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EstringioEEEsingleton class Edump Egenerate_optionsyzE initializeErescue in initializeEformatted_version E_E define_paramsE version: EEheaderE# This file is auto-generated from the current state of the database. Instead # of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to # incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition. # # Note that this schema.rb definition is the authoritative source for your # database schema. If you need to create the application database on another # system, you should be using db:schema:load, not running all the migrations # from scratch. The latter is a flawed and unsustainable approach (the more migrations # you'll amass, the slower it'll run and the greater likelihood for issues). # # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system. ActiveRecord::Schema.define(E) do #EtrailerEend&E extensions(EtablesEblock in tables+EtableE create_table E , id: falseEidE, primary_key: Eblock in tableE, E, force: :cascade do |t|EUnknown type 'E' for column 'E'E t.E E endErescue in tableE# Could not dump table E because of following E# >EindexesEblock in indexesE add_index E CEindexes_in_createEblock in indexes_in_createE t.index GE index_partsEname: E unique: trueElength: Eorder: E opclass: Ewhere: Eusing: Etype: E comment: RE foreign_keysEblock in foreign_keysEadd_foreign_key Ecolumn: E primary_key: E on_update: E on_delete: E \Eformat_colspecEblock in format_colspecE: `Eformat_optionsEblock in format_optionscEformat_index_partsE{ E }gEremove_prefix_and_suffixE\AE(.+)E\zE\1mEignored?Eblock in ignored?E ActiveRecordE SchemaDumperEsingletonclassEBaseESTDOUTE connectionEstreamEconfigEcreate_schema_dumperEtable_name_prefixEtable_name_suffixEcore#define_methodEprivateE @connectionE@versionE@optionsEoptionsE#$!Emigration_contextEcurrent_versionE stringifiedEto_sElengthE==EinsertEputsE table_nameEtblE sorted_tablesEsortEeachEsupports_foreign_keys?EStringIOEStringEArrayEcEnameE StandardErrorEcolumnEtypeEcolspecE valid_type?Esql_typeEraiseE column_specEinspectEprintEpresent?EcolumnsEpkEpkcolE pkcolspecE table_optionsEeEclassEmessageEnewE primary_keyEdetectEcolumn_spec_for_primary_keyErewindEreadEindexE+EjoinEadd_index_statementsEany?EmapEindex_statementsEuniqueE<ZsƢ,Ijʣ2Ld}Ҥ%?Up0Oh̦ <Yϧ6Lf}ߨ0Ks۩