# encoding: UTF-8 # # Copyright (c) 2010-2017 GoodData Corporation. All rights reserved. # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. require_relative 'base_action' module GoodData module LCM2 class SynchronizeSchedules < BaseAction DESCRIPTION = 'Synchronize ETL (CC/Ruby) Processes Schedules' PARAMS = define_params(self) do description 'Client Used for Connecting to GD' param :gdc_gd_client, instance_of(Type::GdClientType), required: true description 'Client used to connecting to development domain' param :development_client, instance_of(Type::GdClientType), required: true description 'Synchronization Info' param :synchronize, array_of(instance_of(Type::SynchronizationInfoType)), required: true, generated: true description 'Schedule Additional Parameters' param :additional_params, instance_of(Type::HashType), required: false, deprecated: true, replacement: :schedule_additional_params description 'Schedule Additional Secure Parameters' param :additional_hidden_params, instance_of(Type::HashType), required: false, deprecated: true, replacement: :schedule_additional_hidden_params description 'Schedule Additional Parameters' param :schedule_additional_params, instance_of(Type::HashType), required: false description 'Schedule Additional Secure Parameters' param :schedule_additional_hidden_params, instance_of(Type::HashType), required: false description 'Logger' param :gdc_logger, instance_of(Type::GdLogger), required: true end RESULT_HEADER = [ :from, :to, :process_name, :schedule_name, :type, :state ] class << self def call(params) results = [] client = params.gdc_gd_client development_client = params.development_client schedule_additional_params = params.schedule_additional_params || params.additional_params schedule_additional_hidden_params = params.schedule_additional_hidden_params || params.additional_hidden_params params.synchronize.peach do |info| from_project = info.from to_projects = info.to from = development_client.projects(from_project) || fail("Invalid 'from' project specified - '#{from_project}'") to_projects.peach do |entry| pid = entry[:pid] to_project = client.projects(pid) || fail("Invalid 'to' project specified - '#{pid}'") params.gdc_logger.info "Transferring Schedules, from project: '#{from.title}', PID: '#{from.pid}', to project: '#{to_project.title}', PID: '#{to_project.pid}'" res = GoodData::Project.transfer_schedules(from, to_project).sort_by do |item| item[:status] end results += res.map do |item| schedule = item[:schedule] # TODO: Review this and remove if not required or duplicate (GOODOT_CUSTOM_PROJECT_ID vs CLIENT_ID) # s.update_params('GOODOT_CUSTOM_PROJECT_ID' => c.id) # s.update_params('CLIENT_ID' => c.id) # s.update_params('SEGMENT_ID' => segment.id) schedule.update_params(schedule_additional_params || {}) schedule.update_hidden_params(schedule_additional_hidden_params || {}) schedule.disable schedule.save { from: from.pid, to: to_project.pid, process_name: item[:process].name, schedule_name: schedule.name, type: item[:process].type, state: item[:state] } end end end # Return results results end end end end end