() { deepEqual(passed_data, test_data); }); }); }; })(jQuery);