= neo4jr-social Neo4jr-Social is a self contained HTTP REST + JSON interface to the graph database Neo4j. Neo4jr-Social supports simple dynamic node creation, building relationships between nodes and also includes a few common social networking queries out of the box (i.e. linkedin degrees of seperation and facebook friend suggestion) with more to come. Think of Neo4jr-Social is to Neo4j like Solr is to Lucene. Neo4jr-Social was built in JRuby but is language agnostic and is designed to run as a self-contained service or can be deployed under Jetty or Tomcat. = Getting Started == Prerequisites * Java * JRuby: http://jruby.org * sudo aptitude install jruby1.2 rake rubygems === Building * install rvm (see http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/rvm/install/) Once done, use rvm to install latest jruby and required gems * rvm install jruby * rvm use --default jruby * gem install jruby-openssl * gem install rake * gem install rspec * gem install test-client * gem install rack-test * gem install json-jruby -v 1.4.1 * gem install jeweler * gem install warbler * gem install rcov Building the code and documentation * rake -T # optional, lists possible tasks * rake gemspec * rake rcov --debug * rake rdoc * rake warify * rake build Or short version (without documentation) * rake gemspec warify build === Installing Install Ruby Gem: neo4jr-social * gem install neo4jr-social == Running Neo4jr-Social After installing the above gems, an executable 'start-neo4jr-social' should be in your $PATH. This will start the service and the database and listen for HTTP requests on localhost at port 8988 by default: start-neo4jr-social -p8988 You can also start the service and specify the directory of where the neo4j database is stored or where to create a new database. If you omit this setting a database will be created in your tmp directory and destroyed when you shutdown the server. start-neo4jr-social -p8988 -dsome_relative_or_absolute_directory Run start-neo4jr-social --help to see all options == Contributors https://github.com/mdeiters https://github.com/klobuczek https://github.com/gregormelhorn https://github.com/mikkorantalainen == Copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Matthew Deiters. See LICENSE for details.