# # Cookbook Name:: yum # Provider:: repository # # Author:: Sean OMeara # Copyright 2013, Chef # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # In Chef 11 and above, calling the use_inline_resources method will # make Chef create a new "run_context". When an action is called, any # nested resources are compiled and converged in isolation from the # recipe that calls it. # Allow for Chef 10 support use_inline_resources if defined?(use_inline_resources) def whyrun_supported? true end action :create do # Hack around the lack of "use_inline_resources" before Chef 11 by # uniquely naming the execute[yum-makecache] resources. Set the # notifies timing to :immediately for the same reasons. Remove both # of these when dropping Chef 10 support. template "/etc/yum.repos.d/#{new_resource.repositoryid}.repo" do if new_resource.source.nil? source 'repo.erb' cookbook 'yum' else source new_resource.source end mode new_resource.mode variables(config: new_resource) if new_resource.make_cache notifies :run, "execute[yum clean headers #{new_resource.repositoryid}]", :immediately if new_resource.clean_headers notifies :run, "execute[yum-makecache-#{new_resource.repositoryid}]", :immediately notifies :create, "ruby_block[yum-cache-reload-#{new_resource.repositoryid}]", :immediately end end execute "yum clean headers #{new_resource.repositoryid}" do command "yum clean headers --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=#{new_resource.repositoryid}" action :nothing end # get the metadata for this repo only execute "yum-makecache-#{new_resource.repositoryid}" do command "yum -q -y makecache --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=#{new_resource.repositoryid}" action :nothing only_if { new_resource.enabled } end # reload internal Chef yum cache ruby_block "yum-cache-reload-#{new_resource.repositoryid}" do block { Chef::Provider::Package::Yum::YumCache.instance.reload } action :nothing end end action :delete do file "/etc/yum.repos.d/#{new_resource.repositoryid}.repo" do action :delete notifies :run, "execute[yum clean all #{new_resource.repositoryid}]", :immediately notifies :create, "ruby_block[yum-cache-reload-#{new_resource.repositoryid}]", :immediately end execute "yum clean all #{new_resource.repositoryid}" do command "yum clean all --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=#{new_resource.repositoryid}" only_if "yum repolist | grep -P '^#{new_resource.repositoryid}([ \t]|$)'" action :nothing end ruby_block "yum-cache-reload-#{new_resource.repositoryid}" do block { Chef::Provider::Package::Yum::YumCache.instance.reload } action :nothing end end action :makecache do execute "yum-makecache-#{new_resource.repositoryid}" do command "yum -q makecache --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=#{new_resource.repositoryid}" action :run end ruby_block "yum-cache-reload-#{new_resource.repositoryid}" do block { Chef::Provider::Package::Yum::YumCache.instance.reload } action :run end end alias_method :action_add, :action_create alias_method :action_remove, :action_delete