module Dpl module Providers class Engineyard < Provider register :engineyard status :alpha description sq(<<-str) tbd str gem 'ey-core', '~> 3.5' required :api_key, [:email, :password] env :engineyard, :ey opt '--api_key KEY', 'Engine Yard API key', secret: true, note: 'can be obtained at' opt '--email EMAIL', 'Engine Yard account email' opt '--password PASS', 'Engine Yard password', secret: true opt '--app APP', 'Engine Yard application name', default: :repo_name opt '--env ENV', 'Engine Yard application environment', alias: :environment opt '--migrate CMD', 'Engine Yard migration commands' opt '--account NAME', 'Engine Yard account name' msgs deploy: 'Deploying ...', login: 'Authenticating via email and password ...', write_rc: 'Authenticating via api token ...', authenticated: 'Authenticated as %{name}', invalid_migrate: 'Invalid migration command, try --migrate="rake db:migrate"', envs: 'Checking environment ...', no_env: 'No matching environment found', too_many_envs: 'Multiple environments match, please be more specific: %s', env_entry: 'environment=%s account=%s' cmds login: "ey-core login << str\n%{email}\n%{password}\nstr", whoami: 'ey-core whoami', envs: 'ey-core environments', deploy: 'ey-core deploy %{deploy_opts}' def login api_key? ? write_rc : authenticate info :authenticated, name: whoami end def validate error :invalid_migrate if invalid_migrate? env end def deploy shell :deploy end private def authenticate shell :login, echo: false, capture: true end def whoami shell(:whoami, echo: false, capture: true) =~ /email\s*:\s*"(.+)"/ && $1 end def write_rc info :write_rc write_file '~/.ey-core', " #{api_key}" end def invalid_migrate? migrate.is_a?(TrueClass) || migrate == 'true' end def deploy_opts opts = [%(--ref="#{git_sha}" --environment="#{env}")] opts << opts_for(%i(app account)) opts << migrate_opt opts.join(' ') end def migrate_opt migrate? ? opts_for(%i(migrate)) : '--no-migrate' end def env @env ||= super || detect_env(envs) end def detect_env(envs) case envs.size when 1 then envs.first[:name] when 0 then error :no_env else too_many_envs(envs) end end def envs lines = shell(:envs, echo: false, capture: true).split("\n")[2..-1] || [] envs = { |line| line.split('|')[1..-1].map(&:strip) } envs = { |pair| %i(name account).zip(pair).to_h } { |env| env[:name] == opts[:env] } if env? envs end def too_many_envs(envs) envs = { |env| msg(:env_entry) % env.values_at(:name, :account) } error msg(:too_many_envs) % envs.join(', ') end end end end