#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'chronic' require 'chronic_duration' require 'sinatra/base' require 'haml' require 'rack/fiber_pool' require 'flapjack/rack_logger' require 'flapjack/data/contact' require 'flapjack/data/entity_check' require 'flapjack/redis_pool' require 'flapjack/utility' require 'flapjack/gateways/base' module Flapjack module Gateways class Web < Sinatra::Base if defined?(FLAPJACK_ENV) && 'test'.eql?(FLAPJACK_ENV) # expose test errors properly set :raise_errors, true set :show_exceptions, false else rescue_exception = Proc.new do |env, e| if settings.show_exceptions? # ensure the sinatra error page shows properly request = Sinatra::Request.new(env) printer = Sinatra::ShowExceptions.new(proc{ raise e }) s, h, b = printer.call(env) [s, h, b] else logger.error e.message logger.error e.backtrace.join("\n") [503, {}, ""] end end # doesn't work with Rack::Test unless we wrap tests in EM.synchrony blocks use Rack::FiberPool, :size => 25, :rescue_exception => rescue_exception end use Rack::MethodOverride class << self include Flapjack::Gateways::Thin attr_accessor :redis alias_method :thin_bootstrap, :bootstrap alias_method :thin_cleanup, :cleanup def bootstrap(opts = {}) thin_bootstrap(opts) @redis = Flapjack::RedisPool.new(:config => opts[:redis_config], :size => 1) if config && config['access_log'] access_logger = Flapjack::AsyncLogger.new(config['access_log']) use Flapjack::CommonLogger, access_logger end end def cleanup @redis.empty! if @redis thin_cleanup end end include Flapjack::Utility set :views, settings.root + '/web/views' def redis self.class.instance_variable_get('@redis') end def logger self.class.instance_variable_get('@logger') end get '/' do self_stats # TODO (?) recast as Entity.all do |e|; e.checks.do |ec|; ... @states = redis.keys('*:*:states').map { |r| parts = r.split(':')[0..1] [parts[0], parts[1]] + entity_check_state(parts[0], parts[1]) }.compact.sort_by {|parts| parts } haml :index end get '/failing' do self_stats @states = redis.zrange('failed_checks', 0, -1).map {|key| parts = key.split(':') [parts[0], parts[1]] + entity_check_state(parts[0], parts[1]) }.compact.sort_by {|parts| parts} haml :index end get '/self_stats' do self_stats haml :self_stats end get '/check' do @entity = params[:entity] @check = params[:check] entity_check = get_entity_check(@entity, @check) return 404 if entity_check.nil? last_change = entity_check.last_change @check_state = entity_check.state @check_last_update = entity_check.last_update @check_last_change = last_change @check_summary = entity_check.summary @last_notifications = entity_check.last_notifications_of_each_type @scheduled_maintenances = entity_check.maintenances(nil, nil, :scheduled => true) @acknowledgement_id = entity_check.failed? ? entity_check.event_count_at(entity_check.last_change) : nil @current_scheduled_maintenance = entity_check.current_maintenance(:scheduled => true) @current_unscheduled_maintenance = entity_check.current_maintenance(:scheduled => false) @contacts = entity_check.contacts haml :check end post '/acknowledgements/:entity/:check' do @entity = params[:entity] @check = params[:check] @summary = params[:summary] @acknowledgement_id = params[:acknowledgement_id] dur = ChronicDuration.parse(params[:duration] || '') @duration = (dur.nil? || (dur <= 0)) ? (4 * 60 * 60) : dur entity_check = get_entity_check(@entity, @check) return 404 if entity_check.nil? ack = entity_check.create_acknowledgement('summary' => (@summary || ''), 'acknowledgement_id' => @acknowledgement_id, 'duration' => @duration) redirect back end # FIXME: there is bound to be a more idiomatic / restful way of doing this # (probably using 'delete' or 'patch') post '/end_unscheduled_maintenance/:entity/:check' do @entity = params[:entity] @check = params[:check] entity_check = get_entity_check(@entity, @check) return 404 if entity_check.nil? entity_check.end_unscheduled_maintenance redirect back end # create scheduled maintenance post '/scheduled_maintenances/:entity/:check' do start_time = Chronic.parse(params[:start_time]).to_i raise ArgumentError, "start time parsed to zero" unless start_time > 0 duration = ChronicDuration.parse(params[:duration]) summary = params[:summary] entity_check = get_entity_check(params[:entity], params[:check]) return 404 if entity_check.nil? entity_check.create_scheduled_maintenance(:start_time => start_time, :duration => duration, :summary => summary) redirect back end # modify scheduled maintenance patch '/scheduled_maintenances/:entity/:check' do entity_check = get_entity_check(params[:entity], params[:check]) return 404 if entity_check.nil? end_time = Chronic.parse(params[:end_time]).to_i start_time = params[:start_time].to_i raise ArgumentError, "start time parsed to zero" unless start_time > 0 patches = {} patches[:end_time] = end_time if end_time && (end_time > start_time) raise ArgumentError.new("no valid data received to patch with") if patches.empty? entity_check.update_scheduled_maintenance(start_time, patches) redirect back end # delete a scheduled maintenance delete '/scheduled_maintenances/:entity/:check' do entity_check = get_entity_check(params[:entity], params[:check]) return 404 if entity_check.nil? entity_check.delete_scheduled_maintenance(:start_time => params[:start_time].to_i) redirect back end get '/contacts' do @contacts = Flapjack::Data::Contact.all(:redis => redis) haml :contacts end get "/contacts/:contact" do contact_id = params[:contact] if contact_id @contact = Flapjack::Data::Contact.find_by_id(contact_id, :redis => redis) end unless @contact status 404 return end if @contact.media.has_key?('pagerduty') @pagerduty_credentials = @contact.pagerduty_credentials end @entities_and_checks = @contact.entities_and_checks.sort_by {|ec| ec[:entity].name } haml :contact end private def get_entity_check(entity, check) entity_obj = (entity && entity.length > 0) ? Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_by_name(entity, :redis => redis) : nil return if entity_obj.nil? || (check.nil? || check.length == 0) Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity(entity_obj, check, :redis => redis) end def entity_check_state(entity_name, check) entity = Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_by_name(entity_name, :redis => redis) return if entity.nil? entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_entity(entity, check, :redis => redis) latest_notif = {:problem => entity_check.last_problem_notification, :recovery => entity_check.last_recovery_notification, :acknowledgement => entity_check.last_acknowledgement_notification }.max_by {|n| n[1] || 0} [(entity_check.state || '-'), (entity_check.last_change || '-'), (entity_check.last_update || '-'), entity_check.in_unscheduled_maintenance?, entity_check.in_scheduled_maintenance?, latest_notif[0], latest_notif[1] ] end def self_stats @fqdn = `/bin/hostname -f`.chomp @pid = Process.pid @instance_id = "#{@fqdn}:#{@pid}" @keys = redis.keys '*' @count_failing_checks = redis.zcard 'failed_checks' @count_all_checks = redis.keys('check:*:*').length @executive_instances = redis.zrange('executive_instances', '0', '-1', :withscores => true) @event_counters = redis.hgetall('event_counters') @event_counters_instance = redis.hgetall("event_counters:#{@instance_id}") @boot_time = Time.at(redis.zscore('executive_instances', @instance_id).to_i) @uptime = Time.now.to_i - @boot_time.to_i @uptime_string = time_period_in_words(@uptime) @event_rate_all = (@uptime > 0) ? (@event_counters_instance['all'].to_f / @uptime) : 0 @events_queued = redis.llen('events') end end end end