# encoding: UTF-8 # Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 require 'spec_helper' describe TwitterCldr::Localized::LocalizedArray do describe '#code_points_to_string' do it 'transforms an array of code points into a string' do expect([0x74, 0x77, 0x69, 0x74, 0x74, 0x65, 0x72].localize.code_points_to_string).to eq('twitter') end end describe 'strings sorting' do let(:locale) { :da } let(:array) { %w[bca aaa abc] } let(:sorted) { %w[aaa abc bca] } let(:localized) { array.localize(locale) } before(:each) do expect(TwitterCldr::Collation::Collator).to( receive(:new).with(locale).and_return(FakeCollator.new) ) end describe '#sort' do it 'returns a new LocalizedArray' do expect(localized.sort).to be_instance_of(TwitterCldr::Localized::LocalizedArray) end it 'does not change the original array' do expect { localized.sort }.not_to change { localized.base_obj } end it 'sorts strings in the array with corresponding collator' do expect(localized.sort.base_obj).to eq(sorted) end end describe '#sort!' do it 'returns self' do expect(localized.sort!.object_id).to eq(localized.object_id) end it 'sorts the array in-place' do expect(localized.sort!.base_obj).to eq(sorted) end end end describe "#each" do it "should iterate over the items in the array and yield each one" do arr = [1, 2, 3] index = 0 arr.localize.each do |item| expect(arr[index]).to eq(item) index += 1 end end it "should support a few of the other methods in Enumerable" do expect([1, 2, 3].localize.inject(0) { |sum, num| sum += num; sum }).to eq(6) expect([1, 2, 3].localize.map { |item| item + 1 }).to eq([2, 3, 4]) end end describe "#to_yaml" do it "should be able to successfully roundtrip the array" do arr = [:foo, "bar", Object.new] result = TwitterCldr::Resources::Loader.load_yaml( arr.localize.to_yaml, permitted_classes: [Object, Symbol] ) expect(result[0]).to eq(:foo) expect(result[1]).to eq("bar") expect(result[2]).to be_a(Object) end end end class FakeCollator def sort(array) array.sort end def sort!(array) array.sort! end end